God, I loved this game when it came out. I put together our store's first Escher gang and had a pretty good run.
Ответить"I'll run a Necromunda game in 2021. I'm sure no major life events will get in the way. Now to read this message from Penny and take a big sip of coffee."
ОтветитьGot this for Christmas, reminds me of gingerbread and oranges
ОтветитьI’m sorry but how can people say GW isnt more expensive. These old box sets came with a ton of replayability for a steal compare to the new $150 box sets. The new ones don’t even have the modularity to allow for customization on the battlefield like these did. They even made it more accessible with the plastic bits fitting to cardboard cutouts so u can make ur own additions to it.
U can really tell the difference between a company promoting a new game with passion versus holding their fans nuts in a vice grip.
Breaks my heart everytime I think about getting back into Warhammer. I just can’t do it again. This shit is to disgusting to support. The rest of us hobbyist don’t have thousands to throw at this bullshit and walk away without feeling completely guilty of being robbed
U r not exaggerating or kidding at all. Retromunda is the best first wargame for beginners.
U could buy this game and play 100 games and none would be the same.
Are Spyrer teams still a thing in modern Necromunda?
Ответить- I've never asked for this.
- What a shame.
Always loved the idea of Necromunda, though I've never played a game of it... odd really but we were more enamoured with Mordheim. Started playing the Hired Gun game to get a bit of Necromunda flavour recently but it lacks the down-and-out, scraped together feel with weapon jamming and broken equipment that I loved from all the WD battlereports. This video is making me want to try and tempt others into playing Necromunda though, I especially love the Outlanders rules. Then again I'd have to build the terrain and probably model every single ganger we use...
ОтветитьThis really brings back fond memories, but not of Necromunda per se. Firstly, I have played Necromunda's predecessor Confrontation (published in a couple of White Dwarf articles), and it was a blast. Lots of d100 rolls, don't forget your calculator, but really enjoyable. With a bit of enthousiasm and effort, Confrontation makes a great and rewarding skirmish game with RPG elements (but you'll need a calculator...).
Secondly, the painting guide. In my very humble opinion, no painting guide achieves the clarity and enthousiasm of the 1989 Citadel Miniatures Painting Guide, with an introduction by John Blanche.
Last, but definitely not least, thanks for the enthousiasm. Life needs more vintage unboxing. Cheers!
86 stores in the usa.
ОтветитьLas weapons and slug shotguns are king!
ОтветитьPlease run a necromunda game, that would be amazing
ОтветитьRatskins were my first ever models! This brought back cherished memories thank you!
ОтветитьI'd love to see a video on the Tyranid Attack board game, but it's crazy expensive now. I wish I'd kept my copy.
Ответитьnecromunda underhive wars is good for terrain references, it has given me ideas for terrain that i haven't acted on
ОтветитьNecromunda let's play pleaaase
ОтветитьThe Goliaths are doing what look like either a stylized "big man laughing at weakling" pose or, to be more grounded in reality, doing a lat spread bodybuilder poses (that makes you look extra-big if you're that muscular).
ОтветитьRetromunda!!! Fine, now I gotta go to the basement and grab my Necromunda box and paint it.
ОтветитьMan this is back when gw hadn't sold it's soul for cash. Just look at all that fun stuff you got for so little back then.
Ответить"Technicolor" is a thing of the Seventies and not the Nineties! I am 56. I remember these games when they came out and that I couldn't get my hands on them in Germany. You had to go to UK during holidays and buy all you could, if you had any money left.
This was priced 40£ in 1995 according to my WD issue from that time. The official inflation calc from the bank of england website says it should cost 67£ in todays money! I think modern products are completely out of whack in regards to the price. Production efficiency, quality and development has gone down in price! GW is ripping us off.
I wonder what happened to that idea of a Retromunda campaign?
ОтветитьOriginal Necromunda > any other recreation. It's my all time favorite game from a community perspective. My local shops ran loads for necromunda in the 90s.
ОтветитьI used orcs for Goliath
ОтветитьGood old lead figures 😊
ОтветитьI still hope that one day you do a mini Necromunda campaign here. It would be fantastic
ОтветитьFond memories of this version. It was very popular at the time due to being easier to get into and having a bit of a fun RPG element.
ОтветитьYou should definitely do a campaign for necromunda
ОтветитьLooking forward to seeing a Necromunda campaign on the channel some day. 😀
ОтветитьAbsolutely loved playing Necromunda back in the day 😊
ОтветитьAún conservo ese juego !!!
ОтветитьSo... how about that Retromunda campaign in 2023, Guy?
ОтветитьI've still got most of my original Necromunda stuff around, including 3 complete sets of the terrain and the expansion set terrain. The minis are a bunch of Escher and some Arbites Enforcers plus a handful of others. I think I traded or gave away the Orlock & Goliath minis that came with the sets.
ОтветитьIn regards to Guy's question about how many Games Workshop stores the US has, still not enough. I need to drive for an hour to another state in order to visit the closest one to me.
ОтветитьThis game is more complicated than world of Warcraft 2023
ОтветитьVery interesting, thx. And Necromunda: Underhive Wars is really a great video game!
ОтветитьBest gang ever Delaque 😂😂😂 very Blade Runner vibes 😂😂😂
ОтветитьUggghh Turn based dont developers realise it’s not the 1980’s 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI just brought a 1995 box on Evil Bay for $67 box was a wee bit battered but nothing that I couldn’t fix up ❤
ОтветитьMy god I miss these old illustrations / painting style, they should never get rid of it, honestly, the new Warhammer art is so sterile and generic, dark and boring.
ОтветитьI love this game. I modeled my gang to resemble the characters from The Warriors movie.
ОтветитьLove to work on my techno skills 😎
ОтветитьGot to say I've played a lot of Newmunda, but Oldmunda was a plesent find in my childhood. There some real changes between them (Newmunda's use of alternative model activations was a great change), but there the same soul under it... plus you could totaly use eithers minatures for the other!
ОтветитьI can't stop watching this!!!
ОтветитьGuy, are you going to do the Necromunda campaigns? I've been waiting. It's one of the reasons I joined your patreon!
Ответитьhow on earth did i miss this vid? been with you since the start mate, and would love to see Necromunda show up again on your channel ;)
ОтветитьI went in a Warhammer shop recently, it's not like it was back in the day, dark/dull looking boxes, no bright colours and cool box art like we had in the 90s, I love the Necromunda box art