Rigby Vs. Jake | The Better Best Friend

Rigby Vs. Jake | The Better Best Friend

Veridis Joe

4 года назад

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@bigjayiv - 09.02.2021 01:07

smokin crack

@ratsmacker693 - 14.02.2021 22:24

rigby stayed with a simp for years
jake stayed with a simp for years

@TRexRAWWR1 - 20.02.2021 17:29

Best friends arent always immediately perfect. Me and my best friend had a HUGE fight awhile ago and as soon as we put it behind us we were even better friends after that. It feels good to know that even when one of us does something or both of us does something we can trust each other to understand and come back. Jake is immediately perfect and idk, that feels less genuine to me. Would I still pick Jake over Rigby? Yes. Problems suck.

@icebearpillowcase - 23.02.2021 17:29

i would pick rigby but i remember that time when he faked mordicai's acceptance letter because he himself got reject. that is messed up

@munkhbolorbukhchuluunsukh2568 - 24.02.2021 06:29

I understand what Rigby’s side is saying but at the same time 97% of people ain’t tolerating him long enough for him to grow ngl

@Otaku_Loaf - 24.02.2021 20:02

The friendship between LBM and Veridis Joe is something we can/should all strive for

@junelaananke7138 - 28.02.2021 00:01

I mean, I'd disagree Jake was perfect. There was plenty of times where he was a bad influence on Finn, mostly when it involved women or adventuring, and a lot of Finn's maturing came without Jake's advice. Jake's also a bad father at times. I think Rigby and Jake are two entirely different kinds of best friends with their own issues.

@-ShiraZen- - 01.03.2021 21:24

Rigby is just a better character overall, tbh.

@KENDY_KEEPER - 02.03.2021 07:48

not the "trash panda" YELLING

@Arosukir6 - 24.03.2021 19:59

Is it messed up that I mostly choose Jake because he has magic friggin' powers? Also, always making breakfast!

@jimpixj2513 - 26.03.2021 21:21

Jake reminds me of that type of friend who would be honest with you but feel bad they had to tell the truth, while Rigby seems like the type of friend to be harshly honest with you...

anyways, I choose Rigby...

@bradleysmith5324 - 03.04.2021 03:03

Why no I’m talking about my boy Darwin

@MelLimitless - 18.04.2021 05:37

Darwin's the best' best friend

@wessyde9476 - 19.04.2021 02:21

Rigby is a highschool buddy, Jake is finn's older brother and best friend, rigby fulfills his burnout stereotype where Jake, even Jake's kid acknowledged that Jake Is an immature adult. (Like Rigby, who is much younger) Jake was consistently supportive of finn, but in a lot of life or death situations jake was incapable of making the obvious choices in favor of his stubborn and self centered, usually spontaneous beliefs. Finn was literally turning into a crystal and begged for Jake's help, and Jake refused because be hurt finn earlier in the episode??
Rigby was self geared and inconsiderate/selfish and when it boiled down to their friendship Mordecai dipped on Rigby to chase some pu. Mordecai was inconsistent in their friendship, (literally murdered him for getting vibe checked) while he would participate in screwing up on the job for the sake of indulgence he almost never wanted to show up for Rigby when they made specific plans to. Rigby was repeatedly abandoned by mordecai for some girl action and I'd even say that Rigby showed way more maturity than he did, even meeting his arc first which is really apparent in his relationship with his girlfriend. Mordecai even cheated on Margaret and the cloud girl, and during his depressive episode Rigby was telling him to pull kt together. Mordecai repeatedly shit on rigbys character while being trash himself, Rigby always stayed true to himself even in the odds of everyone's dislike. Rigby might have slept in literal garbage but just because your side of the room is clean doesn't indicate much. All of rigbys colleagues exploited his differences, even skips who was the enlightened character. Jake skated by on a lot of his bad choices courtesy of his great freind's and kid's love for him, because he was likeable and loyal to hus character the majority of the time. They are both the same, the likability of each character is reversed, and I'd argue jake only progressed in his self discovery, not so much maturity (even if he was the older figure) so yeah they're mostly subjective equals

@LightGlyphRasengan - 20.04.2021 02:53

ESPECIALLY high-school. That shit sucks

@table2.0 - 02.05.2021 23:41

That moment when you remember that Jake can be a shitty person, unreliable and a terrible influence lmao

@birddale5523 - 28.05.2021 23:36


@JimaaG - 30.05.2021 01:32

Even though i'd choose jake,rigby still cool

@weezerfan1232 - 06.06.2021 00:03

Jake is such a good friend I can't imagine a better character to be friends with.

@bugman7077 - 04.07.2021 09:11

one banger vid to go please

@cinnamonbreeze5618 - 29.07.2021 18:24

we have to consider the fact that, when a cosmic being granted him any wish, jake wished for a sandwich when fin was...ah... dying

@joeysmith5767 - 21.09.2021 04:22

Jake is more like your brother while rigby is more like your friend. That's the difference

@moogonmoog3344 - 11.10.2021 18:54

The way I look at it Rigby's arc is to learn how to be a better friend and Jake's arc is to learn how to stop being a friend and start being a a father

@theotheo3572 - 13.10.2021 01:59

i dont think 96% of the human population can mentally and physically hold through until rigby develops...

@viivoid - 13.10.2021 02:29


@lj3326 - 02.11.2021 10:21


@robertparks6115 - 01.12.2021 01:11

Gotta remember, rigby may not be as much of a straight shooter as Jake but be honest could anyone really even keep up with Jake.

@malikmuhammad9085 - 25.12.2021 11:39


@Coconut_Prrson - 03.02.2022 03:10

-super cool Powers
-great life wisdome
-literally ended in the highest point of the afterlife

@suck-cess50 - 04.02.2022 17:35

Jake is 3650× better

@starsartbar - 06.02.2022 22:18

Got to say I think the way adventure time developed its world is far more dark and mature than the admittedly pretty adult nature of some of regular show. I think jake is not specifically better because hes this pinnacle but because he's mature, he is forced to be the adult in a Lot of situations and still comes out having a good time despite the trauma and loss.

@rainbowwigglecactus6605 - 13.02.2022 22:58

It also depends on who the other best friend is. I haven't watched the regular show so I can't say if rigby or jake would be a better friend for me. But I can say that jake is an amazing friend for finn, allowing him to grow on his own on the adventures by letting finn be the main hero even though jake could take care of most of those problems in 2 minutes max

@niarahancock4739 - 23.02.2022 17:46

Nah fam imma be vibin with Jake playing the viola me on a ukulele eating some bacon pancakes in ooo🤷🏽‍♀️

@ness4life - 12.03.2022 19:11

Jake died and didn’t hit that nigga Finn up once when he could’ve at any moment while finn waited to die just so he can see Jake again, shiiiid rigby would’ve hit a nigga back🥱

@Gh0st_Cl0ver166 - 16.03.2022 01:05

Brooo!! Jake goes to basucally hell to find a girl to cheer his homie up and rigby incites his homie's girl to A DATE. How is that comparison is even fair....

@TheDionysiac - 17.08.2022 13:28

I think something the video misses is how much growth Jake also goes through by the end of the show. There are plenty of examples, but my favorites are when he has to leave behind his 20s in the Card Wars revisit episode, and when he learns to accept his changing body through learning of his brother's shift from realist to abstract art.

@fizzie6902 - 31.08.2022 02:56

Both these boys are the goats

@prod.kilvk25 - 06.09.2022 00:21

Jake is basically a brother to finn. He literally gave up eternity in HEAVEN for him, just to stay with him for a few more years.

@idna832 - 15.09.2022 16:26

Definitely jake over rigby because i cant really give someone time to grow at this point .Even though Jake sometimes gives out some bunk ass advice ( dude told Finn to be persistent with Bubblegum...) Im old enough and wise enough to distinguish whats good and bad advice for the most part. Also hes supper supportive and kind and third thing and a lot of people want those qualities in a friend

@biggestastiest - 28.09.2022 18:19

i think they're neck and neck but for different reasons. jake is the best man at your wedding, he officiated it too, and he is always there to be kind to you and give it to your straight. rigby isn't a piece of garbage but he's still annoying, kind of unlikable, but he loves you and will literally risk his life to make sure that cake gets to your wedding

@Inhumanbowl3874 - 10.11.2022 03:42

I think jake is the better best friend but I think rigby is the more realistic option

@wordswordswords413 - 10.11.2022 16:52

The episode with the elves in Adventure time is something people don't talk about enough. Jake literally forgot about Finn while he was getting tortured by elves. Rigby has been a shit person before but let's not pretend Jake is perfect.

@catsinwonderland7473 - 16.01.2023 05:29

It’s jake 100%. Jake is a better friend but oh my god the shit rigby will get you into he is such a dumbass it is so entertaining

@crustpunkjesuschrist - 24.03.2023 19:54

Honestly while I like Rigby as a character, seasons 1-4 Rigby would be a horrible friend. He prevented Mordecai from going to his dream school, then Mordecai stuck his neck out to get Rigby a job, and Rigby thanks him by almost never listening to his advice and almost always being the cause to why the two almost get fired every other week. He has his touching moments but in the first half of the show he was kinda a leech, stubborn, disrespectful, etc. I wouldn’t be this annoyed at him if it wasn’t for the fact the entire fanbase considers Mordecai the worse friend over simping that mostly just affects him. Even In It’s Time, Mordecai’s worst episode, Rigby spent the entire time trying to steal the girl he liked and antagonizing him abt it, and while on the Microwave Mordecai did say “I’ll kill you” and pushed him, you can’t say he knew Rigby would fall off nor that the void would kill him, since he literally says “no that’s not what I meant!” in a panicked tone after that. Rigby in Death Punchies actually tried to kill him over not being player 1. “Oh, he also hits Rigby too, he’s abusive” like Rigby doesn’t just do whatever he wants regardless, and it’s usually an arm punch as a “shut up” after Rigby says some rude shit to their coworkers. Idk, people are way too soft on Rigby’s actions where if any other character in the show did something even close to any of the worst stuff he did Twitter MFs would write a 10 page essay on why that character deserves to be drone striked

@Hamantha - 29.04.2023 01:58

Rigby also jumped into a volcano without hesitation to help Mordecai and without a guarantee of survival

@DreamerFromTheDepths - 26.05.2023 03:40

Yeah Rigby is an interesting character because of his flaws but his baseline is being a good friend but also being a total asshole, Rigby's done things that would kill everyone he knows over something that most people would get over in 2 seconds, this is even more prevalent when you think about his age, it's not like Rigby's a child, he doesn't have as much of an excuse to let it go that far.

Jake on the other hand is practically flawless, supportive, relaxed, doesn't get in your way, and he's good at so many different things, let's not forget the shapeshifting, if anyone had an unnatural power like that they'd either be on a watchlist constantly under surveillance by the FBI and probably even deeper organisations or they'd be the coolest friend you have, maybe both.

@donathan2933 - 02.10.2023 13:32

Jake easily. Rigby was a terrible friend

@dumbidea1007 - 18.01.2024 03:12

Rigby did one good think and peoples say he got redemption but he was still a jerk in space

@kuribohbrother - 31.01.2024 17:59

It should be noted Jake was never clean in his early years either, he abused his power and robbed entire cities, had a toxic friendship with Tiffany, would take games way too far and throw tantrums leading to property damage, and wrote an entire book on how to play with a girl’s emotions.

It’s important to know both characters grew past these flaws and ultimately became better, Jake just got to it first. He had to step up as Finn’s Older Brother and Guardian once their parents died early on in their life, supporting Finn’s desire to help people he would do a big turn around to become one of the land’s most famous heroes.

Jake’s outlooks on life and laziness can tend to make him lose sight of what’s important at times, but he’ll always come through. Even when everyone was almost out of the fight in the finale Jake stood back up and was ready to solo the giant monster demons destroying everything in the name of Finn.

@VeridisJoe - 28.11.2020 22:50

Y’all gon hate me for this one
