Kelly Ripa 1st Co-Host Tryout Episode With Regis - Live With Regis - November 1, 2000

Kelly Ripa 1st Co-Host Tryout Episode With Regis - Live With Regis - November 1, 2000

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@ChrisJDK - 08.07.2023 06:24

Do you have the Episode from Dec 6, 2000 with Jennie Garth as a guest ?

@richardcappuccio8561 - 08.07.2023 15:32

Enjoyed this video of Kelly Ripa 's 1st Appearance as GuestCo- Host.
By chance do you have the February 5, 2001 complete video of when Kelly was announced as the New Co-Host to post.
I would like to watch if available. Thanks

@carrieheffernan1685 - 21.07.2023 03:23

It's too bad Kelly is so shy and lacks confidence.

@1Cheytown - 22.07.2023 05:47

And it was here we learned Lola Grace Consuelous was heading into the world.

@Marie-zc4dm - 22.07.2023 15:59

They were a good match.

@jerseypete6674 - 26.07.2023 13:46

It's a shame the show is unwatchable today.

@miketalas7998 - 12.08.2023 06:17

Well that was Fun!!! I can believe time has passed so quickly, because my daughter was 4 yrs old when this show was aired. I was a Cross Country Trucker!!! Now I am retired and barely able to walk. But still Gratefull for every day!!! TODAY ~ **8/11/23**

@sunflowers-n6s - 13.09.2023 23:32

She waited until Regis died to write about how mean he was to her! 😮

@MrDuds1984 - 14.09.2023 00:34

She was hot, was

@misshair - 14.09.2023 20:54

I haven’t watched this show in years. But looking back now, Kelly seems very self-centered, very self-absorbed.

@lincolnsbrilliantabilities7923 - 18.09.2023 17:36

So weird to go back in time to see how actually unaware they all are. Life's so different now 20 +years later

@JesusismyRock773 - 21.09.2023 18:01

All psychs are fake and phonies. Pure and simple. And a woman can usually tell when another woman is pregnant because the pregnant lady gives off an aura that men can't see. Don't believe anything these fake people say.

@ConnorMiller417 - 04.10.2023 06:03

Looking back at this is crazy. I was only a baby when this happened. Before smartphones, social media, and all this advanced technology. Regis and Kelly were the perfect match. I miss those days! ❤

@andrew_asmr309 - 30.12.2023 10:01

Anyone knows what happened to Reny?

@NuraCaicedo-xh2ok - 28.02.2024 02:24

It's crazy to say this is 24 years ago and she still looks the same wow❤

@SammieWork-e7v - 05.03.2024 05:39

People still watch it because if they didn't watch it. They will lose its ratings.

@stevencollins1643 - 06.03.2024 12:03

That was a slam-dunk! What a natural...

@tlcp53b49 - 20.03.2024 04:30

This might be the greatest moment in the history of morning television

@kimberlylunce4548 - 11.04.2024 16:41

if this is her interview it’s bad !

@cesarjom - 12.04.2024 10:15

That psychic is such a complete fake. Very deceptive in her ways but fooling no one! And I too met someone once with a "J" in their name.

@stevenholquin2127 - 04.06.2024 18:57

Steve Allen Was Booked at
The Alex Theatre in Glendale
He Drove Himself To The Theatre Did His Show and Drove Home When He Got Into a Car Accident Well Steve Allan Bumped His Head Yet He Thought Nothing of It Well He Didn’t Want To Go To The Hospital
So He Went Home And Said Good Night 💤 And Didn’t Wake Up
It Was That Bump On The Head That Caused His Death 💀 Due To Swelling of His Brain 🧠 Side Note:
There is a Bronze Plaque at
The Alex Theatre On Stage Right That States This is The Last Place Steve Allen Preformed at
with The Date

@JChow-e1c - 10.06.2024 00:27

Kelly looked good with the dark hair.

@kimbeard756 - 20.06.2024 20:04

I remember watching this!!!!

@opalstone1852 - 28.06.2024 18:57

I wish she would go back to talking normal and natural like she does here. Today, it's painful to listen to her because she drags out her stories and over articulates. On the other hand, Mark is great to listen to. He's engaging and a great conversationalist.

@THISIZME3 - 10.07.2024 02:57

I wonder what ever came of the tall football player. Does anyone know? Side note, could you imagine watching that segment today? Wow youre an oversized teenager! "If you lose weight you'll run faster." Cringe.

@THISIZME3 - 10.07.2024 03:03

That psychic reading was a set up to announce her pregnancy.

@baboo7192 - 19.07.2024 04:39

Kelly, no wonder why she got this gig!!!❤❤❤

@lynnlobliner3933 - 04.08.2024 19:05

I just heard that the reason Steve Allen died was that he was pulling out of his driveway (on his way to his kids) when someone hit him. He got out and talked to the man and went on to his son's. Turns out (from autopsy) that he had a bunch of ribs broken in the accident and a rib bone pierced his heart).

@AngelasJoys - 07.08.2024 01:26

Regis was such a gentleman.

@RobertsonMilkshakes - 30.08.2024 02:45

I was a couch potato 😢in the years 2000 and so...yes I watched morning tv every day

@smokey0765 - 07.09.2024 15:18

Kelly push the great Regis philbin out & Kelly terrible since then

@johnegan5967 - 16.09.2024 01:14

My mother adored Regis Philbin. The day he passed away, she freaked out via text. I can see why. A very charismatic guy. RIP!

@geraldvaughn8403 - 29.09.2024 04:00

I like Kelly but some of the things she says to Mark aren’t acceptable at work.

@caramelhoney29 - 06.10.2024 10:04

I loved watching them. They had such great and natural chemistry!

@ML-sy3bn - 19.10.2024 05:58

.......................and the rest is history.

@cal30m1 - 02.11.2024 14:58

24 years ago a man dressed like a 1/2 bride, 1/2 groom was only in a Halloween parade…

@Ihavthring9 - 22.11.2024 14:54

That first caller lady was rude to Kelly!

@bmcvr6202 - 25.11.2024 22:21

Kelly has become entitled. She puts down every cohost, except Ryan Seacrest. What was that about? She puts her husband down at every turn. He's not smart enough, quick enough, witty enough, or good enough at anything, especially as a husband. Everything's a problem. She's the only one worthy of anything. She sickens me!

@Popcorn11852 - 26.12.2024 04:09

Before staring at herself in the monitor and flexing

@rubyromaine3911 - 26.12.2024 23:50

The beginning of the end…poor Regis, if he only knew what was to come.

@Twinkle-top - 05.02.2025 22:12

before she turned into a monster

@IshahWright - 06.02.2025 00:14

No. I remember I saw Kelly Ripa co-hosting already with Regis in 1996 & that she said she was discovered for that by a lady who met Kelly Ripa in a grocery store. My memory is accurate about this vividly no matter what any say, think, or do after I post this. I remember I was sitting in a salon on Hiawassee Rd. in Pine Hills Florida near Orlando watching Kelly Ripa say that in an TV episode with her, Regis, & Kathy Lee Gifford. I remember Regis asked Kelly Ripa if Kelly & Kathy Lee were lovers and Kelly replied, "No, that's YOUR fantasy.." I remember verbatim to be able to quote that accurately which it is an accurate quote. I only saw that TV episode that 1 time (& it was that year...over 31 years ago). I wasn't even trying to memorize that TV episode. That's a perfect memory that I have, people. The best. No one has a memory as good as mine.

@judynelson3876 - 09.02.2025 20:30

And this is why we laughed and cried bc of Regis ! Not the same today ! Hod loves you Regis! 😅

@JudyDotson-i5c - 26.02.2025 19:00

I remember watching this first episode of Kelly. I had been a big fan of Kathy Lee. It was hard to get used to Kelly.

@LadyBug-p8e7m - 13.03.2025 05:52

Ask her about the jack the ripper case bc she did it.
