ALL Mythic Shadowlands Raid Boss Changes Explained | Patch 11.0.5 | #worldofwarcraft #wow

ALL Mythic Shadowlands Raid Boss Changes Explained | Patch 11.0.5 | #worldofwarcraft #wow


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@MerokoGaming - 24.10.2024 22:03

Oops i forgot to add Remnant of Ner'zul. His Malevolence does not knock back anymore so you can just stand and nuke him. Also Rygelon is much easier but people are pointing out his attacks do still do a decent chunk of damage so prioritize healing and damage reduction talents for the fight. One user noted going in the horizon phase helped mitigate the tank debuff. I was able to stand and nuke him on my pally and priest but if you struggle there, that's what you'll need to do.

@adrianatkins10 - 03.11.2024 00:16

Finally soloed all Mythic Shadowlands raid. Thanks for the guides!

@mintx1720 - 02.11.2024 07:52

Sylvannas has more health than Zekvir??

@lollipop25rs - 02.11.2024 07:48

any changes on eonar with this patch?

@Kaizen29x - 01.11.2024 14:11

As of 10/31/24 I can confirm they hotfixed it it works as intended and super easy. Thank you for this

@MultiAsger - 31.10.2024 22:52

for kelthuzad, i did him in bugged state on my boomkin, had to wait 2 min for convoke to be ready

@nowahgordon2684 - 31.10.2024 12:45

why am i being forced to dance in council of blood? it isnt in your video. im jumping all the time

@edmundblackadder2741 - 31.10.2024 03:03

The jailer just mind controls me a resets and the pillars don't even fall down, am i doing something wrong?
edit: the pillars do spawn but he shoots me into the air with the rune attack then the pillars spawn on the very opposite side so i cannot reach them in time

@ichigoamv1473 - 29.10.2024 14:00

great guide ill add this to anyone still struggling remember your cov abilities work in the shadowlands druids can get convoke without being talented into it and other classes have some good ones too and your soulbonds are still pretty strong aswell

@vanzi9229 - 29.10.2024 13:24

Rygelon melted my 611 ilvl Priest with the Corrupted Wound dot really fast, I got him down to like 20% before the dot hits for like 600k a tick and I just die. All the other raids/bosses were super easy though, thanks for the guides!

@norfy - 29.10.2024 08:53

"all raid boss changes explained" proceeds to also explain everything that hasn't changed

@Kornut - 28.10.2024 17:49

@focus macros work on KT as well!

@tnaxpw - 28.10.2024 14:05

kaelthas getting 1%/s is the real mvp change for all non-healing classes I just hope it's there on mythic too

@hennessy4236 - 28.10.2024 10:29

This is the best news I’ve heard! I’ve wanted so many items from these raids!

@Kretzig - 28.10.2024 03:06

I wonder when they make the Eonar fight of the Antorus Raid more Soloable!

@danielpina3766 - 28.10.2024 02:21

alongside this place blizzard also broke N'zoth in nyalotha - just like Kelthuzad's Phylactery not letting you target the mob during a phase change, the big Psychus add in the Mindgate phase is also untargetable :D

@matthewpletsch7523 - 27.10.2024 20:14

Best boy Arfus!

@Blindgaymer - 27.10.2024 19:15

Love your guides just some feedback please put in time stamps for bosses 😊

@kelqoo - 27.10.2024 18:39

tip for the raids, just do them as arcane mage, touch of the magi scales buggy so u just 1shot every boss basicly

@mattitudever90 - 27.10.2024 17:53

Such a helpful video. Ty

@darkaurori - 27.10.2024 17:51

Great video! Thanks for the time putting this together. My first time solo'ing Mythic Sanctum. I did discover that you can hit KT with Shadow Crash while in the phylactery.

@professorchaos5058 - 27.10.2024 17:48

How do you jump platforms During p3 of sylvanas fight all you did was jump and you got access but when I jump i fall to my death

@Cromdan - 27.10.2024 17:20

Burden of sin wasn't an instant kill, at lvl 80 you should have around 3mil+hp, the fall does around 2.6m. I've not been removing stacks in TWW due to this, the fall is actually survivable, just nuke the boss :)

@nonye0 - 27.10.2024 14:56

can i just jump straight to jailer last boss immediately?

@Mr5C0U7 - 27.10.2024 13:24

Great video, thank you so much! For future long format videos covering multiple raids some time stamps would be great

@darkfirelancer07 - 27.10.2024 06:33

I got a dumb question, When I try solo'ing older content it seems to be on some weird personal loot (I'm lucky to get even one piece) how do i fix that?

@luminaura3000 - 27.10.2024 02:22

Rygelon basically melts my health at around 12% then i just die on my 608 survival hunter, i'm killing him pretty fast but then poof i just fall. not sure whats going on but i cant race his damage at all.

@Xsonic974 - 27.10.2024 00:16

best expansion ever

@allianceorc - 26.10.2024 23:31

very helpful video like very helpful my opinions on the changes though
so glad to see kael thas is soloable now
as for dancing fever it really doesnt need to be removed its such a simple mechanic
stone legion general is a very welcome change the transmission phase to way to long imo
sire denathrius change with burden of sin also makes his achievement easier as it requires you to have NO burdens when you transition
thank god they removed the dragging chain add in eye because that made it so unbearable on heroic plus

guardian nerf is definetly welcomed you also forgot to mention that sunder now increases damage taken by 300% down from 500% still probably would hurt an undergeared toon but a 200% nerf is big
thank god for fatescribes nerf hes been a pain for TOO LONG
kel'thuzad also shares the same bug with nzoth btw its not just him its annoying but nothing really to do about it for now also i LOVE how arfus is the tank
i never did sepulcher on mythic enough as i got walled really early in but nice to see jailer aint MCing ppl off cliffs anymore

@Kenji-117 - 26.10.2024 22:11

Before i watch: please let kel thuzad be solo-able

@Stalkingwolf - 26.10.2024 18:29

thx for the overview. only wanted to check Rygelon but they changed so much that every boss is now a joke. bit sad, before you need to play mechanics on some bosses. no its just dps them down.
but its now faster transmog and mount farm

@rakebangalang - 26.10.2024 11:55

Pro tip for phase 2 sylvannas DO NOT nuke her. If you do and get to phase 3 if her health is below when it’s supposed to end the encounter 45%? She will bug out and soft lock the encounter

@Boss-ot1iy - 26.10.2024 08:13

Psychus in the Nzoth fight is invisible, too. If you don't nuke him. He will gain a massive damage debuff. I had to jump off the edge a few times, and my ret is 626.

@jagermeister6x9 - 26.10.2024 05:07

Still hasn't been hot fixed. At least I now know he is invisible and untargetable.. I can use rain of fire.. as an aoe.. But it's still kinda borked, I'm gonna wait..

@hachitachi - 26.10.2024 04:37

Have the loot rules changed?

@Markullinosenpai - 26.10.2024 01:34

Nice Ui man! What's the addon you're using for nameplates?

@kevinranders - 26.10.2024 01:32

glad to see it, still wish they would eonar skippable or less annoying af/glitchy

@kilanov_wow - 26.10.2024 01:26

great video, sir! keep the good work
may i ask a question?
is now siege of orgrimmar solable with all these changes?

@Stoopedfays - 26.10.2024 00:07

I did Skolex on my warlock and he did no mechanics. He kept casting a spell called "destroy" over and over which kept being canceled.

@Trains-With-Shane - 25.10.2024 20:39

glad they fixed the KT fight. I had a difficult time soloing that before even on my BM hunter. would keep despawning. Finally managed to get the timing right with my summoned creatures on my Lock to solo the old school way but it was a pain in the ass. on Halondrus. The weirdest thing that happened to me was he shattered and I got punted into an area on the other side of a wall and I couldn't get back to him, lol. I think the wall gets put up during his walk. Anyways glad they made these things more solo friendly. May get over into Castle Nathria a bit more and farm up some more transmogs on something other than my healing classes.

@RippanCSGO - 25.10.2024 19:22

Thank god they fixed KT by adding the little dog.

@l47l - 25.10.2024 18:37

for KT if you have abilities that can cleave throw down a turnip or any target dummy and cleave off that

@Zyralithos - 25.10.2024 17:38

Thank you for this video! I was not aware we could solo any of shadowlands yet 🎉

@GoobYouTube - 25.10.2024 17:27

Great video. Can't believe i used to run these before this!

@D1reLegend - 25.10.2024 16:50

Do we still need to do the SL campaign and chain in Zereth Mortis to access sepulcher?

@raicarter - 25.10.2024 16:25

Great Video, thanks for all the testing and letting us know.

@JDGraphics0 - 25.10.2024 15:23

Here's a quick fix while the Kel'Thuzad fight is still bugged. You just need to right click on his raid frames and pick him up as your focus target during the fight and use the shift modifier to attack your focus target with single target abilities.

@AxleStukov - 25.10.2024 14:10

Specifying on Sylvannas, it has to be Jaina you help in P2, she's the one who casts the P3 teleport. Helping Thrall does nothing even if it lets you reach Sylvannas in P2, you'll reach the end and nothing will happen until you go back and help Jaina.

@johnwarner4178 - 25.10.2024 13:56

Thanks for testing this, I didn’t want to go through it all just to find out one certain boss bricked the run

@BloodqueenLeonie - 25.10.2024 13:37

For shadowpriest it might be a good idea to change to shadowcrash that you can target on the ground for kelthuzad.
And just so I get it of my chest has anyone tried doing a /target macro for the kelthuzad?
