lives in family groups called prides. A lion pride typically consists of a few adult males, several adult females, and their cubs. The males are responsible for defending the territory and protecting the pride, while the females do most of the hunting and care for the cubs.
The lioness is a highly skilled hunter and will work together with other females in the pride to bring down large prey such as wildebeest, zebra, and buffalo. Cubs are born helpless and rely on their mother's milk for the first few months of their lives. As they grow older, they will start to eat meat and will learn hunting skills from their mother and other adult lions in the pride.
Male lions play an important role in protecting the pride's territory from other male lions and predators. They will mark the borders of their territory with their scent and will defend it fiercely from intruders. In some cases, males from outside the pride may try to take over the pride and kill the cubs.