да и кто бы не подсел на неё
ОтветитьКогда же все поймут,что она переросла? Ему тяжело уже тягать ее-есть риск уронить ее ,а если элемент будет сложный,то и последствия трагичнее. Всё хорошо до поры до времени. Самый лучший период был,когда она ему до плеча макушкой доставала.
ОтветитьСупер пара❤
ОтветитьВряд ли ты Васенька найдешь ещё такую любовь. Жалко мне тебя. Ты со своими нужными людьми загнобила парня, обидно? А любовь не всегда бывает вечной. Но такого мы больше не увидим. Это как Шербургские зонтики. Не повторить.
ОтветитьMan I need a manga about this figure skaters love
ОтветитьIt's sad that she didn't actually like him back...I don't blame him for leaving but at the same time only time would tell if it'd be reciprocated. They are both skilled and talented frfr so may they both find another partner as compatible if not more.
ОтветитьThe lyrics are sure true
ОтветитьWho is here after the break up
Bro got puberty every single year😅
ОтветитьWe want them back together
ОтветитьHe really made a dick move
Ответитьare they dating
ОтветитьTheir chemistry was undeniable, but now they're not together anymore. It's sad to see how things can change.
ОтветитьМаленькая Василиса -это она с другим партнером во время шоу Ледниковый период -дети, именно тогда, увидев ее по ТВ, Валера решил, что именно такая партнерша ему нужна ( ее тренером уже тогда была Анжелика, которая раньше каталась с дядей Валеры, завоевав с ним серебро Олимпийских игр).
ОтветитьAre they married or what??
Ответитьبدي ابكييي😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭لازم يرجعوا 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьI hope they get back together again
ОтветитьRight person,wrong time
Ответить5 tahun yang indah dan bahagia
Больно когда предаёт родной человек😢
They look so young in the beginning
Ответитьwait someone give me a story! 🙏🏼
ОтветитьVasilissa broke up with Valariy, because he was trying to make her sign a contract that would, cause Vasilissa to have to pay for his insurance, skates, ice time, etc. She refused and wouldn’t sign, and so Valariy threatened not to skate anymore if she didn’t sign the contract my September 1. Eventually Vasilissa broke it off and decided to stop dating him. This gets confused a lot with other stories people have made and can get tangled with other stories. Ty for reading (ik its long)
ОтветитьОн рядом с ней не просто человек : он человек со сверхспособностями.
ОтветитьPERFECT DUE ❤❤❤
ОтветитьYaaru vacha kannooo 🥺 avanga pirinjitaanga 😟😕
ОтветитьLindos 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 ❤❤
ОтветитьСоня Лукинская ❤🎉❤
ОтветитьGente, em 2018, Vasilisa e Valeriy eram bebês ainda! Eles eram crianças quando Patinavam❤❤ e sempre foram os máximos, os campeões da patinação no Gelo! ❤❤ Até Hoje sempre nos surpreende com a Patinação Artística! ❤❤ E nis nós vemos o quão Promocionais ELES são! ❤❤ Valeriy e Vasilisa, são espetaculares no GELO ❤❤❤❤ São os Melhores na Patinação! 😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ PARABÉNS a esses meninos ARTISTAS! Eles SÃO DEMAIS ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤⭐⭐⭐⭐👍👍🥰😍👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨👩❤️👨💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘😘 Parabens Vasilisa e Valeriy ❤❤
ОтветитьSuch an amazing couple
ОтветитьRomantis kalian berdua tetap saling menguatkan dan menghargai ya
ОтветитьDari Indonesia
ОтветитьNao aguento ver esse casal separando, procurando par perfeito,quando na verdade, a perfeicao so rola quando os os dois então juntos😢
ОтветитьCrecieron juntos ,eso no se borra nunca
ОтветитьQue coisa mais linda ❤❤
ОтветитьIt sux they aren't together any more.. I hope they reunite..they are perfect for each other
ОтветитьQue niñitos eran y siempre tan talentosos
Ответить“Right person wrong time”
ОтветитьI've been watching this ice skating couple for about 3 years now and is this true?Did they break up?Yes or no
ОтветитьWow, these two have been a team for a long while 😮❤❤ they're so talented 💞😍😍 adorable couple, and I heard not too long ago they split up, they are no longer partners 😞
Ответитьin depth story
Ok so Im think Vasilisa in the girl and Valeriy is the boy. ( correct me if I’m wrong)
So in 2018 they both saw eachother at the same comp but with different partners. Valeriy begged his coach to allow him to skate with her, but his coach wasn’t sure because of a height difference. He begged and begged and his coach said one time. They trained once together and Valeriys coach knew they would be great despite the height differences. In 2019 they started doing competitions together and soon after that they announced they were dating. They dated for like 2 years? Until Valeriy came to training one day with a contract from their coach. It said that Vasilia had to pay for everything ( comp outfits, travel,hotels,rink time etc) if she did not sign the contract their coach would separate them. It was not the boys fault and he did not write the contract he was under pressure by his coach and loved Vasilia so he had to ask. Vasilia declined and refused to sign the contract. They then announced they broke up and would no longer be a skating pair. So yh this took me forever to write pls like..