Protect EPA Regulations to Protect People
Congress needs to get real. Instead of trying to undermine important regulations that are meant to protect people and Earth, how about passing ready-to-go legislation before recessing in August?
Jewish tradition challenges us to use the weeks of Sefirat HaOmer (the period from Passover to Shavuot) to cultivate loving attention to the state of our personal and collective worlds. Rabbi Nate DeGroot, Associate Director for The Shalom Center, led us in reflection on what these days mean for Jewish climate advocates. Rabbi DeGroot is a champion for climate justice who previously served as Associate Director at Hazon (now Adamah) in Detroit.
David DeGennaro, National Wildlife Federation’s senior policy specialist for climate and energy, explained why our advocacy is needed on behalf of EPA regulations that have already been approved but could be overturned, and what can still be accomplished in this session of Congress.