The STRONGEST ELDER DRAGONS in MONSTER HUNTER (NO BLACK DRAGONS) | #shorts #mhw #sunbreak #iceborne

The STRONGEST ELDER DRAGONS in MONSTER HUNTER (NO BLACK DRAGONS) | #shorts #mhw #sunbreak #iceborne


55 лет назад

387,500 Просмотров

this shorts video you'll see strongest monsters (elder dragons) from each generation (much like pokemon generations, except 1 just through 5) with no black dragons. This includes games like Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (mhfu), Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (MH3U), Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (MH4U), Monster Hunter Generations (MHGen/MHX),
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (MHGU/MHXX),
Monster Hunter World(mhw),
Monster Hunter World Iceborne(mhw:ib),
Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise),
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (MH Rise SB).

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