What Nobody Told You About Canada

What Nobody Told You About Canada

Make That Change

1 год назад

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@DavoodMirzai-b6b - 20.07.2024 16:59

of course you need to be qualified to be an engineer, a teacher or a doctor lmao!!! would you want some random person to teach your children without background checks...you guys are being soooo extra

@VamosWithVictorPT - 28.07.2024 01:07

I waited 12 hours to get 4 stiches on my forehead

@rhammond7517 - 28.07.2024 23:12

As someone who is born here in Canada everybody notices everything we're living it together... when I was growing up ther wasn't any homeless like now I'm 52 now it's the government's fault

@ezflash - 02.08.2024 04:52

well done ladies, nice touch.... i'll trade mr turnip for trumpet lol

@WaqasWaqas-t1t - 03.08.2024 19:34

Nice ❤❤

@VladislavBabbitt - 04.08.2024 18:51

They think Justin Trudeau is a native French-speaker from Montreal, when in reality he is a native English-speaker from Ottawa. He moved to Montreal at age 13 and still does not fully master the French Language.

The father's name, the mother's brain.

@AnirudhGadhavi-j1u - 06.08.2024 14:52


@williamshevr - 09.08.2024 10:44

Banning hijab = racism? WTF. You can't be serious right? Sad, sad world we live in. No need to say more or continue the video, that's enough to understand that you are just one of these mega woke.

@LouisePetrilli - 10.08.2024 03:30

If it is so bad in Canada don’t come, because a lot of country s in Europe make live very hard for Canadian

@cheekymonkeygirl3378 - 15.08.2024 22:03

Awesome channel. 😈

@MoniqueDucharme-jf4py - 16.08.2024 06:25

Thank's to trudeau!

@pierrebeausoleil5885 - 16.08.2024 17:26

the best country of the world Canada and also usa 2 great country

@aarnoarnold1973 - 16.08.2024 17:33

I'm a Canadian and I moved to Asia 20 years ago. My motivations for leaving were the endless winters, the absolute necessity of having a car and two sets of tires, crazy insurance prices, and getting taxed on everything without seeing benefits. Now when I visit I am shocked at the price of everything from food to gas to hotels. In addition, I hear that housing has gone through the roof. Many can't afford to buy and face bidding wars to rent a place. With oil, timber, minerals and more, Canada should not be in this position. The government(s) have really messed things up and need to start reversing these trends now.

@LesterSuarezGonzalez-dz9ns - 18.08.2024 13:30

Nothing You've told in this video can prevent me from wanting to live in Canada, so come to live in The very hell on Earth Cuba where life level it's The worst on Earth, so No food, No medicine, No Electric energy, No Transport, No potable water, moral degradetion, disrespect as well from people and the police , brutal lack of jobs, salaries Aren't enough not even to survive a week, No Freedom of speech, press, religion, police represion, blackouts at all times, seriously do you wanna make me believe that life in Canada is hard, by no means You most spend a time living in the very Hell on Earth Cuba 🇨🇺 then You Will realize Canada it's The Very Paradise on Earth, Greetings from The Very HELL on Earth CUBA🇨🇺!!!

@philipboldt6572 - 20.08.2024 08:45

i hear everyone complaining about canada .really im native and you can make a living selling water in canada

@philipboldt6572 - 20.08.2024 08:57

im sorry you have seen some bad spots , the good spots are the best in the world

@philipboldt6572 - 20.08.2024 09:03

we have a 14 mile freshwater beach the longest in the world i believe wassaga beach and its beautiful

@richardzagozeski892 - 22.08.2024 15:15

Most Western Canadians who are Doctors stay in Canada. They refuse to go to the USA

@richardzagozeski892 - 22.08.2024 15:26

Move to Alberta, Manitoba, or Saskatchewan. Houses sellfor about $ 250 K up to $ 350 K

@julioc.7760 - 22.08.2024 18:42

its so good a trillion indians moved in. yuck.

@questionwhy0993 - 26.08.2024 02:07

About the racism thing. I understand indians are allowed to move here. But me being a white male living in brampton ontario in canada. I feel like im in india. 55 ft statue of some indian god in a public park. Teaching me indian culture in school? Literally not being able to understand what youre saying while starring like a weirdo. Those are some problems ive got. Currently live in kitchener and feel like im back in canada

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 18:57

In Canada where there are 500,000 homeless people today a significant portion of the population is forced to live on the streets or in unhealthy, despicable and filthy shelters that are no different from pig sties and where even animals cannot live. 35 percent of Canadians still do not have a modest home, even if it is tiny, to lay their head on and to which they own the title deed, and in this country with the second largest land area in the world, 35 percent of the population is still forced to live on rent, forced to pay off their home loan debts to banks and to feed their landlords. Those insatiable and arrogant landlords, who have now taken the ship to the extreme with this collusion and the unbelievable support the state gives them, can now openly tell tenants "you will pay your rent, but you will not stay home during the day, you will only come home at night to sleep". (The ones who do this the most are Chinese landlords, because the ones who have long since taken over the corners in Canada and have the most property and the greedy rich Chinese who are not satisfied with money even at the age of 95, are extremely organized among themselves against the tenants and they exploit the tenants in an organized way, and the state openly turns a blind eye to this and even facilitates it, the Canadian State hates the poor, both exploits them to the bone and makes them live a hellish life, and hates them, the Canadian State only loves a handful of rich people whom it has fattened and who fatten it) Don't say "Then I will go and complain to the Tenancy Office", but they only pay the application fee and waste your time and only give you the air You see, most of the Canadian institutions are fake and fake, and most of the institutions are in the hands of the Chinese... Their employees only come to work to collect their paychecks anyway... Don't even ask about the rent, even a 1-room apartment from World War II that is musty, damp, almost underground, smelling of rats' beds and marijuana costs $2500 per month. (The minimum wage in Canada is already $2500, think about the rest)...... Well, can't the state and its government in power fix all these negativities? Of course they can, with a snap of their fingers, but they will never do this, because this is the rotten Canadian society structure they want to create, and they feed on this source that they are systematically rotting away like swamp mosquitoes. Also, according to the latest survey conducted this year, 8 out of every 10 people in Canada (80% of the Canadian population) believe that owning a home in Canada is now only for the rich. As additional information, among Canadians who cannot own a home, 1 out of every 10 people 7 in 10 (72% of Canadians) say they have given up on owning a home in Canada.

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 18:57

Why has Canada become an uninhabitable and miserable country and has gone bankrupt!?..... If Trudeau and Biden continue to sit at the table of the locksmiths who brutally exploit the American and Canadian people and continue to send the taxes we pay, the money we work hard to earn, the sweat we shed for Canada and our children, to the genocidal Nazi-Fascists of Ukraine and from there to Israel, Canada will go into even greater bankruptcy and continue to go sink. We are not even counting the billions of dollars that Biden-Trudeau and their team laundered using Ukraine and Israel as an excuse. The money sent to Ukraine and Israel in the last 2 years has exceeded 200 billion dollars, Canada's annual income is already 456 billion dollars and it closed this year with a deficit of 40 billion dollars, the country is completely bankrupt, this is the only way a country's people can be devastated, this is the only way a country can be dynamited and blown up, and this is the only way it can be driven into bankruptcy, and they did. In 2023 alone, the number of commercial companies that declared bankruptcy in Canada exceeded 4810, In other words, it is not just the Canadian-born, simple Canadian citizens and immigrants who are being crushed at the base, but also the rich businessmen, company and firm owners who are packing up their bags and leaving the country. Good luck to the many small businesses, stores and shops that are going bankrupt and closing down. The ones that haven't closed down yet are literally catching flies, they are empty or a bone dry crowd, people have no money left in their pockets, their credit cards are full to the brim. According to the 2022 report officially published by the Government of Canada, 63% of Canadian citizens declared that they are now very worried about their daily expenses.... 19% reported that they were getting by by borrowing from friends and giving. According to official records, the number of Canadians who came to receive free bread from churches in 2023 was 1.9 million, according to unofficial records, this number is close to 10 million (The Canadian Minister of Finance also admitted this during a speech), and today the situation is even worse. Foreign investors coming to Canada from abroad have also stopped setting foot in Canada, and the value of foreign investment in Canada in 2023 has decreased to 1.3 billion dollars, meaning it is now at a non-existent level and it would be better if it were not made. It has been years since the people in Canada went bankrupt. Now, the state, which is in the hands of the Canadian bourgeoisie, and those at the head of its colonial government are shamelessly trying to make people forget and cover up all these facts and all these serious crimes they have committed. They are playing a game, what is that game? ....Of course the weakest link in the chain is the immigrants!... Yes, according to the Canadian bourgeoisie and their administrators who are draining the marrow of the country and exploiting it brutally like a tick, the real reason why Canada has become an unlivable country in every sense is not these vicious and serious crimes they have committed, but the immigrants they have exploited to the bone! ....(As if their fathers and they were not immigrants, this country's founding date is already 135 years ago, how Canadian, we are all immigrants in these occupied indigenous lands)...... Some say "but I was born in Canada" and try to supposedly strip themselves of their immigrant origins and put themselves in a so-called privileged place, everyone is born somewhere and this does not give anyone the right to success or privilege, a person's contribution to a country is not related to where they were born, but rather to what they have done for that country and what they have contributed to that country, otherwise even the 4 prime ministers who entered the cabinet and even served as prime ministers in Canadian history were not born in Canada, they were born in another country..... For example, John Turner, who became the 17th Prime Minister of Canada in 1984, was not born in Canada and was born in England..... The other 3 prime ministers who were born in a country other than Canada were John A. Macdonald, Alexander Mackenzie and Mackenzie Bowell.

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 18:58

Is Canada a safe country?... No it is not! ..... Is a drug cartel country like Canada, where drugs like bread and cheese are sold on the streets and in front of the police, where innocent people, families and children cannot even enter the parks because of the smell of meth, cocaine, heroin and marijuana, where innocent people hesitate to rent a house or an apartment because of the junkies using drugs in gardens and balconies with hoses and thugs in their hands, a safe country? Of course not! ..... The Canadian State, which is the first degree boss, participant, partner and manager of the 150 billion dollar drug trade and market per year, and its current government, embrace the junkies who use drugs and the members of the drug mafia it personally manages and assigns to its own children and almost spreads the red carpet under their feet. Bringing drugs into a country, allowing it, marketing it, selling it, organizing it, managing it, not preventing it, not allocating the necessary and sufficient budget and not making the necessary investments to prevent it, not even raising a voice, is the most heinous act against the people and the country. It is a crime of terrorism and a clear physical attack. The Canadian State and its current government are duly committing and carrying out this crime in a planned and systematic manner. In this sense, those who hate Canada and its people in the first degree, those who put dynamite in the foundation of the country and exploded it, and those who corrupted and rotted this country like a diseased mushroom are the businessmen, parliamentarians, churches, sects and clergymen who play with billions of dollars and have now become CEOs, and the law enforcement officers who are their pawns. This country is not a democratic and social state governed by the rule of law as advertised in the digital environment and social media, on the contrary, it is a completely right-wing and despotic police state governed by the law of the jungle, where wild capitalism dominates and prevails... Don't look for human rights in Canada, if you absolutely say "I will see human rights in Canada", then definitely bring a Hubble telescope with you when you come to Canada, maybe then you will see the crumbs of human rights here.......... Canada is among the most dangerous countries in the world today and is at the top, today in Germany with a population of 85 million, an average of 250 murders are committed every year, while in Canada with a population of only 40 million, the number of murders committed in 2023 alone was 778..... In addition, a total of 3,917 murders were committed in Canada in the last 5 years (between 2019-2023), 645 of which were committed by "brute force beating" without using any weapon or tool, 1475 by shooting with a gun and 1215 by stabbing, of which the rate of organized and gang-related murders was 22%, and the number of spouse murders was 302. The second biggest crime in Canada after theft is "assault" with a rate of 22%, today 7 million people use drugs in Canada, 3.8 million Canadians have a criminal record, 5.3 million people can continue their lives by taking anti-depressants and calming themselves down, half of them are already potheads, the streets, parks, gardens, balconies, even the fronts of secondary schools are filled with the smell of marijuana, everyone is numb, every corner is full of marijuana shops, today in Canada, which has a population of 40 million, 8 million people are disabled and all of them continue their lives by receiving disability benefits from the state (most of them are neurological diseases caused by drugs that are widely used like cheese and bread in the country), 73 percent of the population consumes alcohol, the number of people who called 911-Police Emergency Service in 2023 alone was 240,000, the 58 federal prisons in Canada are full to the brim, so much so that the police can no longer find cells to put criminals in, in many cases they give criminals "passwords" and release them on the streets on condition, I mean, don't look for security in Canada, there is no such thing, anything can happen to you at any moment, don't expect help from anyone, this is Canada, you are always alone and the Canadian State and its law enforcement forces and all its institutions are planned and deliberate you are constantly left alone in this way. Moreover, the state apparatus in Canada has tightly closed all the doors that should be opened to its citizens, you can never reach the Canadian State and its government about your complaints or grievances, even if you have the good fortune to reach them by spending tens of thousands of dollars, as a result you cannot get any results, they never listen to you and even blame you on top of that. Today, from the so-called huge Human Rights Tribune of Canada to the simplest official office of the state in a neighborhood and the most serious courts, the archives are full of tens of thousands of rejected complaints and grievance cases. This is exactly the type of Canada and the social structure that the Canadian bourgeoisie wants to produce, isolate the people as a whole, corrupt them, make them insecure, make them helpless, isolate them, alienate them, weaken them, squeeze them, leave them without a chance to live and then exploit them to the bone comfortably and without any problems until the day they leave the country, and then bring new immigrants instead of the hundreds of thousands of people who left the country... This is the game.... That's all!

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 19:01

Now not only immigrants but also Canadian-born citizens are fleeing Canada, which has been systematically and in every sense turned into a disgraceful, unbearable and unlivable country by the state itself, without even looking back, and they are now leaving Canada in droves. As of 2016 alone, the number of Canadians who left Canada and settled in other countries has exceeded 4 million people, and now another 500,000 people have been added to this figure between 2017 and 2023. In 2022 alone, in just 1 year, the number of Canadian citizens who fled to America alone has exceeded 123,000, and we are not even counting Canadians who fled to other countries, and these annual numbers are definitely not falling below hundreds of thousands anymore. Canada has now been transformed into a country of disappointment and regret, and it is no longer those who come to Canada, but on the contrary, those who manage to escape from Canada who feel happy and safe. The basis of these wholesale escapes is that they are very arrogant, very educated, and very conscious. The Canadian State, which is completely the enemy of the people and society, not Canadians and Canadianness, has a bad record regarding serious human rights violations. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of the people in Canada are not very conscious, well-read, or very educated, in fact, many of them are so incapable of seeing the realities right under their noses that they smoke marijuana, they are an uneducated, ignorant, apolitical and unresponsive mass. In Canada today, only 30 percent of the population is a university graduate and in Canada with a population of 40 million, only 2 million people are studying at universities today, and those who graduate do not stay in Canada anyway, those who receive their diplomas immediately go to America. Last year, Trudeau did not announce for nothing that he would accept 5,000 healthcare workers, including doctors, from abroad as immigrants, who would stay in a country that is so anti-democratic, discriminatory, hopeless and insecure, and those who have not yet gone are already making plans to go, which is why they are still here. Let's forget about university, 4.1 million people in Canada do not even have a high school degree, and the rate of students who start high school and drop out is 13 percent.

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 19:02

List of the highest-earning and most popular professions in Canada today and in the future: .................. 1-Church pastor and sycophancy in religious organizations ........... 2- Drug distributors .......... 3- Homeless Service Workers ........ 4- Begging .......... 5- Food Bank employees and reactionary clique members who give away food donated by the public to religious orders and churches ...... 6- Shelter lordship and shelter stewardship ..........7- Police officer .......... 8- Security guard ......... 9- Mafia membership ..........10- Official Immigration Smuggling and Human Trafficking management carried out by the state itself .. 11- Money laundering expertise carried out by parliament, banks and ministries .......... 12- Officials and managers used in illegal credit fraud .......... 13- Real estate dealers operating in the fields of land, housing and workplaces ......... 14- Contracting, which has not lost the first place in fraud and corruption to any other professional group........... 15- Organized profiteering networks organized and acting together within the state........... 16- Hundreds of fake associations and their so-called employees, which benefit no one but themselves, only create jobs for themselves and only put themselves on the payroll........... 17- Exploitation of cats and dogs and animal trafficking........... 18- All the Thrift Stores, especially the Salvation Army, which illegally sell all kinds of goods donated by the people to be distributed to the poor for free, instantly convert them into money and brutally transfer this money to their own property, even though they have no right to it, and their insatiable hungry hyenas........... 19- Corrupt administrators who distribute licenses illegally in municipalities like cheese and bread........... 20- Food profiteering CEOs and supermarket owners........... 21- Smugglers ......... 22- Guarding in prisons........... 23- A quotation mark from the words of the mafia the taxi driver gang that never even leaves their place and acts like city bandits .......... and other than these, all kinds of opportunism, fraud, theft, deliberately crushing a group, a mass or a group and promoting another group, mass or group, favoritism, discrimination, bribery, illegal debt collection, open racism, violence, threats, silencing, police batons and in short, all of these things we have listed are abundant and abundant in Canada. This is Canada, everywhere is a crime scene.

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 19:02

In Canada with a population of 40 million, 27% of its citizens ( in other words 8 million people in the country) are currently disabled and this incredibly high number of disabled people also puts Canada at the top of the world's disability rankings. At the top of these high disability statuses in Canada are permanent mental health disorders, neurological diseases and painful disabilities that are impossible to heal, which develop as a result of widespread drug use. Today, in Turkey, with a population of 85 million, the number of disabled people is 6.9%, and in the entire European Union, which has a total of 27 countries and a population of 450 million, the number of disabled people who have limited employment opportunities due to a lifelong health problem is 35 million. So, despite having such a low population and such a high number of disabled people, does the Canadian government provide the disabled with sufficient, necessary and deserved social assistance? NEVER! ..... Unfortunately, Canada is a disgraceful country that has failed in this regard, and in a country where even the rent for a 1-room, poor quality and old apartment is 2500 dollars the highest monthly social assistance money they pay to the disabled is 1560 dollars, and it includes rent, food, clothing, social activities and whatever else you can think of, and they put this money in the hands of the disabled and say "go away, do whatever you can, go beg stale bread from churches." Let's also say that not every disabled person gets 1560 dollars, the number of disabled people sentenced to 1000 dollars a month depending on their health condition is also very high, that's why tens of thousands of disabled people in Canada live on the streets, in homeless shelters that we call pig sties and under bridges, but if you ask me, Canada is a very respectful country to the disabled, there is no such thing, the ones who complain about Canada the most are Canada's disabled people anyway.

@RoniesMirdata - 30.08.2024 19:03

Despite being the second largest country in the world geographically has the Canadian government granted newly arrived immigrants even a modest house the size of a tissue, even if it is the size of a box, so that they can live and shelter with their families? ..... NO!

-Has the Canadian government paid a lump sum of money, one-time, to newly arrived immigrants in order to provide them with sufficient support in the process of getting to know the country, getting used to it, learning the language and surviving? ...... NO!

-Has the Canadian government made sufficient monthly payments to newly arrived immigrants, including the rent of a house befitting human dignity, adequate food, summer and winter clothing, daily transportation and vehicle fees, communication expenses, equal and sufficient education payments, cultural activities and a daily pocket money to live humanely? ...... NO!

-Has the Canadian government offered newly arrived immigrants a solid, safe and clean society structure where they can live freely without any risks and feel completely safe as individuals and families, without any fear, anxiety or concern in terms of attack or crime? ....... NO!

-Has the Canadian government offered newly arrived immigrants a democratic state and a fair social society structure where no racism, discrimination, inequality of opportunity, favoritism, incompetence or harassment, whether covert or overt, exists? ........ NO!

-Has the Canadian government granted legal immigrants any right to vote and be elected during their time in Canada until they become citizens, did they give them the right to vote for the party or individuals that will govern them, did they at least grant them the right to vote in local elections other than general elections? ....... NO!

-So, do you think that the Canadian government, which does not fulfill any of these, is a country ready to accept immigrants? ....... OF COURSE NO!

THEN, the Canadian State and its government have no right to say even one word about immigrants, and the Canadian State should now prepare the trillions of dollars that the immigrants themselves will pay as a result of the compensation lawsuits they will file against all the human rights violations that the state has implemented against immigrants for years, in a planned and systematic manner, unfairly and mercilessly. The Canadian government has deliberately left the immigrants it has accepted into the country, whether they are illegal or legal, hungry, helpless, unemployed and poor, has implemented all kinds of racism, discrimination and harassment against immigrants, has broken up families, separated and separated mothers, fathers and children from each other, has never allowed them to feel safe in Canada, has not taken any timely, appropriate, necessary and primary duty measures to ensure this, and has done all this within the framework of its completely conscious and previously established anti-immigrant policies and the plans and programs to which those policies belong, because otherwise it could not use and exploit immigrants to their core, in this sense, it is the Canadian State itself that is doing human smuggling and immigrant trafficking. It was him. Because of these crimes, the Canadian State and its government in power are undoubtedly suspects in the eyes of the law and should definitely be tried and given all the punishments they deserve. Yes, we, millions of immigrants, are suing Canada.

@njbobf - 02.09.2024 23:26

#9...there are no more Canadains left in Canada.

@CRIMSONKING7666 - 03.09.2024 16:25

Oui Oui Beau Beau two faced Trudeau.

@CRIMSONKING7666 - 03.09.2024 17:44

Lol it should be his theme song.

@JayMiller-xo6kb - 06.09.2024 06:48

One word woke Trudeau

@anonymous-vu3bb - 06.09.2024 07:03

racism with Quebec secularism is a really wrong example for racism. it is secularism. it is not racism.

@Antwuan-v8l - 06.09.2024 19:40

Well what are all these Cajuns doin here

@Antwuan-v8l - 06.09.2024 19:40

Go back to russia

@Antwuan-v8l - 06.09.2024 19:41

You gold digger

@Antwuan-v8l - 06.09.2024 19:42

Don't come back perfect home for you

@johnwells8093 - 11.09.2024 02:56

Canadians are waking up and do not want to fund everything to do with the drug crisis, ask any Canadian and they will tell you the same. We are done with the Liberal way of governing the county, can't get them out of power quick enough and get common sense conservative in to right all the wrongs.

@julioc.7760 - 13.09.2024 12:27

canada = calcutta thanks to our "wondrrful" immigrants.

@OptimisticMansion-yl1wq - 13.09.2024 17:14

Canada 🇨🇦 is soon on its way to becoming a third world country - thanks to Liberalism. The feeble-minded Canadians are just beginning to wake up from their woke fantasy world but it’s too late. The Cloward Fox-Piven strategy that the radical left has implemented is far too advanced in its development for it to be stopped. Justin Trudeau is not the cause of all this left-wing lunacy - he’s just a symptom.

@OptimisticMansion-yl1wq - 13.09.2024 21:39

What country is this arsehole from?

@Dank-ry4hs - 14.09.2024 21:26

Canada is a failed state

@aich8684 - 16.09.2024 16:34

I just want to know if Canada is really an Indian people public toilet now.

@jbqu3142 - 18.09.2024 22:32

F Y Canada. Vive le Québec libéré du colonialisme anglo-saxon. VLQL

@BrutCanada - 19.09.2024 05:04

Banning a hijab makes a woman safer & stronger. She is absent from the society when she has been influenced by religious books.

Also Blacks do commit a lot of crime. Blacks are racist to other colors and not just white.

So I strongly disagree with your views & findings.

@LanaTodd-pn1yg - 22.09.2024 06:23

people who complain about our country need to go live in the US for a year..

@hakimilli5221 - 01.10.2024 03:51

Thank you for your efforts to make the clear expectations for me. Very constructive documentary

@bpd9660 - 01.10.2024 12:16

Rhe Trudeau effect...

@derekkerswell8596 - 08.10.2024 10:30

Don't buy the nonsense. Lots of better places to go do your homework. 😢 The trudeau govt. Has pretty much trashed Canada

@FantomVit - 08.10.2024 21:06

i came to canada in 2023. And he got a family doctor immediately within a month. There are a lot of freelance doctors in Toronto, it's strange to hear about problems.
