Great tutorial, thanks a lot, sir
Ответитьعجيب عجيب عجيب
ОтветитьWhy this long method?? When we can easily trace or draw with the help of pen tool... don't get me wrong 😅 just want to know the logic behind this long process 🙂
ОтветитьJust 1 word Awesome, I serached whole internet to find the way but there is nothing like this video who tell in simple and profesional way
Gracias !
thank you brother your video is helpful for us
ОтветитьWhat's your canvas size?
Ответитьمرحبًا، لقد كنت أشاهد مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك وتركت إعجابًا، عن جدارة! يجب أن تحتوي قناة مثل Shu على عدد كبير من المشتركين بالفعل! بسبب المحتوى!!
Ответитьmrhban, laqad kunt 'ushahid maqatie alfidyu alkhasat bik watarakat 'iejaban, ean jadaratin! yajib 'an tahtawi qanat mithl Shu ealaa eadad kabir min almushtarikin bialfiela! bisabab almuhtawaa!!
ОтветитьHow to make a paper cup cover in Photoshop
Ответитьthis was the most helpful video ever, thank you, very well explained also
ОтветитьYou are a life saver <3 thank you so much for sharing this
Ответитьi think u just saved my life! Thanks man
ОтветитьI cannot work out an 'Anchor' degree as my Illustrator differs from yours. :( I could not work out how it appeared.
ОтветитьThank you so much sir
ОтветитьHi there, thanks so much for the video! When I try and print it out the dimensions seem to be all wrong, is there a way to fix that?
ОтветитьThis was really helpful thank you so much and it was much easier to find. I once saw your old channel hybrid software am I correct?
Ответитьgreat! more than anything I can expect
ОтветитьYou know Sir with your tutorial you help me so a lot.Thank you very much for sharing this.I have a question. After placing design on this maket on what size artboard must be?or maybe no matter the size??
ОтветитьOMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This helps me a lot. i will not skip the ads
ОтветитьI love this. but I have a question. In case I've already designed a label in Photoshop, can I import it into illustrator and warp?. will it work?
ОтветитьYou explained a complex design in a very simple way to understand. You are genius. Thanks for making this video.
Ответитьهذا المطلوب الف شكر
هل هذا الفيديو مشروح بالغربي
Superb tutorial, explained clearly and professionally, so thanks!
One part that nearly caused me problems was the angle along the edge, as mine was showing as 77.7 (which I thought couldn't be correct) - but the angle that I needed was the difference (12.3). Just in case anyone else hits this problem!
Thank you so much, your video was very helpful to me!!
ОтветитьThank you very much. i is great video
Ответитьthank you so much sir i appreciate you i searched more time but i cant understand the whole cup die but randomly i see your video and i totally understand the whole cup die thank you so much again....
Ответитьamazing! thank you so much! i really need this for my work ^^
ОтветитьIt is not working :(
Ответитьفية مشكلة مقاس الزاوية في الدقيقة4 ما يطلع نفس مقاسك يعطني 68.51 ايش الحل لها ؟
Ответитьشكرا الك فيديو كلش مفيد
ОтветитьThank you so much for this tutorial!!! Extremely helpful
ОтветитьI've already tried to find the angle of the circular sector using plane geometry, but calculating radians and angles is not for me. Thanks friend and sorry for the translation.
ОтветитьI would like to know how to say "thank you very much" in all languages to try to express all my gratitude for your attention and teaching in this wonderful tutorial!
Ответитьthank you sir....amazing part form learning, thank you very much
ОтветитьNIce and helpful video. Is it possible to show me how to add some coffee(only a little portion on top of the cup inside is visible) in a solid(not transparent) coffee mug picture? Thanks
ОтветитьThanks a lot!
ОтветитьThanks A Lot This Helped me a lot
ОтветитьYou 've got the difficult ability to have low and stable voice and direct and compact way to transfer from your brain to the tongue all the necessary information for this construction. Thank you
ОтветитьWill these same principles work for middle eastern plastic yoghurt containers? The ones with a lid and a handle? They also curve at the bottom
Ответитьsuch a genius.. thank you so much
ОтветитьYou're a great instructor, and this is a testimony from a fellow instructor, keep creating!
Ответитьthank you sir , most helpful video ever
Ответитьانت بالنسبة لي مثل المخدرات لو ماشاهدتك اجن احسنت صنعا
Ответитьif i may ask the two circles you were using to check if the dieline is part or forms a circle, what are the diameters