Best Way To Sell Your House Fast...Professional Photos.

Best Way To Sell Your House Fast...Professional Photos.

Sherri Warf, Realtor

55 лет назад

449 Просмотров


No matter where you live, no matter what your price point is, your home needs professional listing photos.

This means your agent is paying a professional photographer to photograph your home, and ideally video it as well.

Yes, you read that right, YOUR listing agent pays the Photographer and Videographer.

Here’s a quick checklist of do’s and don’ts:

DO you have your house decluttered and professionally cleaned prior to photos.

DO NOT use an iPhone + tripod for photos.

DO turn on ALL of the lights…yes, even over the stove.

Do NOT use any filters on your edits.

DO open all the blinds.

Do NOT use a Fish eye wide angle lens, that distorts the room.

DO keep people and pets out of the frame. Yes, even and especially the cat 🐱.

Do NOT leave toilet seats up.

Perhaps this feels obvious, but after 18 years in the business, I can assure you, it is not. At least not to everyone 😉

If you’re needing to hire an agent this year, I can help. I’m connected with agents all over the country, simply send me a DM and I’ll connect you with the right one.

NV 73491.


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