Opera Singer Listens to The City Must Survive from FrostPunk

Opera Singer Listens to The City Must Survive from FrostPunk


2 года назад

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@winterwolf1250 - 16.01.2024 08:29

"The Storm Is here..."

@gamingguy233 - 16.01.2024 22:27

While listening to this song I imagined something in the lines of: "We MUST stay strong. We may lose our lifes here, but we don't have a damn choice. My dear subordinates, I was strict and coldhearted, tyrannical even, but it was for our own survival. Though now even I can not do anything to protect us. The only choice that we have is to continue on staying against this catastrophic force of nature, and pray to our Lord an Savior for this is the only thing that we can do now". Truly a genius piece of art perfectly fitting the essence of this game

@The4j1123 - 17.01.2024 06:43

No game has ever made me feel so much despair and hopelessness as Frostpunk did. Anytime I decided to stop playing for the night I'd save and quit, wipe the sweat from my forehead, take a deep breath, pet my cat, and step outside to see nature in its beauty. You get so sucked in to the atmosphere, the music, the world, a world where nothing should be able to live, a world that has ended in frost, but you have to keep going. The city MUST survive. You are the last bastion. Everyone is counting on you, and as the temperature keeps falling and food becomes scarcer and scarcer and hope for survival dwindles, the game keeps laying down the pressure without a sign of ever letting up.

It's so hopelessly, depressingly beautiful.

@Keandros - 17.01.2024 09:57

The Frostpunk Soundtrack can be translated into opera, 100%. It would be amazing to witness!!!

@roberthebert2826 - 24.01.2024 06:50

I love the vibe of the violins, they invoke this barely controlled feeling of spiraling that underlies the whole game

@aridianknight3576 - 30.01.2024 23:34

I remember going through the game at my own pace just scraping by, stopping the londoners at the last hour. Getting just enough steam cores for a handful of automatons. I remember looking at the tech tree, at all the super useful equipment and upgrades and buildings. I see “Large Resources Depot” and think “nahhh I don’t need that.
Then the news of the storm comes. “Oh shit, oh fuck” built like 4 for coal and 2 for raw and cooked food each. Honestly saved the city with that tech

@Dmitri_Ivanovich - 13.02.2024 04:57

Normally I don't care about city-builders, but man, Frostpunk left a lasting impression on me and music was a big part of it.

@Sasa-vj5qw - 13.02.2024 07:13

Secrefice had to be made.... Some had to die.... So the city mey survive

@rh3280 - 01.03.2024 20:01

Im making a bet with myself, He'll describe the music as "cold" at least... 4 times

@remyrmxrmxpinville5049 - 01.03.2024 20:59


@carlalima7365 - 05.03.2024 00:08

When you look at the temperature on the thermostat and hope you've stocked up on enough coal and food, this song means despair XD

@zaxbitterzen2178 - 07.03.2024 10:33

A beautiful dance between despair and perseverance.

@akvirr7102 - 01.04.2024 20:04

To be honest fp main menu theme is much more interesting even though it not so emotional

@masqueraid988 - 22.04.2024 01:28

Hope means nothing when you have OBEDIENCE

@magni5648 - 09.05.2024 04:34

All that needs to be said about the context this musci play in in-game is that they managed to create a bossfight in a city-builder game.

And the boss has no healthbar.

@Winter_ECU - 22.05.2024 07:00

Hits harder when you have to sacrifice 30 people to keep the mines running.. the city must survive!

@TwojaStaraIFrytki - 22.05.2024 21:32

Somehow, this song shows how urgent this threat is, how desperate people are under your rule and you can almost see people throwing everything that can burn into the furnace, just to keep fire on

@uncle-nemes1s489 - 27.05.2024 03:08

Cannot wait for him to hear "The Inevitable" from dlc

@pain002 - 01.06.2024 00:46

best 3.85$ ever.

@0ld_Scratch - 13.06.2024 12:25

You should absolutly react to Metro 2033 soundtrack, escpecially "The Tower" and "The Good Ending" tracks, there are probably some more you shoud listen to from the games Last Light/Exodus, but these are that had the most impact on me, absolutly love "The Tower".

@Beuwen_The_Dragon - 20.06.2024 04:45

The klaxons blare their shrill alarm, steam whistles screaming defiantly through the still air of the city; then the people scream too.
The Coal mines empty of workers as fast as the Foremen orders them to, the engineers set the Automatons to automatically feed the furnaces, greasing their gears and praying it’s enough.
City Watchmen call out and guide the citizens into their homes, before retreating to their own while they can. No drunkard dare step outside nor riot fill the street; Not this Night.
The orphaned children lay huddled in corners of the Boarding house, and sickly patients stacked from floor to ceiling in the hospital draw quiet save the occasional moan or cough, the Doctors quietly turning to Prayer over Medicine..
The last of the Airships are stowed in their hangars, as the Hunters make safe their Zeppelin Steeds. The City Beacon, shining aloft to guide the final Scouting party home; is hastily lowered from the sky as the last hint of blue is swiftly engulfed by Black.. They won’t be coming home..
Doors slam shut, windows are shuttered, and every lantern, wood stove, and coal furnace is alight tonight. As the Streets go dark, the Frost descends into the City like a Wrathful Biblical Spirit, and no amount of lamb’s blood over the doors will keep the Specter of Death at bay.

Glass shatters from the instant chill, walls and shutters buckle and shake, as cold gusts force through every gap in every wall, no matter how small; piercing like knives no matter how many blankets or Furs you hide in.
The Captain carefully watches every gauge and pressure check control, feeling his sweat freeze to his brow even as he sits inches from the City’s Steam Core; it’s Iron Bulkhead glowing red hot as it threatens to blow.
Entire streets are buried in drifts of snow, those trapped in their homes soon find themselves as frozen statues clinging to dying furnaces.
The heated Greenhouses buckle under the wind, killing all the irreplaceable crops instantly.

The last automaton slumps in the street, spilling its final load of coal uselessly into the snow as its clockwork limbs seize up.
The Cleric says one final prayer for his congregation, all their drawn desperate faces looking toward him, pale, eyes unblinking and flecked with ice; not one of them draws breath.

One Engineer braves the cold and stumbles to the City Core, his legs unfazed by the deadly chill as he lost them to frostbite months ago. He collapses into the Control Room, only to Find the Core bleeding steam and pressure valves bursting. Amongst the hellfire he finds the Captain; still valiantly sitting at his post, frozen dead at the Core controls, a hasty barely legible note scrawled beside him…

‘I tried”

A flash of White in the Deafening Black, the final Breath as The Last City of Man…


@kminrzymski - 22.06.2024 08:49

Frostpunk basically revived city builder genre and this music helped a lot.

@xXESproductionsXx - 27.06.2024 20:37

This game is a masterpiece. The music, the UI, the story, all of it is intricately planned. Genius game.

@Dominis_ - 28.06.2024 01:27

How to beat the storm:
1. Make sawdust burgers
2. Employ little children in mines
3. Profit

@imlegend8108 - 28.06.2024 14:25

The sheer difficulty curve of this game is insane. Easy mode is super ez and chill. Normal mode is so much harder Ive only ever once managed to finish the game and only by crossing all borders and going full Putin mode

@G.D.R855 - 07.07.2024 04:07

What this lacks is the toll of the death bells as your city begins die. Despite having nothing to do with the song and being completely random it fits so well. If your doing good this sound is rare, piercing, and you know you messed up.

But now, DING DING DING DING a constant reminder of any mistakes.

As your medical facilities are overloaded,
Your stockpiles dwindling,
The temperature dropping,
One thing is constant,
Ding, Ding, Ding...

@xGoodOldSmurfehx - 11.07.2024 13:52

> The frost comes and the temperature goes down to -100C', i tell myself "the city must survive"
> Puts out as much heat as possible, i tell myself "the city must survive"
> Stocked as many supplies as possible, i tell myself "the city must survive"
> Had dozens of people sacrifice their lives to keep the coal drills running, i tell myself "the city must survive"
> The storm arrives and unleashes itself with a -150C', i tell myself "holy shit this is hell but still the city must survive"
> Dude who went out looking for his daughter comes back alive with her in the middle of the inferno, i tell myself "holy shit, how?! They survived and so the city must survive also"
> Supplies are slowly but steadily running out so i hold my breath and just tell myself "Coal and food are gonna run out, come on the city must survive!!"

This game gave me more suspense and an actual (intense) fight for survival than any freaking survival games i have ever played and this song was at the forefront of it all and gave me PTSD like many other players, i mean what an experience this game and what a masterpiece this song

@CitizenTheory - 16.07.2024 08:33

I really appreciate this. The "no obligation or pressure" at the end is great. Bravo.

I also like that he only stopped it once. He enjoyed the music for what it was, providing his comments after. Very good.

@thejanitor3263 - 19.07.2024 07:34

This is the only game i know of that has boss music for the weather.

@kevin780313 - 20.07.2024 08:47

the first time i feel like fighting a boss in city building game. and it is very good

@peeperleviathan2839 - 03.08.2024 22:59

Near the end of the storm I just shut down everything including the generator because it isn’t helping at that point, even at level 4 and overdrive it’s not doing anything

@dreadlordnitsuga2 - 10.08.2024 03:58

The beating drums in the center represents the giant reactor radiating heat for the city. Is like a giant heart that keeps the city alive.

@andypantsgaming - 22.08.2024 02:47

Dude i have always talked about this song

@NewCandyCane - 24.08.2024 16:56

I love playing this game when this song finally hits! It's so powerful!

@Sherryxgaming - 01.09.2024 21:25


@captainmatthew661 - 16.09.2024 10:19

whos coming back before frost punk 2 comes out?

@zuzz9352 - 18.09.2024 04:47

When I first played this game and made it to the point where this song plays it was perfect. It encapsulates the exact emotions I had at the time. We didn’t hold fast out of a feeling of hope or sense of duty. We didn’t even do it for the people, without even a moment’s hesitation they were left to die if it meant the city would live. In that moment it was an animal, more alive than the people that made it. And in that moment we would carry out whatever cruelty or injustice would let it stand even on the brink of ruin, even if countless died, because in that moment we truly believed above all, the city MUST survive!

@paugss203 - 18.09.2024 17:36

>The temperature just dropped to -150c
>The food ran out 2 days ago
>The coal will run out soon
>The people cant work anymore
>The infirmaries are all overcrowded
>Riots break in the streets
>You no longer have control over the situation, the storm took that from you
>The silhouette of a man stands at the edge of the city, he's carrying something, someone, a child
>An old feeling you thought forgotten comes back to you
>Hope rises

@Kimtroverted - 20.09.2024 16:34

The way each section represents a different element? The strings supporting the ever descending cold (Constant repeating motifs of descending notes, it's geting colder and colder and colder~), the woodwind howling icy cold air through the streets, through cracks, into your very bones~ The brass representing the storm itself (heavy BWAAAAAA for the stormwall approaching and hitting, constantly oppressing and overpowering all else) and the drums representing the march of time (ticking of the clock, the hearts beating, rattling windows) and yet throughout all of it each single one also encompasses the struggle of humanity, as if each section is in turn the cruelty of nature and the hope of humanity (the people shovelling coal desperately with the percussion, the defiance of the brass, the strings outpouring both fear and trust, the woodwind the hums of the generator even as it's pushed to it's brink). The track is an absolute masterpiece in duality.

@TheGamingAbyss - 21.09.2024 06:52

I was lucky enough to play this game for the first time in the winter

@MementoMori7777 - 22.09.2024 09:11

It really sounds like a Desperate fight for one's life where the odds are stacked heavily against you, But with a TEEENSY weensy sliver of hope. It's like the song is trying to tell you your chances are slim, but You should still try because you CAN still make it as long as you don't give up.

Which is exactly what Going against the storm in Frostpunk feels like. You can do it, but it's an absolute "Do or die" situation.

@Ambatukam_Bro - 23.09.2024 23:09

- Engineer: Half dead, and half literally dead.
- Captain: Temperature?

- Engineer: -150 Celsius and falling!
- Captain: f*ck... f*ck... F*CK..! The doctors..?
- Engineer: 1 grasping at his last straws, he's currently doing a self-amputation.
- Captain: ...
- Engineer: ...
- Captain: ...Engineer.
- Engineer: ...Yes?
- Captain: Set the engine to the maximum output. We'll deal with the repercussions... later...
- Engineer: ...As you command...

@spinningredchair8092 - 28.09.2024 16:47

I love the bleak optimism of the Frostpunk universe.

Everyone always has hope for the future, even when things are going wrong, and its not that they want to survive, its that they HAVE TO.

The city MUST survive.

@spinningredchair8092 - 29.09.2024 20:21

In the actual game, your effort of building a city in the frozen ruins of what was once civilization culminates in a 7-day long storm of blistering cold. Affectionately called "The Great Storm" or "Big White"

The first days are terrible. Temperatures drop to -70C.

The soil in your hothouses freeze over, so no crops. It's too cold to send scouts out for food. Any scouts still out there have almost certainly perished. You'll have to make do with the food you've stored.

Most people refuse to go to work, and instead stay at home with their families.

An engineer bursts through your door as you huddle around a fire with your family.

"Sir the storm will end soon... but the temperature drop before it ends will be... well our measuring instruments can't even measure that low."

The following night unimaginable cold gusts rock the city to its core.

𝘏𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘶𝘱𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺.. 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧.

"We did what we could... now we just have to wait and pray that it was enough."

Temperatures drop once more, - 80, -90. -100, -110, -120 the entire time this wonderful descending violin plays, and you watch all of your resources drain, and the temperatures fall to a level where things no longer just freeze. They 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘻𝘦.

Fear and discontent spreads through the city as families lay lifeless in their own homes, parents die surrounding their children trying to shield them from the cold.

In the final hours of the storm, the city is bundled up in their houses. Eerie quiet descends upon the normally bustling and noisy city.

As civilians sit huddled around a sputtering and dying generator, they see a silhouette on the peak of the frozen wastes.

It's not possible.
It's a man.
No one could have survived out there.
He's holding something.
It's a child. His lost daughter.


They don't want to survive. But they have to.


@arthasmenethil4399 - 04.10.2024 12:57

I still remember playing this and hearing this song during the storm and absolutely losing my shit at how awesome it was <3

@jhonsmith8425 - 07.10.2024 02:55

If i'm ever in an "objective: survive" moment in my life, this is the theme

@muldoone6920 - 10.10.2024 15:11

My FAVOURITE city builder. It calls to me like no other.

@drontesmakor1983 - 19.10.2024 10:46

"Is that boss music in a city builder?" - Someone who's about to find out the hard way.
