if i came back... thatd be my build lol. nice gameplay.
only one thing i thought while watching this - maybe its worth tryn leap for 1vX on that build?
u probably did.
ther just were a couple of these situations when u were followed by an amount of players u couldve facetanked so u were goin for a kill.
u get interrupted and shyt while goin for a kill and fossilizing some1 then 2 more engage and u miss a kill etc...
idk i just felt like u wouldve got even more kills in that fight having leap on ur dw bar :)
but don mind me im just a bad stamsorc in exile.
First off, gonna need that song from the start))) Also, whatever you're using, sick build and gameplay man!
Ответитьgg 💪
ОтветитьHello. Share build)
ОтветитьBeautiful 😎
Ответитьwretched vitality and maras balm? or am i looking at this wrong :P nice vid tho, feels like the old stamdk, facetank all and burst single target, wish everything wasnt this weird hybrid shit nowadays