Street Truck put to the test! 2600HP cummins!

Street Truck put to the test! 2600HP cummins!


2 года назад

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@J33_3thegreatshewer - 24.07.2022 19:11

That looked like the crescent wrench. That Dahm used to beat guy that cause his dad to wreck and die in original fast and furious lol.

@briankinzer4175 - 24.07.2022 19:21

How are trucks like this considered street you couldn’t legally daily that thing it has no bed no plates and probably a gutted interior so how do these things counts as “street” I thought that meant you had to have full interior plates and it be legal on the road

@rckreationsvideos274 - 24.07.2022 19:26

That guy wins to me... everyone else has purpose built truck for comp having 2 trucks... this guy did it all with 1 truck to me he is the winner... they need to tighten up the rules to make it fair for the underdogs it be a game changer if they had to keep to the same truck...

@kevintucker3354 - 24.07.2022 20:23

The dyno can’t keep up. He’s burning the tires! It’s not able to measure properly…

@pmurriel2 - 24.07.2022 20:43

P is for piston 😂

@beatysrcrooks2164 - 24.07.2022 20:43

In what reality is this a street truck ? Get real

@guardrail2897 - 24.07.2022 20:49

That is NOT a street truck.

@Brandon-G-413 - 25.07.2022 00:11

The irony of a piston blowing out of an engine and hitting a maybe 100 to 200 foot tall sign with the letter P and hitting that said P, is absolutely outstanding😂

@cwfella - 25.07.2022 00:13


@slappopotamus1001 - 25.07.2022 02:42

I just dont understand how it can be considered a street truck without a bed floor

@dogmoo - 25.07.2022 08:31

I’m sorry “plug the oil supply”…say wha

@borgheses - 25.07.2022 10:52

you asked if i like diesel trucks. i do not. they stink. rolling coal is stupid.

@Michael_Michaels - 25.07.2022 16:24

That truck appears to be so well tuned! Little smoke and power to the ground!

@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker - 25.07.2022 18:35

Declaration of Independence is Fake huge Lie never officially happened... Federal Reserve AKA British Red Coats funded both sides of WW1 France and WW2 Germany to kill more Americans Military service members using American taxpayers money and extermination of Jews....better well funded Wars with War Bonds. Russia and USA are allies, Russia runs the oil refineries in Iraq while US Military protects them. Now Ukraine is in between Russia and USA with British giving arms to buy by Ukraine government to take out Russian army. I MEAN USA AND RUSSIA SHARES A BORDER IN Alaska STATE. Why attack at share borders.

@UncleManuel - 25.07.2022 20:05

What a cool dude. No showboating, he knows exactly what his rig can do and can't do. And it still runs after all these challenges. Impressive! 😎👍

@officialelonmuskyoutubecha4905 - 25.07.2022 20:15

Not only does he and his team know how to build a damn fine truck, Chris seems like a great person too.

@epbmx4 - 26.07.2022 20:52

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the diesel world is incredible... I enjoy getting into street races with my stock looking Cummins and turn some heads when we're going one forty and still pulling

@epbmx4 - 26.07.2022 21:00

Didn't even sound like half throttle on the dino pulls...

@shortround889 - 27.07.2022 01:08

One hell of a great build!!!

@sethstaley17 - 27.07.2022 01:53

Let's take a moment to appreciate how truly well built that engine is. 6 pulls in an hour all over 1900hp, that's pretty ridiculous, let alone 3 in 12 minutes over 2400hp. That's insanity.

@lf3566 - 27.07.2022 08:46

What a great guy and he did an amazing job at building such an amazing truck!

@scotthay1486 - 27.07.2022 09:44

What a truck and what a team. It was a pleasure to watch. Thankyou.

@thingsweforgottosay363 - 27.07.2022 15:16

Dude in the green truck is s dick. U can tell he's a blast to interview and talk with. You have to be a good interviewer to talk to a guy like that. Good job

@vixeree - 28.07.2022 17:42

Chris's vibe is just so chill, i love it

@jayknight139 - 29.07.2022 03:57

That piston mark though. 🤯

@stacyreid5077 - 29.07.2022 22:37

Awesome video y’all I love watching these diesels that are street legal, like he said he drove his wife to a wedding 1-1/2 hours away from their house and back

@jefflaflamme6627 - 30.07.2022 01:16

street truck??🤣🤣 that thing would be pulled off the street in minutes in my country and good luck getting it back

@Thebakedbaker413 - 31.07.2022 23:29

P for Piston how appropriate.

@FearNoOne13H6 - 02.08.2022 00:27

....theres an unrivaled diesel shop in my area i work at. If I'd known they do this I'd have stopped by. Haha wow

@robertbuckner2353 - 03.08.2022 01:10

Yeah, it's a street truck and I'm the Pope.

@sickembrace9531 - 06.08.2022 05:07

Dudes a bit of a smart ass but still nice job on the truck

@DamianHillard01 - 06.08.2022 11:28

Please make more video’s on Diesel Trucks hell even some of the Diesel trucks that are street trucks that do sled pulls and dump competition’s Please it would be great.. Basically same as this video…

@masjuggalo - 08.08.2022 19:32

It's a street truck. I'm over here where are the taillights

@ALLGODSDIE - 16.08.2022 20:39

I'm not a diesel guy. but I am a speed head ! sooo anything that's fast I love ! I guess I love diesel's

@Lumberjack_NCR - 12.09.2022 02:50

I honestly love that guys attitude, that’s the kind of person I am and like to be around. "It is what it is." Lmao

@xprettylightsx - 18.09.2022 04:33

Interesting personality

@kjax76 - 15.03.2023 06:03

Todd's truck chucked the piston. Think he signed it?

@sempergumby8734 - 15.09.2023 08:04

Dirty hooker Dmax is actually faster with only 2400hp

@irevgearheadchannel595 - 15.09.2023 18:25

Briefly worked for Chris and is a good family friend. Great guy! Awesome to see you making it homie 😎

@fightfanian - 05.10.2023 21:03

2600hp 4wd and only runs 8.7, I'll stick with gasoline in my race cars, diesel in my tote and tow.

@LeannAbbott - 09.11.2023 06:15

Zeigler 3336 hp Dyno catch up boy!

@HeidiFegles - 17.12.2023 01:28

Sparks are the lower rear traction bars hitting the ground

@cupwalker24.7 - 01.06.2024 05:18

Mr. Patterson Has been a Huge inspiration in my life and one of my heros for sure. He Gives all us Small Guys some Hope 🙏💪

@dukec4 - 19.07.2024 06:44

Chris and Unrivaled Diesel are the only ones I trust with my Cummins

@epsteinsghost7247 - 19.08.2024 18:47

I wanna see full frame, full bed, full cab, none hollow trucks race lol

@Sdukes001 - 01.09.2024 22:58

450% over injectors compound turbos sheesh 😅

@Sdukes001 - 01.09.2024 23:16

Being allowed to use different trucks for this event is total BS.

@schmekdogglaflare1786 - 06.03.2025 23:14

He holds the record at 3401 now
