5 Easy Ways To Be More Confident On The Microphone (Beat Fear And Anxiety)

5 Easy Ways To Be More Confident On The Microphone (Beat Fear And Anxiety)

Smart Rapper

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@shellzest2568 - 09.11.2018 05:20

Best teacher ever! Been binge watching your vids pretty much daily & they are brilliant. I'm not just interesting in rapping, I do like to sing as well but these are still very helpful.

@killworth2324 - 25.11.2018 23:00

i remember watching one of ur vids in 8th grade for the first time. im a senior in high school now

@taeb6179 - 08.12.2018 19:03


@Compoundintereststockguy - 10.01.2019 10:13

Benzes are quality haha, pretty sure there expensive af to repair vs a Honda Civic. + Break down more than a Honda Civic! I dont like Hondas, but that call was silly.

@donatevert736 - 11.01.2019 01:43


@the.bp98 - 15.01.2019 05:44

I tried freestyling in the mic and it helped i even rapped half a track on the mic

@Mainzeption - 07.02.2019 00:06

What is that booked called?

@pookstascott7145 - 21.02.2019 22:05

Good stuff I'm working on my confidence towards recording. Good tips

@lewpedlyricism2223 - 23.03.2019 10:40

I hate my voice lmfaoo i freestyle while im working, with an industrial fan so loud and headphones i cant hear myself, how can i get over that? I feel its the biggest killer of my confidence

@Yarmiplay - 06.06.2019 20:17

Hey man, I just give you a big thanks, this video helped me record myself on the microphone for something I wanted to do
Not for singing but in general
This will probably help me in the future as well since I'm just starting get myself out there
Huge thanks!

@noahfourha3345 - 16.06.2019 17:32

Thank you big bro 🙏🏼

@theshields360 - 16.07.2019 07:10

I'm at Longwood and gonna rap in a few days here, so this was very helpful.

@naledibopape6623 - 21.07.2019 18:02

man that smiling thing actually works and practicing flow and putting em bars in the skull new that already but you still right bro trust me i feel you man

@BuddaGheeski - 11.09.2019 00:29

The key and only way to be more confident on the mic is to practice what you saying before you record it

@ThusithaThanthirige - 16.11.2019 07:16


@manu32475 - 26.11.2019 04:23


@nieliestales4703 - 11.01.2020 15:52

You're great

@BJ-fq3zz - 19.02.2020 03:14

Hw long should u memorize ur words for a song before u move on to tha next one🤔. no common sense answer

@Bluearts2024 - 24.03.2020 16:13

Thank you

@muhammadowais3676 - 25.03.2020 06:09

Just imagine eminem commenting thanks it was helpful

@itsp.y.n6246 - 01.05.2020 12:55

I'm always nervous even when the lyrics are right don't know what to do with my problems 😢😢😢

@unknown-co3hu - 25.05.2020 02:24

i’ve been binge watching your videos for 30 minutes now and man are you inspirational! you deserve millions of subscribers, all these tips just made me wanna get on the mic, i’m finna take all these tips and go crazy!

@dustinsantos3999 - 29.05.2020 04:41

I can tell you spiritual I dig it👁

@CCCPlatinum - 10.07.2020 18:05

I have to listen to eminem's Cinderella man before Spittin

@SaveurGames - 18.07.2020 10:34

I always wanted to rap about how sad my life is but I don't want my parents or my siblings to found out what I think and stuff also I most likely won't succeed because I'm 12

@eileenbucik9801 - 17.08.2020 01:56

Just a girl not confident enough to send voice messages passing by, first two points seem helpful tho💪

@TT17 - 01.09.2020 09:05

thank you bro i needed this!

@swaranbains8326 - 11.10.2020 00:56

I got depression tho haha

@Kenjiiscool - 13.10.2020 01:32

bro you have ad libs in your tutorials lol this actually helped thanks bro

@NecromancerJakub - 19.11.2020 03:07

So, i can just murder a beat on a solo car ride but when im in the studio with my best friend i just can't manage to replicate. Any tips on that?

@420yuGtahT - 06.01.2021 20:39

But I hate my voice and I'm scared that my parents will walk in on me 😭😂

@Eddietheproduct - 12.01.2021 06:05

hey man I can't wait to meet you one day to let you know you were part of the success.

@promotetalent2138 - 14.01.2021 20:51

You are dam man

@maofrost6637 - 25.02.2021 21:28

I just watched this video so can be confident in my voice overs, but your energy is so contagious and exciting i have to subscribe and see what other wisdoms you'll bestow o O o

@stoniegadg3t-music345 - 27.02.2021 03:03

@ # 4

Yeah .. that's when I'm at work .. lmao 🤣

@stoniegadg3t-music345 - 27.02.2021 03:05

Wish someone looked at me like Rob looks at his mic when he called it a "sexy mother f-- "

@pseudophp - 14.05.2021 22:02

I was drunk and stoned at my company party, when the boss called me out in front of everyone: "Attention please! I found out that Mark can freestyle. I haven't talked to him, but I challenge you to rap in front of us!"

I was taken aback, but did it and they all loved it! Be fearless! I wasn't in the zone, but my skills I hone. It's your throne, take it or go home. :P

@WoodsPrecisionArms - 11.06.2021 09:19

After watching my god damn umpteenth video on this subject, this is THE smartest video with the smartest advice I had heard yet. I don’t rap but it works just for talking into the mic. Thanks for posting this!

@swimtastic08 - 01.07.2021 20:56

I fuckin love this! Just listening helps me already!

@pheezo743 - 09.07.2021 12:58

Great advice bruh I have some fire writing skills but can't perform great when recording

@Theonlyoneto - 01.08.2021 22:08

Live in the moment when you spittin stop thinkin if your doin something in the present than all ya energy should be in the present that'll take you way farther then thinking 24/7 does , don't think bout ya song be able to feel the song so you rap it almost unconsciously

@money78 - 22.08.2021 15:12

😭This video helped me overcome anxiety of recording behind the mic

@ragianazariah4392 - 27.10.2021 23:22

MC=Massive Confidence

@overplayed3553 - 05.12.2021 08:07

my number 1 problem is recording getting myself in the zone and when i do? recording it makes it artificial. simply with hard work and time i can be a rapper 50-100 k followers and if i’m lucky? with who i know and make steps up with the music industry? famous. so i can do this. rap.

@LilRicky2k4 - 22.12.2021 19:36

I noticed when I'm recordin, if I aint in the zone then the whole project just sounds like im doin cuz I have to and not cuz I want to, but when I'm feelin the beat and confident the whole thing sounds better, I feel better bout the project, and after im done I'm proud of it, sum my music im not proud of

@tafarithehooligan - 25.03.2022 11:35

The big sean ad libs😭

@lyricaldetective4310 - 26.04.2022 23:31

I usually have a threesome that helps my nerves

@GabiotaRodriguez - 08.06.2022 07:22

Your the best ♥️✨
