Nope (2022)
ОтветитьThe entry of the stingray...that's a majestic antagonist entry
ОтветитьHow many crabs can that stingray catch?
ОтветитьStarts off like a scary movie and the giant crabs!
ОтветитьOmg I'm starving 😂
ОтветитьI never thought I would support a stingray so much, but this video did it
ОтветитьTo the crabs, the ray is basically Jean Jacket from Nope
ОтветитьNightmare stuff here
ОтветитьHow to find this awesome melody?
ОтветитьThere’s so many of them, this is op. How have they not grown out of hand? One day we will bow down crabs🦀🦀🦀
ОтветитьThats the equivalent of an UFO beaming you in, to the crabs!
ОтветитьCrab people lol
ОтветитьI'm surprised no big Hollywood directors have ever hired David to narrate a long movie monologue on a big budget film.
ОтветитьMichael the southern stingray vs the army of king crabs
ОтветитьThere's not enough lemon juice and butter in the world for them
ОтветитьIt's UFO but ocean version
ОтветитьWhen that stingray first appears it reminded me of the very first time we see the Star Destroyer in Star
ОтветитьFor you MrFrink
ОтветитьWow they really need to learn to clean up after themselves. So messy! 😢
ОтветитьNature is a horror show.
ОтветитьI’m curious as to what happens to all those old shells. Is there something that would feast on them?
ОтветитьProof why Depth Charge and Rampage hate each other..
ОтветитьThis is really the crabs fault for being so delicious 😂
Ответитьnature has constant fascination and beauty -
ОтветитьThat last scene looked like a great crab war was just fought
ОтветитьThe Stingray is the lucky one 🤤
ОтветитьThat one Crab ready to fight was Mr.Krabbs, thinking the Ray has come to steal the secret of the Krabby Patty.
Ответитьthis is literally the movie nope but for crabs
Ответитьyou dont really get the size of scale watching this, these are spider crabs, and they are as big as a grown human, they weigh around 20 kilos most of that is from the body, thier arms reach, from claw to claw is about 3.7 meters. and you say, well that is impossible, look at the string ray, that is a smooth stingray wich are the largest stingrays in the world, and they can weight up to 350 kilos, that is a massive animal, far larger then a normal human. so yes, that thing is huge.
ОтветитьDon't think I've ever rooted for a crab before
ОтветитьIssss thissss CGI????
Ответитьthat stingray hovers like the NOPE alien.
Ответитьbut my lord, there is no such force
ОтветитьWhen that big guy gets in first at the buffet…
Ответитьthis take "holy crab" to another level.
ОтветитьAnybody seen that movie "Nope"?
ОтветитьProps to the camera man getting suffocated by the crabs.
ОтветитьI can hear my boiling water in my pan from right here 😭😂
ОтветитьOMG! Incredible!
ОтветитьThe way David Attenborough pulls you in.
ОтветитьI honestly didn’t know crabs 🦀 molted 😮
ОтветитьI always curious about physical walking of pangolins in other of their body structure cause their not ever use forelegs but use back legs to walk and it’s confusing with the body is flat to ground 😮 so amazing nature ❤
ОтветитьSo they grow a whole new set of gills too? Thats crazy.