Is this the best immersive sim ever made? (+Phantom Liberty!)

Is this the best immersive sim ever made? (+Phantom Liberty!)

The Nth Review

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@kinkypinky2021 - 03.03.2025 06:08

I genuinely dont understand people that hate this game especially those that were hyped for it...yeah it had massive issues at release but they are now fixed. I think gamers overhype things to such an extent that no game will ever live up to those massive expectations. This game is just as good as Witcher 3 if not better. There is no nuance anymore either games are the best thing ever or absolute trash.

@erikahuxley - 05.02.2025 12:58

So I finally bought it, after 3 hrs of play I asked for a refund. I know I will be accused of not giving it the chance. The experience is enough to tell me it's more of an action game. It's not a full on run and gun fps, but it's not real (fps) RPG either, when compared to Deus Ex or Fallout. The simplistic dialog choices is telling me the player don't have that much say. I can tell they want to appeal to GTA players with the design choice. But you can't slap the cyberpunk label on something just because of the visuals alone. I thought I was jumping into something deep or stimulating, but I was wrong. Deus Ex Mankind Divided is a better "cyberpunk" game than this.

@joseflores7006 - 18.01.2025 10:55

This is my favorite video game.

@argo117007 - 15.01.2025 03:46

PC looks a lot better than console ever can. Poor upscaling and RT on console. Also bad draw distance and texture pop in as you mentioned.
The most important thing is higher FPS on pc. You get clarity in motion like never before with 90fps+. 60fps with motion blur in consoles just blur all the details in motion. Also controlling a FPS with mouse and keyboard is more immersive for me personally.

@budlikycz2445 - 30.12.2024 09:57

I am sticking to Prey. Gameplay is fuckin shit here and main story is just sitting on chairs while listening to people :)

@Molikai - 29.12.2024 17:33

I'm stacked, backed up, and I'm fifth dan.
And i'm not afraid of the patchwork man.

@Jayy997 - 06.12.2024 15:58

As amazing as Cyberpunk 2077 is, it is NOT an immersive sim, let alone the best ever made. What are you smoking?

@mrwitte - 05.12.2024 15:50

One of the most compelling games I've ever played, maybe the most - a masterpiece. I played on a good PC so bugs, though present, weren't killing the experience at all. I was absolutely knocked out day one after initial release.

2.0 is cool and everything - more of the same with welcome refinements to the original, what's not to like? But OG vanilla day-one CP2077 was something extraordinary, ambitious, & special right out of the gate.

Very happy that so many have come around to it, and that history appears to have turned far more kind to this incredible game.

@escapegulag4317 - 18.11.2024 01:27

Best immersive sim remains Deus Ex

@YouTubePremiumDude - 15.11.2024 20:29

Take a shot everytime he mentions GTA V

@Valkbg - 26.10.2024 11:01

Even though they fixed it I still wont get CP77. No thanks

@marcomatthiascruz3826 - 26.10.2024 07:45

how do you not have so many more subscribers

@BLOATEDNGOATED - 12.10.2024 09:36

Coughs in star citizen

@009013M3 - 10.10.2024 20:19

I love the game. It's the only thing in my Steam library I can reliably come back to right now.

But I wouldn't call it the best of anything, let alone the best immersive sim. I'm not even sure I'd call it an immersive sim.

I will say it does a good job of blending open-world role=-playing shooter elements with some elements of an im-sim. Maybe im-sim-light?

@subjectdelta17 - 09.10.2024 23:15

I still think bethesdas prey 2017 is the best immersive sim ever made.

Thr cyberhacks are cool in cyberpunk2077, dont get me wrong. But they have nothing on thr typhon abilities

@fleshpistol - 04.10.2024 19:22

Best game ever made

@JamieMacDougall - 04.10.2024 11:52

Everybody who’s played this game since phantom liberty seems to say it’s up there as one of if not the best game ever made. I have to agree. It’s almost perfect

@Nick86ITA - 01.10.2024 18:14

rare and few are games that gives this quantity of content with this kind of quality, I can't think of one other pc games giving so much stuff to do and polished activities, taking in consideration only the 2.0 version. Especially looking at other open world that charge you up to 100€ to buy a single player experience.

@nexuvareldari7418 - 30.09.2024 15:36

Cyberpunk was garbage, your gear makes you look like an idiot just for better stats, the AI was trash and spawned same groups of enemies in same areas with no dynamics, and the shooting was nothing new, it had zero cyberpunk futuristic feel to it, and was a downgrade from compared to something like prey in terms of mechanics and there was no cop mechanic worthy of anything when I played it, and no any issues fixed now does not redeem it. It’s been over three years , and its story was so basic and boring that I have no desire to go back. IT IS THE FURTHEST FROM IMMERSIVE SIN AS IS POSSIBLE, there was glitching textures and my car would fall through the world, that’s the opposite of immersion, oh and the story was mostly linear with binary choices, that’s not an immersive sin, that’s standard modern shooters.

@folcotook3049 - 25.09.2024 00:51

This game (like so many others lately) is proof that you should wait at least a couple months (and then see if you need to wait years) after release before ever buying a new game.

@staticthewhitewolf7040 - 24.09.2024 19:28

Funny how every person who could not run it on PC from day one were people with a high-end gaming PCs. My 2-year-old $800 computer that was barely above potato with a 1050 ran it with just the 30-minute to an-hour crashes. Not one other glitch except maybe a soft-locked quest or two. It still has a crash of the game every 3 to 6 hours of play but nothing else. I guess always running games at the lowest settings paid off.

@flowstategmng - 24.09.2024 15:20

Cyberpunk shines once you realize you just need stop playing it, and just exist in it. It's all about actually wanting to have an experience, but a lot of the work is up to you.

Here are some simple tips to make Cyberpunk feel like it should feel:

Get a mod that turns off fast travel. Immediately, you have to physically go everywere on foot, which makes your apartments actually MATTER.

Go to any of your apartments and just sit there, put your favorite guns and clothes away so that you have to come home and get them. This will build a sense of nostalgia and longing for home. Each of your apartments will become a place you HAVE to go to.

Turn the difficulty waaay up. Night City should feel dangerous, you should be kinda scared walking down back alleys and bad neighborhood's. Cops will now you down mercilessly, and "getting home" will become a harrowing adventure.

Sit around and listen to people in different areas. They have things to say that are relevant. You will also see crime unfolding around you in real-time. Cops will chase criminals, and gang wars will breakout.

Read all codexes and logs you find. This is a fully-fleshesd out world and tabletop RPG, seperate from the video game, and to even understand a lot of the ambient dialogue, you need to know the definition of words like "choom" and "eddies".

Watching Cyberpunk lore videos will immerse you in the whole "what happened here" feeling, and give meaning to the visuals you're observing.

Cyberpunk is probably the greatest triple-A achievement ever, and you're cheating yourself if you don't experience it the way it's meant to be.

@greendude0420 - 24.09.2024 07:54

Michael Ponsmith 😂

I’ll start calling him Maximum Michael now ig 💀

@joevibin3816 - 24.09.2024 05:06

No is the short answer for me.

I’d say Deus Ex or Prey would be stronger contenders.

@mickaelfrimann - 23.09.2024 18:26

Comment for engagement

@davidburnett4123 - 23.09.2024 15:31

Didn’t play until 2.0. Cyberpunk is the best game I have ever played. It was like Skyrim for the first time back in 2011.

@Orange_Swirl - 19.09.2024 06:53

No, it is not the best immersive sim ever made.

It is not even the best sandbox RPG ever made, a video game genre it shares more similarities with.

@stinkbanana2522 - 18.09.2024 05:27

Cyberpunk is NOT an immersive sim lmao you just choose how to kill the guys based on your spec, but there's no other ways to solve missions. Only one way.

@Shadow-Rider-88 - 15.09.2024 17:25

Nice video. I also play it my way, not to see all the endings. After watching many videos about this game, would it be a good idea to play it on PS4 Slim or a disaster?

@kudo7821 - 15.09.2024 07:53

Love Cyberpunk, but this game is nothing close to an ImmSim -- it's just your typical RPG.

How do you compare the highly prescribed, rigid, game design of 2077 to something deeply systemic and flexible like PREY 2017 and think that they are even in the same stratosphere?

@TyuErt - 14.09.2024 18:09

It would have to be an imsim to be the best imsim...

@Serpico360 - 14.09.2024 12:00

It's not a sim.

@lokinslawomir0793 - 14.09.2024 00:17

In terms of cinematic story telling and immersion it is a masterpiece in my opinion. No other game has had me so immersed and pulled into the story and lore, not even Elden Ring, though that game is a masterpiece for different reasons. This game is what I wish GTA was like and played like.

I believe after the humbling experience of their launch of CP2077 and what they’ve learned through the development before and after release, and how they did not give up and abandon the game, gives me very high hopes that the next release in the CP franchise will be a true masterpiece. I cannot wait.

@Jereb343 - 13.09.2024 18:59

A good sign that you should disregard someones opinion on this game is if they tell you most missions are just go here kill people. Sure, if you play like a psycho and only ever shoot thats what itll be like... youve chosen that for yourself. I could say the same for mankind divided, but it wouldnt make it true. The game reacts to how you play. If youre violent, violence is all youll get

Edit: Good video otherwise

@KidAmnesiac00 - 13.09.2024 17:46

This is not even an immersive sim.

@kaporal890 - 13.09.2024 05:56

Is this the best immersive sim ever made? ...dude.. Prey, deus EX , systemshock 2 , bioshock ... and then , after that maybe ..maybe! .morrowind ? ..... cyberpunk2077 has no mechanics , nothing deep , nor the story or the choices you can(not) make along the way. What cyberpunk have then ? Night City ! simply breathtaking map...and the setting of course , cyberpunk genre is always a cool imo.

@speedybgood - 12.09.2024 20:10

Cyberpunk was still my favorite game on Ps4 at launch. Even through the glitches and complete game breaking bugs, I played it anyway. It's the best game I have ever played.

@willothewoods2601 - 12.09.2024 16:57

Watching this, and cant help but think that you'd probably make a killer Red Dead Redemption 2 review 👀

@hoclabtec - 11.09.2024 12:54

God damn this guy si so bad at fps games it hurst to watch

@terransviva - 11.09.2024 07:08

well done man. really enjoyed it.

@GothGfGG - 10.09.2024 21:19

You played this game super weird lol

@markmuller7962 - 10.09.2024 14:27

MaxTac is in the game when you reach 5 stars wanted

@seedz5132 - 10.09.2024 05:04

hum... how did you wait a decade to play the game, while the game isn't even 4 years old yet ? :D

@himbourbanist - 10.09.2024 01:06

in 2077 it's openly stated that the year prior the NCPD was fully privatized and operated for profit, in case you're wondering what kind of Capitalist hellscape this world is

@Discovery2024-rn8kn - 07.09.2024 18:11

Over 100 hrs in, almost done with phantom liberty. Main complaint is many side quests have no impact.

@4VaultBoy - 07.09.2024 18:00

This game is amazing. It plays like a fallout game, but with witcher 3 level world building. I can play this game endlessly just because its fallout with cars.
(Fallout gameplay is go to place, clear out place, learn lore of place, loot, sell gear, repeat. With good dialougue with NPC’s in between. This is exactly how Cyberpunk plays too)
