Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Ireland annexes United Kingdom

Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Ireland annexes United Kingdom


55 лет назад

991,273 Просмотров

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The challenge is to play as Ireland and annex UK (The United Kingdom). There are a few ways you can do that, but I tried to create an elegant strategy. I will build up my strength and wait for the perfect moment to strike, while dismantling the Allies using diplomacy. Can Ireland beat the British? Tune in and find out.
- Play as Ireland
- Annex all of the United Kingdom territory
- Ironman
What did I do wrong, what did I do right? What should my next challenge be, if any. Let me know in the comments.
Hearts of Iron IV Ireland challenge.
hoi4 Ireland challenge
hearts of Iron IV challenge
hearts of iron 4 challenge
hoi4 challenge



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