The Best Stock Market Trading Book on Earth

The Best Stock Market Trading Book on Earth

The Math Sorcerer

1 год назад

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@Bob-my6jy - 02.11.2024 11:38


@GamuchiraiZororoNdawana - 02.11.2024 11:57

Technical indicators are also easier to forecast than price levels.

And being able to forecast the indicator, tells you something aboht future price levels.

Even Ordinary Least Squares can get the job done

@cemvural00 - 03.11.2024 12:16

I think you should stick to math, TA is pseudoscience

@chairmanallen9553 - 09.11.2024 13:37

Thanks made some notes 🎉

@ayoubelkharassi - 09.11.2024 20:27

Are you rich?

@thecentralscrutinizerr - 13.11.2024 03:46

I've had the old blue book for 15 years. Still trading.
Just so everyone knows - the Central Bank can, at will, crash the economy. They can make things very difficult to the "lower class" citizens, the "middle class" citizens, and the "upper class" citizens. As more than one "financial expert" has said, "They have you by the balls ... would you prefer they tickle or squeeze?"
Until you understand that the governments that supposedly "represent" you are completely at the mercy of the Central Bank (the hand that lends is above the hand that borrows) then you'll begin to understand who really is the master and who is the slave.
And this battle is what caused the American Revolution.
This battle has caused numerous wars throughout the world throughout history itself.
Who is the slave and who is the master.
Who lends and who borrows.
Who repays and who is defrauded.
Money is the god of this world. And to prove that point, they even put it on the money itself - "In God We Trust". In this god you do trust.
The wise man knows ... Not everything is valued in money. Nor worth by lack or abundance of it.

@DanPocketRocket - 17.11.2024 05:02

Great vid! TA is better when combined with the law of large numbers

@williamJohnsonq8f - 18.11.2024 16:14

Investing in stocks may appear simple, but selecting the appropriate stock without a proven strategy can be tough. I've been trying to develop my $210,000 portfolio for a while, but the biggest hurdle is a lack of a clear entrance and exit strategy. Any feedback on this topic would be greatly welcomed.

@sabahtaha1746 - 20.11.2024 12:21

the best loser wins by tom hougaard best ever trading book period

@staircasefx9104 - 12.12.2024 13:24

i have read those, that book only summary from various technique, just digging one of those technique deeply and you will find something.

@mowthpeece1 - 12.12.2024 18:26

TA is voodoo. All that info is lagging. No one knows what's going to happen second by second so there's no point. But you DO want to know how to read a chart for selecting a solid investment. But people don't trade with intention of affecting a chart, so... Again, it's all lagging.

@max55well - 15.12.2024 16:24

I couldn't agree more 💯

@Greg_Burin - 18.12.2024 15:24

Studies have shown that TA doesn’t work. It’s all just a large numbers game. It might well be that some people base their actions on TA, over time making a lot of money. But again, law of large numbers: there will be just as many that you don’t hear about, who lose it. Combined with the fact people are rash, greedy and inconsistent, that explains why many more blow their accounts.

What TA isn’t, is an explanation of market movements. This is was Yurus want you to believe as it makes their narratives more valuable. They aren’t. It’s mostly nonsense.

@Greg_Burin - 18.12.2024 15:26

Is this a naff affiliate video? It’s just the way you talk about it, sounds like someone who’s been into trading for 5 mins. Like a kid browsing a candy store; “Elliot wave theory, that’s some cool stuff, gives me goosebumps.” Just plain odd.

@chunkymilk - 30.12.2024 02:02

i like peter lynch.

@ultimaevo77 - 30.12.2024 14:49

Buy bitcoin 1 year after it's all time high, sell 2.5 years later, repeat, done.

@MurrayMD - 01.01.2025 10:31

I'll have to read Murphy's book and see for myself. My own favorite trading literature is "The Kelly Criterion in Blackjack, Sports Betting, and the Stock Market" by Edward Thorp, a 1958 UCLA math PhD graduate whose first job was teaching at MIT under Claude Shannon (the "Father of Information Technology"). Thorp is also known as the Father of Card Counting in Blackjack who, with Shannon, devised a number of ways to beat casino games. Once the heat got too high, Thorp turned his attention to the stock market, which he called "The World's biggest Casino" and adapted the Kelly Criterion to the noisy time series stock charts. The Kelly Criterion, named after mathematician John L. Kelly who first published it in 1956 is used to maximize position sizes without risking bankruptcy by over-betting, and is essentially the ratio of Price Velocity (i.e. slope) to Variance Velocity (i.e., the slope of the variance after subtracting the price trendline from the data). Since the denominator is a squared value, it is always positive, making the sign of the Kelly fraction correspond to going long (when positive) or short (when negative). I find the math fascinating because it sheds intellectual light on what most people - even the big money traders who should know better, don't. I think I have a way to implement it in intraday trading by using a Kalman Filter to establish a trendline, a second Kalman Filter to establish a variance line (after subtracting the price trendline from the raw data), then taking the ratio of their velocities (slopes) to get a continuous, dynamic Kelly Fraction. If additional smoothing is required for the price trendline, variance trendline, or the dynamic ratio of their slopes, re-running the Kalman Filter on any or even all of them until the desired smoothness is reached seems like it should work - and in the forward direction, since you want the dynamic Kelly fraction to calculate immediately and continuously. It also seems that if the Kelly fraction was run continuously on the leading handful of candidate stocks, diversification would be possible to reduce the potential damage of any stock going the wrong way all of a sudden. It would also seem that a trader's candidate stocks could be ranked simply by their Kelly fractions in descending order for additional safety and profitability. Thanks for reading this!

@MCclub4you - 01.01.2025 16:47

TA is great, it is one of the risk management tools that a trader has in its toolbox.

In my opinion there are other aspects that are equally if not more important; trading psychology.
It's great to find recurring chart patterns and structures, but what if you can't hold the trade due to lack of patience, an intolerance to uncertainty about what happens next, being overly emotionally invested. These are all factors that show up after you did your analysis and entered the trade. Luckily, we can develop the strategies that fit our personalities.

Having that said, I loved this video and this looks like a great book!

I wish everybody great success in their trading career :)

@accountant_bot-h7t - 03.01.2025 19:11

I made about 175% in 2020-2021 just using math :) . Barely even need technical patters.

@Walker-876 - 05.01.2025 04:45

Increase me odds and let the probabilities work in my favour..... Who moves the market, ghosts, wizards,santa clause?... when do they move the market, do they leave footprints, are they making enough noise to be noticed, do they have a spark, is there fuel nearby, matchsticks even, a gentle push of a dominoe, a key that fits a specific lock??? A Lit fuse, a beacon or lightening rod..... Why do markets move?

@erikowren7894 - 05.01.2025 22:30

I’m in a competitive internship at Dean Witter 😊

@erikowren7894 - 05.01.2025 22:39

Willam O’Niel’s how to make money in stocks is another great book for TA.😊

@dd-sr4xb - 06.01.2025 01:40

OMG A technical analysis book as best book come on man u're kidding right ?

@Ryu-pa - 11.01.2025 04:14

The Mental Edge in Trading, Trading in the Zone, How I Made One Million Dollars Last Year trading Commodities, Trading for a living are much much better.

@Moped_Mike - 11.01.2025 14:39

Right off your wrong, many people know exactly what’s going on, the quant funds are running these numbers faster and in larger sets then we ever could as individuals….

@rodrigoamoedo8523 - 11.01.2025 15:11

Bro, that's like saying, "Astrology-based investing isn't a guarantee of returns, but it gives you an edge.

@visla84 - 16.01.2025 12:16

Good book as an overview but nothing new in it. Original books are better:
1. Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits by Schbacker
2. Technical analysis of stock trends by Edward and Magee
3. Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns by Bulkowski

Those are best books on classic chart patterns.

For other topics within technical analysis such as oscillators, moving averages, volume analysis , breadth analysis, sentiment inter-market analysis etc I would refer to specific sources for each.

1. Elliot wave theory - Prechter from EW international
2. Market profile - Jim Dalton and Peter Stiedelmayer
3. Japanese candlesticks - Steve Nison
4. Oscillators and Indicators - encyclopedia of technical market indicators by Robert Colby for overview plus new market timing techniques by Tom Demark, Tushar Chande

those are just a few

@lqcnfinancemore4602 - 20.01.2025 15:09

This was my first financial book, I bought it two decades ago when I was in my early teens!

@Roger-il8iw - 21.01.2025 12:30

It works for day trading. The issue is the news and politics always trump the TA. TA is an art as much as a science.

@kakarottoriyama - 23.01.2025 01:55

I don't know about reading a book from a brokie

@captainsinghdevendersingh - 23.01.2025 17:52

Believe it or not
This book by written by those who never ever traded in any market

This writer made millions by selling his book even without doing any profitable or loss making trading
He never took any trade 😢😢😢😢😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@kelvinmartinez4817 - 24.01.2025 05:00

In our current economic and political climate, how and will technical analysis help? I guess based on the intro of the video, something is better than nothing, right ? Thank you!

@ChrisL0K - 26.01.2025 11:40

Exactly what I was searching for!

@Daydreamer77 - 26.01.2025 14:18

Is your name John Murphy by any chance?

@TheUndergraduateQuant - 27.01.2025 18:02

Why don’t u do a video about the best math book for trading?

@mr.g1758 - 27.01.2025 20:52

Fundamental Analysis tells you what to buy. Technicals tell you when to buy.

@bjk837 - 29.01.2025 02:23

Now the ultimate question….has any of it worked for you and have you beaten the market using what you’ve read?

@alexnatourNewHomesLasVegas - 29.01.2025 19:46

Excellent review, thank you.

@asus7941 - 02.02.2025 12:21

One think is important, learn and educate yourself and one day anyone can make it.

@GiovanniMontanelli30 - 05.02.2025 05:45

The Bible of trading

@chandlerketelsen8702 - 06.02.2025 10:54

I’ve bought the book since watching this, the book is a full bowl of cherries 🍒

@matteo9842 - 10.02.2025 00:25

murphy's books cost 50 euro each
thats crazy

@AmirhEbadi - 10.02.2025 12:01

Hi there,Could this book be used for Cryptocurrency trading? Thanks❤

@JonJon-wc6pj - 13.02.2025 17:44

Good Luck day trading against HFT!😬

@In_100 - 14.02.2025 02:11

I have been reading that boook ❤

@PedroKing99 - 15.02.2025 03:50

Very helpful. TA is absolutely worth it! Thank you. Yes it helps. Math works. Full stop. Thanks God bless.

@Elebele71 - 16.02.2025 04:58

Thanks a lot. I enjoy your videos. May God bless you.

@TheTeaParty320 - 16.02.2025 06:04

Even air crashes come in threes. The records are out there to prove the point.

@libcheet - 28.02.2025 19:54

It is strange to hear a lot of "a lot of people don't BELIEVE in this" from a math person.
