​@Sophist sings  the world revolving by man of the internet

​@Sophist sings the world revolving by man of the internet


1 год назад

681 Просмотров

I think jevil is a perfect character to represent sophist, he is as chaotic as him.And this song represent with perfection both jevil and sophist ^^

I will also make other ai song but not only with the party (I just really wanted to make a cover for every crasher before move on), the coverx will be mostly french youtuber (and party crashers). So stay tuned (or not if you don't care haha)

The original song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WQyBHdcTdY&pp=ygUZamV2aWwgbWFuIG9uIHRoZSBpbnRlcm5ldA%3D%3D

My gaming channel (it is in french) : https://www.youtube.com/@revawells6560

@partycrashers4 ‎@KingOfSkill ‎@TCNick3 ‎@Vernias ‎@Sophist

#ai #aicover #partycrashers #kingofskill #tcnick3 #vernias #sophist #song #songcover #entertainment
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