Perfect Match | Suicide Squad 2021 Annual

Perfect Match | Suicide Squad 2021 Annual

Caped Joel

3 года назад

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@TevyaSmolka - 11.09.2021 15:12

The fact this superboy is match is very interesting and I am hoping really hoping we can see more Conner Kent return to save match in the future.

@mad0813 - 11.09.2021 16:07

I was really hoping this was N52 Superboy or at least the evil clone from the future.

@TheTheDontae - 11.09.2021 16:32

Suicide island…..nahh too edgy
Task force fortress X….nahhh
Waller‘s rogue nation maybe

@b1merio - 11.09.2021 16:35

A hoot? Was it also a holler lol But, yeah, did not see that one coming. Great read.

@ayiza8511 - 11.09.2021 16:39

Wish Conner Kent were in the main superman comics. Whit Jon after all he was the original and he deserves to be there

@masonmoore7636 - 11.09.2021 16:50

Can’t believe we have 2 good suicide squad books in a row AND get joker

@filipe19991 - 11.09.2021 16:54

I love that cover indirectly shows the twist without actually showing it. I really love the direction that SS was been going, i wish in future project people look at it for referrences.

@Dorkyboi-1218 - 11.09.2021 19:26

William Cobb and Kent Conner now all we need is some messed up version of Wonder Woman and Waller would have a dope Task Force Trinity

@bizarroguy6570 - 11.09.2021 19:35

I hope someone picks up the phone, cause I CALLED IT!

@EnerKaizer - 11.09.2021 20:55

two words: Called it

@kurtoogle4576 - 12.09.2021 02:05

I like it!

@willstoudemire-pulliam9084 - 12.09.2021 03:46

Have we seen Connor and Jon interact yet? How would the clone feel about the biological son of Superman?

@jaschul - 12.09.2021 03:53

Sam Scudder is the first Mirror Master. I thought he died a long time ago, and an Australian (?) whose name I forget took his tech, costume etc. Also -- since Jon Kent is now Superman II, how about we get a new Superboy series with Conner Kent back in Hawaii with his old "supporting cast"?

@joshp.5684 - 14.09.2021 08:06

Really wish that DC would have released annual 1 and #7 on different weeks because I read the first few pages of #7 and realized I had to read annual 1 first smh. All things said the twist that superboy was Match was ruined for me in under a few minutes thanks DC 😤😤
