Lucien's RPM Story

Lucien's RPM Story

Suzy Clement

3 года назад

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@luasrenreh - 24.08.2021 10:14

This brings me so much joy and hope! Lucien, you are amazing. Shine on!

@angelicajoaquin7516 - 25.08.2021 23:53

Love, love, love! Lucien, your name is so appropriate for you. Keep shining and revealing your brilliance! We hope your video will reach those who really need it most! Love you!

@ChillyChillington - 26.08.2021 01:12

Lucien’s RPM story is so powerful. It gives hope to many that may be in the same situation. We love you cousin Lucien!!! 💛🙏🏼

@sdmagnolia9 - 26.08.2021 09:09

You all kick some amazing ass. I've watched this a few times. Thank you SO much for sharing. I've learned a lot and it is so eye opening.

@brendagarvie4377 - 26.08.2021 19:27

Thanks for sharing! Brain body disconnect needs to be more recognized by professionals and schools to get this simple but powerful method of communication available to the many individuals whose voices are trapped within. My grandson uses RPM/spelling to communicate also and we are so grateful. Beautiful touching poem Lucien. You are a warrior!

@francisbaker8590 - 27.08.2021 02:13

wow, so amazing. Thank you for sharing this

@vidsontheinternet - 27.08.2021 22:23

beautiful and so illuminating about how we should listen and allow space for intelligence to manifest in all its forms. thank you for making this. Lucien, love you smarty pants!

@saharatopaz558 - 01.09.2021 06:01

We do RPM with my VERY intelligent 13 year old grandson -letter-board first and now ipad. Here in Australia it is not recognised as a legitimate therapy -YET. We went into his special school (prison.. ) and showed his teachers - they were blown away but still won't allow it ... So sad! His clever mind has to suffer with baby shows on TV all day, blocks to play with and of course being treated as intellectually disabled...All his schooling is at home after school hours. You are lucky Lucien! You get to be in a stimulating , age appropriate school, with the respect of your peers, more power to you...Go do great things - do it for all those who need you to lead the way.

@mollikamajumdar - 01.09.2021 11:02

Awesome video!! Keep up the good work Lucien!!

@madhavijacques5252 - 24.09.2021 02:59

Lucien you are brilliant, I wish you only the best in life. My son is almost 11 years old and is non-speaking, on the autism spectrum. We are seeing the progress he is making with RPM. With your poem, I can see his struggles in a new light, thank you!

@jenniferdeaton5130 - 24.10.2021 21:38

We are doing RPM with our 22 year old daughter. It's slow going for her but I am thrilled to see how she progresses. Thanks so much for posting this because almost no one shows the work it takes. I just see documentaries that completely gloss over how a person actually went from nonverbal to "speaking" through spelling or typing.

@ylwdesign - 02.03.2022 02:40

Thank you so much for sharing, Suzy! Lucien is amazing!
