I'm from Brazil! Tks For the amazing video!!!!
ОтветитьEssential album to listen in full. My favorite of all time.
ОтветитьThe album was actually recorded at the enf of 1970, early December I think.
ОтветитьThere were shortened versions of that piece meant for radio stations who refused to play songs longer than 4 minutes. It was extremely common. Only very few stations went beyond that time limit, they were called progressive.
ОтветитьYou should react to "The End" by the doors too!
ОтветитьLegends, legends, legends!!!
ОтветитьWhat a masterpiece in songwriting.
ОтветитьI've listened to a few reactions and fittingly, the composer got it. That play between the keyboard and the guitar, the mirroring and the counterpoint of the guitar you hear so clearly in the right ear.
Ответитьhey man, this is the first time I've seen you use the keys on one of these vids, nearly fell off my seat! really enjoyed hearing you play. Good work man.
ОтветитьI always thought Glenn Danzig was just doing a Jim Morrison impression.💀
ОтветитьThis song got me hooked on high quality stereo equipment. At a friend's house where he had just purchased a very, very good stereo system, we sat sampling bourbon and herbs and when Riders came on, we could hear Jim's whisper overlay floating around the room separate from his lead voice. Trust me, even the best headphones cannot match what you can hear and feel from a pair of tube amps and a set of vintage Klipschorns.
ОтветитьYou need to check out “The End” undoubtedly my favorite song of all time and one of the most sublime listening experiences you’ll ever put yourself through
ОтветитьIMO, this song encapsulates everything that The Doors were. The musical arrangement is beyond amazing, Jim Morrison’s vocals are so beautiful, the storm sound effects make it feel sort of “ethereal”, or “otherworldly” to me. This is my absolute favorite song of theirs, and I can’t ever get tired of hearing it.
Ответитьlisten to great songs and learn music awesome
ОтветитьHyancinth House from the same album. A little insight into how fed up with the whole rockstar scene Jim might have been. "I need a brand new friend.. someone who doesn't need me." Interesting to ponder what that lyric might mean
ОтветитьJust use these eye drops, and it will all make sense!
ОтветитьPlease shut up
ОтветитьI can't believe you never heard it before!
ОтветитьDoorsian mode 🫠
ОтветитьThis is so fun. Watching you critic a beautiful DOORS SONG. I am overwhelmed. There is too much goodness here. 🎉
ОтветитьThe problem is we have too many idiots who call themselves Left who support fring views which bother ordinary people . In fact they are generally not the Left but they would hate to seen as on the Right either, so the Right finds them very useful to dump on the Left --The Lefts central and overidding mission is the reduction of massive income difference for work done fulll stop. Have you ever heard a gender warrior mention such things . ? Or mixed sport supporters calling for more income equity ? I have not, and you cannot label all who do not fall in with the Right as Left ...And those who do not promote more equaility in income are NOT Left . We do not want them and there is no good reason to call " Lefties" all such culture such movements in general are thier own polical direction.- ,Most low income people have not the slightest interest in such matters, .. They want better pay and consditions and that is what the Left is about .. Of course the Right and Trump are happy to dump all that nonsense on " the Left" but its not the Left it is a seperate political movement .
ОтветитьRedbreast is excellent
ОтветитьTHE DOORS were literally the doors to psychadelic music, lyrics and music of the late 60's ........Jim paved the way to younger generation of symphathizers of same type of music and i really hope that it remains in our view for a long time
ОтветитьWe love seeing you play along. Keep it goin!
ОтветитьRay Manzarek tells the story of this. Said he was playing the bass part on the keys like he always did. Then their studio bassist walked through the door and said I am NOT playing that. Ray said I looked at him and said why? It's easy just these keys here. He said NO NO NO Try playing it on the bass? He said the guy twisted his fingers all around but finally got it. They were talking of adding a bass player for the next album, hence Jim never lived long enough for it to happen.
ОтветитьThe drums have a Native American vibe to them .
ОтветитьI like your explanations....thanks for the reaction
ОтветитьRay Manzarek's keyboard sounds like it just came from filming Bambi.😘
ОтветитьOf course it's the DOOR IAN scale haha
ОтветитьThere are the other groups and they are the Doors!
Ответитьnever heard the wisperings at the end before :O
ОтветитьRay manzarek playing bass on the keyboard
ОтветитьI love watching your reactions when I want a pro that can break it down to music theory and appreciate technical skills. The keyboardist has classical training too.
ОтветитьGothic musicians: we make a darkest music in the world.
Ray Manzarek: NO.
their previous album was Morrison Hotel (Soft Parade is their 4th album actually), and was their first step towards a more bluesy style.
ОтветитьThe previous album was Morrison Hotel/Hard Rock Cafe. That was the return to the bluesy jazzy Doors.
ОтветитьIt's funny you used the term "perception". The Doors originally wanted to name the band
' The Doors Of Perception' - A. Huxley
Too long they thought.
When Ray showed Jerry the bass line on his Fender keyboard bass, Jerry S. said "that's impossible to play on my string bass", and Ray said, "sure you can, you're Jerry Scheff"! 😂 He did it.
ОтветитьThey're ny favorite band of all times. I saw Ray Manzarek's band "Nite City" in Dallas Texas 1977 and shared a joint with him after the concert. 20 years later I left a calling card on his door on Rodeo Drive. A week later he called me and he said on my phone messenger. And said "this is Ray Manzarek, pick up the phone.". We spent some time on the phone. I told him I was in the music business and he had Robbie call me to find him a label. Robbie called me and he had a lot better personality than Ray did. He called me and told me that he couldn't get a good deal so he decided to pay for it himself and autographed his CD that he sent to me.
ОтветитьThe Doors movie sucked imho.
ОтветитьAwesome as you relax with some quality drink .
ОтветитьI might be Biased , but that is One of the Greatest Songs……..Of ALL Time…….a Masterpiece…..RIP Jim and Ray.
ОтветитьI'm sure you never heard this song before June 2022. How could you? Given your age, your occupation and the fact that it has been played on radio, movies and even video games for 50 years, it would've been impossible for you to know about it
ОтветитьL.A. woman men!
ОтветитьPeace Frog ⭐
ОтветитьPartir sur un tel chef d’oeuvre, c’est beau ! Même si on aurait tant voulu que ça dure plus longtemps…
ОтветитьLove this one! Cheers! 🥃