NodeJS 22 Just Dropped, Here's Why I'm Hyped

NodeJS 22 Just Dropped, Here's Why I'm Hyped

Theo - t3․gg

10 месяцев назад

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@slipperyeel9206 - 29.04.2024 18:06

I use nodemon. I also call it no demon 😈

@IbrahimAbdallah-tr4wq - 29.04.2024 18:40

Man, you had me in "kill esm" 😅

@lautarodapin - 29.04.2024 18:51

f* currently moving from node 14 to node 20 and now i have to move to 22? lol

@parkernilson - 29.04.2024 18:58

That’s a lot of nodeable changes

@gustavcoetzee5018 - 29.04.2024 18:59

Hey need to say this. By coincidence. I was trying npm wasm rust for some webgl power. Today. Updated to 22. Wasm rust she wants node 16... fml i dont know. Perhaps someone does

@leg1tvids - 29.04.2024 19:14

Can you do a vid on your desktop env?

@tonysolar284 - 29.04.2024 19:29

When do we stop using one function packages? the more dependencies a project requires the more space it needs and the higher the risk is for malicious packages to be included.

@ml210993 - 29.04.2024 20:28

Totally different from prime''s latest title about uninstalling node :D

@FlohtheGamer - 29.04.2024 20:50

The JS Ecosystem needs to die, sorry to the Frontend Devs but the industry took some weird turns. Now we celebrate features which solve problems that should not be there in the first place. JS had it's time in history, i get that. Now let it rest in history and move on.

@mdev790 - 29.04.2024 20:55

What vscode theme is that?

@vantadaga - 29.04.2024 20:59

Its node mon....

@jmatya - 29.04.2024 21:16

To the Editor: good job 👍 on cutting the vid, figuring out the jumping around in the original recording must have been a headache 😅

@erics2133 - 29.04.2024 21:26

I'll admit to being hyped. Set operations? Yes please. A lot of that other stuff looks interesting as well.

I'll definitely be trying 22 soon. We don't use node much in production at this time, but that changes later this year, so developing in 22 is practical. I'll hold off on the stuff behind experimental flags, however.

@anon_y_mousse - 29.04.2024 21:31

What you said about Watchman is kind of funny. Do you know how the `make` program determines when to rebuild a file? When the source has a more recent timestamp than the binary. It's really that simple. And the same process can be used on Windows by just stat'ing the file. Back when I used Win98 I knew how to use the Win32 API to stat a file and compare timestamps. So if any devs for any project needed to use a third-party program to determine when to rebuild files, they should be embarrassed. Hopefully I'm not calling you out, it's just something I found funny.

@kearfy - 29.04.2024 21:47

I’m very excited for not having to use isomorphic websocket libraries from october next year onwards

@SamyarBorder - 29.04.2024 22:55

You know node really did change something when he talks about node

@SethuSenthil - 29.04.2024 23:05

Finally RIP Watchman!

@itsthesteve - 29.04.2024 23:40

I never thought of it being no-demon. Ive always said node-mon.

@jpaulbamberg5058 - 30.04.2024 01:10

What terminal is that?

@moussaadem7933 - 30.04.2024 01:18

i hate when he goes "whooooh!"

@moumous87 - 30.04.2024 01:31

Theo is always hyped

@packtrouble6270 - 30.04.2024 01:51

Can someone explain why require(esm) is such a good thing or atleast point me in the right direction to figure it out myself?

@mang_tomas - 30.04.2024 02:45

WHUT!! but we're still using node 8!!

@StinkyCatFarts - 30.04.2024 03:13

Node is crap

@nathanbourquin6554 - 30.04.2024 03:49

Hey question: when using npm run dev on a nextjs project it seems like files are updated on save without the update and —watch. How was this done before + will this be faster now?

@BhargavaMan - 30.04.2024 03:50

It's not no-demon, it's node-mon

As in, node monitor

I am VERY fun at parties, I must say.

EDIT: AAH FUCK chat beat me to it.

@abel.3000 - 30.04.2024 05:28

IMO never gonna touch node or npm again. The module transitions has been handled so horribly … they should just close the committee,move on and let the new generation of runtime take over

@skydivertyler - 30.04.2024 07:40

My question is: Node 18 was “Hydrogen” (H), Node 20 was “Iron” (I), what will Node 22 (J) be called? There aren’t any periodic table elements that start with J 🤔

@lucrativelepton - 30.04.2024 07:48

The official pronunciation of nodemon is on their website, and it says it's whichever you feel like lol

@pedroalonsoms - 30.04.2024 08:40

damn were still on v16 at work

@obinnaokafor6252 - 30.04.2024 08:58

do people still use Nodejs?

@lancemarchetti8673 - 30.04.2024 10:09

Super cool

@jatinhemnani1029 - 30.04.2024 14:00

rip nodemon

@Gaijin101 - 30.04.2024 18:56

thanks bun for pushing node

@gkiokan - 30.04.2024 22:19

If node22 fixes this stuff, is there a reason to use bun anyway? I still had no time to test it but heard different opinions about it. And tbh, Never change a running system and I will stay probably on node/npm anyway.

@burningtree878 - 01.05.2024 05:19

Nice, these features look dope!
FTW built in glob and watch 💯

@JacobGlanz1234 - 01.05.2024 09:53

You’re hyped because you’re always are
The problem is that the hype only lasts for five minutes until the next………

@wepieces - 01.05.2024 19:24

its not u-websocket its micro-websocket btw

@chrisanderson687 - 01.05.2024 23:24

I'm getting re-hyped about good 'ol NodeJS! It's always been great, and getting better. I tried Deno, Bun, etc. and I just find myself always coming "home" to Node. :)

@7heMech - 02.05.2024 00:55

seems like bun is a very positive influence on node

@thenecroyeti1 - 29.06.2024 10:13

Of course you're hyped. JS is a core part of your personality.

@demiurge_n_dragons - 26.08.2024 21:58

So glad we're getting a built-in node watcher.

@dzisonline - 09.09.2024 03:43

Okay, I've never seen that node -p command. Super useful, especial in package.json scripts! Thanks!

@Oblivianos - 27.10.2024 14:46

at 5.25 why did he say finally kill ESM for nodejs? are ESModules bad? if so why?

@MegganCurrell - 10.11.2024 14:06

Thanks for the forecast! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?

@HighOnCaffein3 - 30.12.2024 14:40

Already using it to learn some of the more complex concepts that i was missing. Watch is great.

@fytubevw - 19.01.2025 21:10

Smoke test done. Older node app runs fine. The only bug I found, using Node 22, was in my own source;) Fixed!

@omarhassan2124 - 20.01.2025 11:26

Great video
