Recently I wrapped up a playthrough of Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition. Mass Effect was a formative trilogy of RPGs for me in high school, so I wanted to revisit a perceived classic to reevaluate how I felt about it. Most of it held up! Except all the extremely important parts. Mass Effect in general is…a bit confused. Trying to posture as one thing, and still reinforcing the opposite in the spirit of pulling in as many different players as it can. But in spite of its confusion, Mass Effect holds within a plethora of deeply moving and complex characters who explore social issues of its time to varying success as well as present us with challenging relationships and conversations we may not ever have in real-life given our beliefs or ideologies. The companions and squadmates we meet along the way to saving the galaxy are a collection of misfits and ne'er-do-wells, soldiers and mercenaries, perfectionists, paragons, realists, and renegades. Our subject today is one such companion and unlikely friend. A survivor of Mass Effect’s confused theming. A victim of its ignorance. What makes him a fan favorite, what stands him out among the rest despite only being a squadmate in one Mass Effect and potentially never surviving past it, is the state of his very existence. Caught in the middle of breaking down in-game stereotypes, while having those same stereotypes pushed upon him by game elements both diegetic and otherwise. He represents the awkward balance between Mass Effect’s messaging and its mistakes. He’s everything good, everything bad, and everything odd about the series. And he’s my favorite character from the original Mass Effect. I’m GC and this is the ballad of Urdnot Wrex.
A special thanks to @Zoltiboi for the thumbnail!
#masseffect #wrex #bioware #masseffectlegendaryedition #EA
#Questrospective #GCVazquez #GC_Vazquez #urdnot_Wrex_character_analysis #urdnot_Wrex_krogan #mass_Effect_1_wrex #mass_effect_2_wrex #mass_effect_3_wrex #wrex_leads_the_krogan #The_Ballad_of_Urdnot_Wrex #Mass_Effect's_Self-Aware_Party_Member #mass_effect_wrex_death #what_urdnot_wrex_represents #mass_Effect_urdnot_wrex_endings #urdnot_wrex_character_ballad #mass_Effect_trilogy_wrex #mass_effect_legendary_collection_wrex #wrex_character_ballad #Mass_Effect's_Self-Aware_Squad_Member