Forgive murderers? Seriously?🤮🤮
ОтветитьWhomever truly supports Defunding the Police have Blood on their hands. Hope they never experience a loved one murdered, cause if they do they'll then understand ! I wish that on no one. My grandmother was murdered ...
ОтветитьI didn’t do a fuckin thing your honor..
So I was all Xananied up, we broke into this house stole everything we could… and this ass hole takes 2 shots at me.. I mean wtf up wit that?!?!?
I'm salty...kept pulling ears buds out to listen for police sirens near my house. Popped them back in....OoOOOOoohhhh it's in the background of this videooooooo. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU REMOVE THE SIRENS! ANNOYING AND MAKES IT DIFFICULT TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE CONTENT (WHICH IS REALLY GOOD STUFF!) 🙏❤️🥰
ОтветитьSmith Riley wasn't sorry at all!! Fk him. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
ОтветитьCruz should have gotten death penalty because of his videos before he did it. That should have been enough for that. And how he blended in with kids to get away with it and went to McDonald’s after murdering and injuring students and staff in school. I feel so terribly for the victims and the victims’ families. The jurors and defense team should be ashamed of themselves. They seriously failed the victims, survivors, and the victims’ families. So devastating.
ОтветитьWhen go to hoop n lose u get smoked with a natural life sentence
ОтветитьIt made me furious when that mother said that God had spared her son to give him a second chance after he slayed the father who was trying to protect his family then lied about the sequence of events on the stand. Wouldn't
God have stopped her son from committing the crime in the 1st place. He works in mysterious b/c he doesn't exist. She raised a monster and she's in denial about it.
I didn't see anything about someone killing their baby sitter???
ОтветитьThe first one the audacity bro. You going to talk about he shot you first, bro you broke into that man's fucking house hi on drugs dude. What the fuck you mean.
ОтветитьOur government is worse than Mexicos government,it’s all about $$$$$$$$$$$ in the usa .
ОтветитьUsa is a mental country 😂😂
ОтветитьI love sirens and love how people can't stand them!!!
ОтветитьThe sirens are too much
ОтветитьAs is customary, thumbnail unrelated.
ОтветитьHe fired first but got killed because he couldn't shoot straight. Did he try to fire a warning shot?? Go for the kill. Thats what all cops do.
ОтветитьThe mother is an idiot who just fell off the banana boat . Ignorance runs deeply in this family of ingrates.
Ответить“He shot at me first” well no shit Sherlock you were in his home 🤦🏽♀️
ОтветитьLame siren noises. Fuck you
ОтветитьPrison is to good for people like Cruz. All those innocent children and staff that he murdered in cold blood. He deserves to dig a hole and buried in it. I try to have mercy on people like him that do awful things like he done, But, it's really hard. Specially when you see all the pain that people like him have caused.
ОтветитьDude 86 the fucking sirens. Jesus smh
ОтветитьI know these parents are outraged because the dude who killed their children is spared the death penalty, I don't blame em but, and I'm just putting forward a question out of curiosity, and respect) but I wonder if any of those parents who are wanting Cruz dead would be willing to kill him? And you know, I'm sure some probably would and wouldn't be surprised if later they said it didn't make em feel better, but I wonder how many would be willing to but have second thoughts? I imagine probably the majority of em because they have a heart and I assume decent folks and wouldn't wanna be the cause of more pain, I assume the young man has ppl who love him and are devestated by what he did, that would be really hard, knowing your child was capable of so much senseless violence and absolute heartbreak, but I'm rambling, it's a tragedy this stuff keeps happening,idk what to say really
ОтветитьI’m so sorry and I don’t care if you don’t believe me 😑😑🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ответитьit’s insulting to animals to call him one
ОтветитьWatched the first few before getting annoyed by the on screen visuals but even more so by not actually seeing reactions to life sentences without parole as the video title suggests.
ОтветитьLook at the parkland shooter talking about weed and drugs causing racism and violence in the world. Call that irony
ОтветитьI'm not really for the death penalty but I do have some exceptions,, pedophiles and child abusers/murderer's,, serial Killers and school shooter's,, the Cruz bloke should of been given a death sentence,, i have issue with the jurer who said Cruz was let down by the mental health specialists,, as someone who has been through mental illness i can say from experience that treating mental illness isn't like treating other illnesses,, it's not like a cold or infection where you go to the Dr's and get antibiotics and then move on,, it takes alot of hard work,, mental illness specialist's can only do so much,, the bulk of the work must be done by the patient,, he CLEARLY didn't put the effort in to get himself better,, I wish people would stop using lesser level mental illness as an excuse,, I don't know anyone who has non-psychotic mental illnesses that go around shooting kid's,, even most of the psychotically ill don't do this shit,, it all comes down to choice,, he chose to do this,, he planned it for awhile,, which shows it wasn't just a mental snap,, a heat of the moment situation isn't applicable in this
ОтветитьI didn't see any reacting during the first two cases, so I will give this a click bait thumbs down.
You might consider changing the title to, ... Verdicts being read during 5 rather generic murder cases.
Thanks for wasting my time.
You don't get high on Alprazolam, you are sedated and become docile.
ОтветитьI see no reactions?
Ответитьthis doesn't help the world. you're just turning criminals into more evil monsters. we can't trust our government, after watching these videos, we can't even trust the justice system. a lot of these people in prison are innocent. best pray to something that there is no god in the end.
ОтветитьThese all should be an automatic death penalty
ОтветитьParkland & Broward County are woke. They'll use any excuse for the criminals, these people are sick.
ОтветитьCourt Moments, read what people are writing. GET RID OF THE SIRENS! They are very annoying! A lot of people have commented about this so PLEASE do it. Otherwise I definitely won’t come back to your site even though it’s very informative.
ОтветитьI'm still awaiting the reactions from the. killers
ОтветитьDo you not read the comments? Get rid of the damn sirens. It’s totally unnecessary and distracting.
ОтветитьWhy does the narrator say "He was found guilty in the first degree" without saying the charge? Does that make any sense whatsoever? "Prosecutors chose not to seek the penalty." Come on dude.
ОтветитьI'm thinking police are outside smH
ОтветитьTo sho nuff I agree it's much worse to spend the time in prison because even if you do go into protective custody you'll be all alone and people can still get in there to kill you and you'll still have the worry on your head so either way you're fu**ed
ОтветитьThat last guy should get at least a life sentence for that terrible acting job he forced everyone to watch.
ОтветитьHow can a man that killed 17 people not be number 1?
ОтветитьI love the sirens in the background. Can u make them louder?
ОтветитьAt 69yrs old I am sure happy I didn't do anything stupid enough to get me a life sentence at 19yrs old, 5 decades is a very long time!!!!! I hope that they enjoy their life of confinement!!!!
ОтветитьI can’t continue watching this, the siren is giving me a headache
ОтветитьCruz was seen as such an egregious miscarriage of justice, that the Florida legislature just passed a bill this week, that would lower the threshold for jurors to recommend the death penalty, from unanimous, to 8-4.
Governor DeSantis was expected to sign it last I heard, but had not signed it yet, as far as I know at this writing.
For perspective, Alabama allows a death sentence with a 10-2 split, and Indiana and Missouri allow the judge to decide, in the event of a divided jury. All other states that permit capital punishment, require a unanimous jury.
Florida's forthcoming 8-4 jury standard for death sentences, will thus be the most aggressive in the country, and may well be one of the most aggressive in the entire world.
So, for the three bleeding-heart holdouts on that Cruz jury, congratulations. *sarcastic golf clap* You just made Florida the death penalty capital of the United States, and possibly of the entire world.
Hope you're proud of yourselves.
They may have apologized to the families but, that doesn't bring them back to life. The only person that should be able to take a life is God, when he calls them home. I don't have any empathy or sympathy for anyone that kills innocent people.
ОтветитьLife sentence or death sentence?