Vampire Diaries character ranking and finally revealing TEAM STEFAN vs. TEAM DAMON 🩸

Vampire Diaries character ranking and finally revealing TEAM STEFAN vs. TEAM DAMON 🩸

Ally Sheehan

1 месяц назад

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@AllySheehan - 25.02.2025 04:41

i hope you guys enjoy this one, i had SO much fun making it
don't forget to give this video a like if you want a One Tree Hill ranking 😊🫶

@gentwhoisoverit6992 - 06.03.2025 21:36

Team Stefan clock iiinnn

@utubepurposes - 06.03.2025 18:11

Pausing the video to say that you are so so funny, Ally

@yourjellybean - 06.03.2025 03:39

i honestly love Tyler and he should've given a better ending

@lylocus - 05.03.2025 15:25

The gross men imitation i died 😂

@lylocus - 05.03.2025 15:16

"He also kill Tyler but I don't really care about that" lmao there's so many golden quotes in this video 😂

@twramclay - 04.03.2025 15:38

finally a stefan girly omg im so happy

@monicawism - 03.03.2025 21:33

As long as Kai made it to God tier I'm all good!

@lizzyatkinson7702 - 01.03.2025 01:58


@goatedatff2 - 28.02.2025 12:07

I never liked elena because of the sole fact that she would ALWAYS talk like she knew everything and the show would make her outsmart 2000 year old witches and thousand year old vampires it just annoyed me SOO much

@katielafave4543 - 28.02.2025 08:47

yessss another stefan girl!! there are so few of us

@user-uv5bv2qm6h - 27.02.2025 12:31

Team Stefan since day one cause of his pure heart. He literally does anything for Elena and people he loves to be happy and safe.

@loveaudioo - 27.02.2025 04:10

im so happy you liked anna! i also loved her relationship with her mom and jeremy, and i guess i just never really understood the jeremy + bonnie relationship or any of his other romantic relationships. i loved anna so much and she was so gorgeous i missed her so much

@honeyjane1 - 26.02.2025 15:50

Definitely need to watch the originals I think you’ll change your opinions on a few

@kendallreinisch3687 - 26.02.2025 08:35

Lost is a perfect show please watch it!

@TheSpiritualNoob - 26.02.2025 04:50

Do The Originals first. Then Legacies. Curious to hear your reviews.

@zsazsazsu1 - 26.02.2025 03:32

First time watching, on s5 currently. Why is it that all males, except Jeremy, look at least 10 years older than their love interests? Damon and Elena, Stefan too, Jenna and John, even Caroline’s parents, it all looks so creepy. Nina Dobrev did a great job so far, while Stefan, well i call him resting miserable face.

@KhylaTapawan - 25.02.2025 08:38

Team Stefan here!! ❤❤❤

@KhylaTapawan - 25.02.2025 08:37


@MalloryMaslayak - 25.02.2025 01:33

Team Damon always but just don’t like him with Elena. I would have really liked to see Damon and Bonnie together I feel like they could have a cute life and got married but just not having kids.

@spicylove9415 - 24.02.2025 08:55

I feel like this list is perfect especially since you haven’t seen the originals or legacies. I would’ve rated it the same based off my preference as well with only seeing tvd. Chefs kiss👌🏽❤️ Also the klaus and Kai thing is so realll😭

@Gabehzx - 24.02.2025 07:31

I can't wait for you to watch The Originals. Please update us afterwards

@sianharvey9758 - 23.02.2025 22:21

I can't wait for you to watch the originals!!! Your ranking of the mikaelsons will soar to god tier, or not, who knows. You'll also be introduced to amazing new characters, and some of them might surprise you.

@helen.chy3 - 23.02.2025 18:30

I personally like Rebecca more than Katherine, definitely more human tendencies, but Katherine is indeed a badass and I can't deny it. The only thing I'd judge Rebecca for was getting with Matt, like, bonding with him on a platonic level, I see you girl, but a relationship? You can do better girlie, there wasn't enough chemistry between the two of you in order for it to work. Nevertheless one of my favourite TVD girlies <3

@rayspace6362 - 23.02.2025 15:50

I feel like Damon after having his moment with Elena either should've realised he's too volatile to be with her long term, and Elena forgetting all the shit he's done is not aligning with her character. I feel it's the same reason Caroline couldn't make herself feel fully for Klaus. He did so many horrible things but also som kind things , which I guess made her soft for him but not delusional to believe he's completely absolved now just because he's in love with her and is trying to change. It's the writers and producers wanting it both ways with Damon. They wanted him to be this alluring unpredictable guy who can at any time flip and do horrendous things without guilt, but also wanted him to be morally grey with an anti-hero complex who's misunderstood and could change for the 'right' girl. But he's proved he can't. The moment Elena would hurt him he'd revert back to season 1 Damon who'd kill random innocent people. And like you said Stefan and Elena wanted the same life at the end of the day, Damon never seemed the fatherly figure type or 9-5 hard working kind. Stefan was, in the alternate reality with S and E being parents.. it was so beautiful, they should've ended with Damon doing one last irredeemable thing that would've made Elena realise he'll never be a good person and should've broken up with him and years later should have gotten back with Stefan and taken the cure together..

@elizabethjulia20 - 23.02.2025 10:06

I can't imagine it... but imagine if they had gotten taylor swift to play lexi. like... lexi is taylor coded and I love that bts rumour floating around that the role was written with taylor in mind.

@elizabethjulia20 - 23.02.2025 08:01

Caroline Forbes is everything (my cat is literally named Miss Mystic Falls for Caroline Forbes) and I never doubted that she would be one of your core characters. She and Brooke Davis are so tied together in my mind and they'd be an unstoppable duo.

*edit: I wrote this before brooke's name even left your lips lol.

@elizabethjulia20 - 23.02.2025 07:10

OK coming back to finish and I apologise ahead of time for the number of comments I won't be able to withhold. I just want to say I think one thing I love about your approach that feels so in the fandom while airing is the way you rewatching some of it to really give the earlier seasons their due. Seasons 1-3 are core tvd that I refer to as my favourite comfort show (which I've rewatched like... 20+ times which I choose to be proud of rather than embarrassed haha)... but after finishing 8 seasons I totally get how most people have recency bias, or have all of it as one overarching blend of show, especially after a binge, but I can feel the way you've thought about everything and revisited some of the earlier seasons before filming this and I love how thorough I can feel this is going to be - one of your best tier ranking videos and I'm only 11 minutes in haha. <3

@CarpetCheese - 22.02.2025 18:21

Here before she watches the originals and puts Hayley and the Mikaelson family all in God Tier

@lastrivy - 22.02.2025 14:59

I fear I have never completely agreed with a character tier ranking in my life, but there’s a first time for everything.
You snapped with this girly 💁🏽‍♀️

@dariamvs - 21.02.2025 18:25

team stefan from day one tbh

@lololaur24 - 21.02.2025 10:54

finally another stefan girlie, i feel like i’m always the only one

@beckyhansen3803 - 21.02.2025 06:00

Caroline should have been with Klaus
Stefan with Lexi
And as soon as Elena left the show the writers should have brought the Originals back! When Klaus and Elijah came to play I didn’t give a shit about Elena 😂….it was the only way to save the show and they didn’t do it 😢

@scguin1080 - 20.02.2025 15:52

You need to do this again with the characters from the originals after you watch it

@abbeysim1138 - 20.02.2025 12:59

When you were talking about manufactured backstory, I couldn't help but think of Quinn Fabray in Glee being given a backstory in Season 2 of having had a different name and appearance when she was younger.

@Vampier_Diaries - 20.02.2025 12:49

Team Damon ❤❤❤❤

@juliasarahfu5646 - 20.02.2025 11:23

Girlfriend, this is probably one of your - if not THE - best edit 😂 I’m cackling on the floor haha.

@sparemedat5453 - 19.02.2025 23:15

I love Elena

@christianasomers3825 - 19.02.2025 12:34

I desperately want you to watch all of Gilmore Girls and rank it cuz I’m just so curious on your thoughts on certain characters and especially pairings and I feel like if you love strong female characters and also quirky lovable ones you’d really vibe. I think you mentioned being aware of it in one of your tv rankings but not having watched it yet. I know it doesn’t have the mystical edge of something like Vampire Diaries but also maybe a little less death and heartbreak?

@chromed3pth - 19.02.2025 09:40

Putting Kai ontop of joe is actually CRAZY work I will neverrr understand that wtf…🫠

@thepokemonfreak117 - 18.02.2025 20:53


@tarjamagic2985 - 18.02.2025 16:37

The Originals = Keeping Up With The Mikaelsons 😂

@jiarose9976 - 18.02.2025 14:19

Team Stefan forever❤

@zareplayssims - 18.02.2025 08:14

I’m also not on Tyler’s side 😬

@SarahAdamson-k4e - 18.02.2025 08:00

Vampire diaries I love you so much team delena ❤💙💜💖🖤💚🥰🤩😍🤪😜😋
