Gutenberg WordPress Tutorial - Beginners Guide

Gutenberg WordPress Tutorial - Beginners Guide


3 года назад

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@howmightwestudio - 13.09.2021 14:56

Hey Paul, firstly thanks for your continuing contribution to the wp community. Big up. And my question.. What are your thoughts on kadence pro with Hooked elements etc in conjunction with Stackable Blocks? Do you think they would play nicely or best to avoid?

@jaideepnag3770 - 17.09.2021 17:23

Sir Line Height missing in Typogrophy?? What to do??

@WissTune - 04.10.2021 09:52

Hello, Can we use Pods for dynamic content with Gutenberg wordress? I know that works great with elementor , how about Gutenberg?

@razakalsharafy4708 - 07.10.2021 02:21

Awesome video demonstration as usual! Thanks.
Now, we are waiting a higher-level video on this topic +troubleshooting session :-)

@photoshopfantasy5106 - 15.10.2021 20:01

it so sad that i have to watch a tutorial on how to use Gutenberg as I am old school been using the classic editor since WordPress started. After watching this gutenburg sucks its a hassle the classic editor is superior

@lojane4education - 18.10.2021 11:51


@ColeenHein - 27.10.2021 20:40

Paul, this was SO useful, thanks so much for posting it! I have a couple of questions: What do you think would be the speed benefit (or loss) using Blocksy and block plugins like the Stackable or Kadence ones over using, say, Kadence theme with Kadence blocks? Minimal? And if I need dynamic sidebar menus for certain pages, would I be better off using something like Kadence over Blocksy, or does it matter? Thanks for putting out such amazing content, I'm learning so much!

@pellekarlsson152 - 31.10.2021 01:48

Great video Paul! please do more gutenburg tutorials exampel how to build website/ecommerce with kadence blocks or stackable design libary

@May10th - 04.11.2021 09:53

Thanks for great video! I am having trouble finding the Stackable Design Library button. I installed Kadence theme and still can't see the button above. Where can I find this?

@tulasiprasad9712 - 08.11.2021 13:24

Sir can I add so many products using only Gutenberg....without woocommerce

@LawrencRJUTube - 28.11.2021 23:14

The file I downloaded but "local" will not install. Even though I downlaoded the Ubuntu version.

@kaveengoonawardane9651 - 13.01.2022 11:12

Super useful video! Thanks, Paul.

@martinargimon730 - 27.01.2022 13:09

I wonder when are all these companies going to STOP changing and competing AT ANY COST against each other. They are confusing the H!*#! out of us. They can't stop changing things around ... As if we had nothing else to do but sit around and wait to be bombarded with more changes !!!. IS really pathetic. ! they should learn from Microsoft ( the changes/improvements are organised and released in a sequence that can be digested ).
I hope "Sharepoint" (with its own web interface) takes over all of these 'Web page builders./themes/plug-ins" and all of this ridiculous nonsense. I'm sure I speak for million of us that are fed with all of this nonsense !!!
Shame on you !

@martinargimon730 - 27.01.2022 13:46

You are an excellent teacher.!! Do not get me wrong and your work is much appreciated. The comment was not directed to you at all. it is a generic comment. IS incredible the amount of 'things' ( Plug-ins, themes, page builders, gutenberg, SEO , SSL, etc, etc ) that we need to go thru' and is NOT really worth it. These companies are all competing for a share of the market and we pay the brunt of it. Plug-ins that do not work , etc,etc due to the constant changes and the list goes on and on.
Thanks very much for work dedicated work to your audience , with your brillinat tutorials. Nothing to do with you is the "industry", i am afraid.
Kind REgards

@multimasterymarketing4768 - 08.02.2022 07:42

Some nice Gutenberg tips here, thanks for sharing! As far as reusable blocks, I tested that feature in the past and experienced problems where the blocks were just disappearing - and as you can imagine, that can be a nightmare - especially if the reusable blocks were a pricing table or something and they all just went missing all at once for no apparent reason. And that's exactly what happened in my case! Not sure what the issue was, but I never really trusted reusable blocks after that. And I'm not the only one who's experienced this issue, others have reported the issue too. Have you ever experienced this?? If so, is there a fix to it?

@josecalcagni8472 - 24.03.2022 09:20

👉👉👉 Muchas gracias, excelente tutorial. Muy claro y bien explicado. Saludos desde Santiago de Chile. 😃👌👍

@rmcellig - 27.04.2022 02:17

Thanks so much!! I was just about to leave WordPress for something else. Your video brought me back. Well done!

@ahmedali-bu8ms - 26.06.2022 10:23

thanks Paul, i always enjoy watching your videos, thoughtful, direct to the point, and productive results .. appreciated !

@suman121069 - 30.06.2022 12:06

great tutorial, big help :) thank you so much

@samnectar - 03.07.2022 21:38

This video was perfect for me, all killer no filler! Thanks

@spanishpropertyconsultants - 01.08.2022 22:02

Great video and very helpful as I'm getting a bit fed up with standard theme installs etc. I cannot see however if these Gutenberg blocks are mobile friendly or a button where you can see on PC, mobile and tablet. I also cannot see where each page has it's SEO options or adding anchors which is something a use a lot. These things I will try and find. Thanks again for your time.

@easyislander - 06.08.2022 01:47

Thank you for the tutorial. But I find Gutenberg terrible. The interface is confusing and everything is lumped together as if they just took a bunch of features and dumped it all on us to figure out.

The UI is God awful and I find that I can't get work done like I can with all of the other page builders on Wordpress.

I'm already getting complaints from customers. They find Gutenberg confusing and way harder than Wix or Weebly. In fact, they already are driven away from Wordpress because of their experience with Gutenberg.

Not only is the UI pretty bad, making simple edits such as spacing and font sizes just doesn't work. The <BR> tag doesn't work. Simple hitting enter to create a space doesn't work. It's a total fircken mess.

If I could decide about Gutenberg, I would honestly just scrap it. It's that bad.

@JayJay-ki4mi - 21.08.2022 17:09

Subscribed because you're a genuine older guy that has a tonne of experience. I'm just a little younger than you, and I've just started using WP's new FSE feature. I've got to develop some plugins that integrate with Gutenburg ... but I know very little about Gutenburg and this video has helped me understand what it's about. Thanks buddy. Subbed.

@michaelwhite1322 - 06.09.2022 22:02

Very useful video. Thanks!

@JoseAndradejayrock - 25.09.2022 17:37

Great overview. DO you have any insights or recommendtaions on Digital Asset Management as it relates to the Media Library? Does Stackable Design offer such a function?

@GarySchiltz - 11.10.2022 00:13

Nice intro. Total noob question here, but what is the "Gutenberg for Beginners" text? It doesn't show up in either the page settings or the block settings.

@aze216 - 11.01.2023 09:33

Excellent tutorial. quick, organized and super informative. Thanks!

@lavroxofficial - 15.02.2023 19:24

God bless you

@livikking7000 - 16.02.2023 17:39

Keep it up sir love from pakistan

@fredpourlesintimes - 04.03.2023 21:15

Except for the Kadence theme that looks fine, sober, well designed, could you stop promoting paying third party extension? I can't focus only on GutenBerg result...

@ankiabiom - 05.03.2023 03:03

Your tutorial was kind of incredibly useful. Thanks.😅

@pratanubanerjee1675 - 27.03.2023 12:56

wonderful tutorial

@SuburbanPhilosophy - 28.05.2023 11:43

I cannot figure why the blue + (plus) is not working. Basicaly I can use only plain text.

@rayfellers - 01.06.2023 19:37

In my WP install, V6.2.2 I see nothing about Gutenberg at all. How does one get to the screens being shown here for Gutenberg?

@محمدنايف-خ8ل - 09.06.2023 08:42

thank u great teacher

@sikandarmushtaq48 - 21.06.2023 19:02

Gutanburg like figma I recommend to all ui designer use this Builder

@maxlindner8718 - 28.06.2023 13:22

How can I install Gutenberg?

@lazy-hero. - 07.08.2023 12:34

Nice introduction

@subtronik23 - 08.08.2023 08:39

I have global colours set in my theme, also in Elementor and also potentially in stackable. How on earth do I know which one wins??🤔

@Anwar.Parvez - 26.08.2023 07:16

Very useful and excellent video.

@garbaty2000 - 31.08.2023 03:07


@reyreyalldayday5708 - 04.12.2023 20:47

how do you even get to where you are starting from here? all i see is a bunch of options that seemingly do nothing. as a coder wordpress is really aggravating me

@EricaGamet - 05.01.2024 07:05

I used to work in WP back when it first started out (even went to all the Wordpress Camps back in the day)... and I could poke my way around the backend and get a decent site. About 8 years ago I updated my site with Avada and I don't know what else... I've forgotten how I did any of it, as I've sorely neglected my site. I'm just getting back into things and felt lost with blocks and Gutenberg, etc. I had ChatGPT explain to me the relation between all of these things and then watched your excellent video. I think I'm ready to start the re-birth of my site... now which plug-in can give me three more hours in a day so I can actually find the time?!

@mateuszkorus300 - 15.01.2024 07:54

That felt a bit like an ad, but the outro was pretty clever ngl

@zerobambiro - 15.04.2024 10:42

Is this the future builder?

@spitsparrow - 27.06.2024 09:40

you said first up but forgot to say where you actually are. In site editor, page editor? that editing view can be seen in both and it isnt clear where you even start. How about doing an actual start from fresh install and where you go first. Templates? appearance - site editor- templates? create a page in dashboard? etc. You went straight to god knows where. Is this meant to be beginner?

@spitsparrow - 27.06.2024 09:42

I guess you are showing how to use the block editor. But this doesnt help on how to build an actual site at all. Do you have any videos of creating a one page site from start to finish. How you would set up a template or apply a template. Why even go into templates at all. Why do I need a front page template. ??

@WordPressWay - 29.08.2024 11:48

Many features can be added to Gutenberg. They are easy to use and powerful. <3

@abdelrahmanelomla9497 - 16.11.2024 11:49

Ammazing step by step explaination

@tomasburian6550 - 28.02.2025 12:28

It's insane how fast things move. It looks way different now.
