UNIVERSAL Circle of Fortune LOOT FILTER TEMPLATE | Last Epoch 1.1

UNIVERSAL Circle of Fortune LOOT FILTER TEMPLATE | Last Epoch 1.1


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@raffyluvmiharu - 06.02.2025 13:53

I recently reach empowered mono and just grinding the best blessing for now. But getting blasted with Exalt i don't want. Thank you for this simple but comprehensive guide.

My Question would be, Will you still go for CoF on the upcoming season 2? or go for MG faction?

@zachsheffert5811 - 19.12.2024 21:13

Used this and AS I WAS PORTING OUT of a mono, a red ring dropped. Same instant.

@cmenardmusic - 08.12.2024 01:00

I genuinely want to know how you made the 'recoloring specific uniques' parameters on your filter.... I want to specifically filter the aurelis to show up and i can't find the item on the list

@ohpevas - 03.10.2024 08:14

I couldn't click on the link. Do you have an updated one?

@synen - 05.08.2024 09:50

What is 1LP 2LP?

@kuden259 - 05.08.2024 04:42

Is it only for Mages?

@minhphuoc22 - 26.07.2024 08:07

mine is pretty good right now but damn i might try out your filter

@theelsniper7211 - 24.07.2024 21:31

Where is the filter for merchant guild, cant find the video?

@snowhawk04 - 24.07.2024 21:14

For the "Level" Filter on items, you can put the exact level required as the the value entered is inclusive. So "Above Level" is >=, not just >. "Below Level" is <=, not just <.

@Aurelius7777 - 24.07.2024 00:33

Nice contribution. Thanks man!

@Jeeze9 - 23.07.2024 23:22

Any recommendations for a lvling filter to get started with?

@davidkira1980 - 23.07.2024 17:44

I would have loved to use that loot filter, but problem is I just don't have time to meddle with it. Frustrates me though because I really want strict rules and if I find a build I like on maxroll for example, and it shows me which items to aspire for, then those are of course the ones I want to hunt down. But thats only 8 items or so. I understand there are specific base items you want, but all those boss items etc. Are they needed? I mean its not merchants guild so I dont want to get them to sell them

@DuskMagi - 23.07.2024 11:31

Is this filter only for the mage class?

@wojciechgiza9277 - 23.07.2024 10:21

I think it’s time to switch to CoF and leave drama MG behind for good

@HeIIaAverage - 23.07.2024 09:59

I wish you didn't promote or encourage this dogshit decision they make to separate the game like they do. But I have to hand it to you. Your frost claw guide this season is impeccable. I can't believe the detail you put into the guides.

@backside34980 - 23.07.2024 09:37

thanks a lot for your job i love your videos !
any update on your build soon ?
have a nice day

@tommykindle9774 - 23.07.2024 04:03

Looks awesome is this set up out of the box for the frost claw build you are running? I'm loving the build still trying to find that laddle lol

@PBMsmite - 23.07.2024 03:33

Thanks for sharing this and the rest of your content! Started playing in March and your stuff has been super helpful

@grelwing47 - 23.07.2024 03:30

How does this filter compare to Raxx's universal filter? I've used his for both cycles now and have found it extremely well put together. Is this just an even more restrictive ruleset?

@LVHAXOR316 - 23.07.2024 02:12

Wheres the MG filter? why is it not linked in description? Also why would a COF filter be any different than MG? both sides would want the same stuff right?

@TheDonkeyBEE - 23.07.2024 01:36

thanks, will you update the build. i coulnt watch streams.

@RyanAKAStreakk - 23.07.2024 01:29

wait wheres the MG loot filter?

@TimeHoodie - 23.07.2024 01:01

Unforutnately the Jungle Queen Belt also shows the Scavenger Belt. Anyone figured out a way around that?

@guffi00 - 23.07.2024 00:57

oh my god. I've did quite a few strict loot filters but this must've took you a LOT of time and effort! Thanks for sharing!

@jmkiser33 - 23.07.2024 00:24

Looooooooove a much stricter loot filter!
