Footboxg vs alexinho is the best 😉
ОтветитьD-low and Codfish are homies also, it was a hard battle to call.
ОтветитьMax GBB wildcard are sick
ОтветитьDamn bro think you should change a t-shirt
Ответить2018 and 2019 D-Lows are two completely different D-Lows. This loss made him so much stronger, in 2019 he came much sharper and focused, his mentality and energy was just different.
ОтветитьReact to INERTIA | SMOKE BULLET (a championship where the beatboxers have to win 7 battles), or the most recent battle RIVER vs HISS, so good! Thanks! :)
ОтветитьHey! Check out NME vs BREZ it's crazy please
ОтветитьReact to mad twinz
ОтветитьPlease soso vs beatness its amazing u will dance so hard
ОтветитьNme Vs brez plzzz
ОтветитьGreatest fan of yours love you both ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ plzzzz nme Vs brez
ОтветитьPlzzz nme Vs vrez
ОтветитьNme Vs brez
ОтветитьNme Vs brez
ОтветитьBro please react to NapOm 5 minutes
Ответитьyo pls do colaps' gbb21
ОтветитьDHARNI | Grand Beatbox Battle Showcase 2019 is a good one underated but good
ОтветитьCheck out codfish gbb 2018 compilation its insane i loved it
ОтветитьFun fact: D-Low apparently thought that he had won this battle before the verdict came in. Super close battle but I think I would've took Codfish too. Later years D-Low has become an unstoppable force though while Codfish is more or less just vibing and jamming with his crew.
ОтветитьCodfish-dlow: money back
It was the routine they did together....
React to Jodeci freek'n you video (Jodeci is a R&B group from the 90's)
ОтветитьPlease react to D-low Werewolf
ОтветитьIf you want to understand the rounds, please react to "money back" from those two monsters
ОтветитьPlease react to |Codfish GBB 2018| compilation|
Ответитьcan u react BATACO VS CODFISH? thats battle is so epic 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ответитьplz check next King Inertia inward bass god
ОтветитьCLR vs TARIK is a must, codfish is a judge too you can see him in the background! One of the best beatbox battles of all time.
ОтветитьReact to vocodah head bangers please that’s all I ask for🙏🏽
ОтветитьBerywam (FR)|Asia Beatbox Championship 2019 Judge Showcase
you have to see it!!
Bro pls don't put double ads exactly at the drop, every time :(
ОтветитьCodfish is last guy on this planet who beat dlow 🥵🥵
ОтветитьNext you should check out uniteam vs kotcha🥵🥵
ОтветитьCheck out mad twinz
ОтветитьReact Saro Showcase, that's so 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьMore beatbox
Ответитьyashhh bro
ОтветитьQue react brabo em
ОтветитьHey imma be honest codfish vs Bataco was amazing please react
ОтветитьReact to Mb14 vs Saro Grand Beatbox Battle Loop station 2017
ОтветитьDlow hasn't lost a single battle since 2019
ОтветитьWatch "BREZ | Multiverse Beatbox Battle Champion 2019 Compilation"
ОтветитьDamn we beatbox community love your reaction so much, you guys just vibing to the beat not like any others lmaooo, keep it up bruh there is so much more you guys need to react to and VIBE to. For example: Indicator im an alien. 100% you guys wont dissapointed on this one!
ОтветитьPlease react when a beatboxer plays fortnite by codfish
ОтветитьPlease react to
Dlow (winner compilation) sbx kickback battle 2021 🙏
Love you're reaction of both :)
ОтветитьHello can you react I want my money bag D-low And Codfish?