Tarik's Thoughts On The New ION KARAMBIT | Tarik

Tarik's Thoughts On The New ION KARAMBIT | Tarik


2 года назад

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@anubhav7746 - 19.10.2022 19:54

looks like a motherfucking Toucan , innit?

@guitarplayer1495 - 20.10.2022 15:51

they need to stop putting so little effort into the animations. it's nice to see new ones, but then they just re-use it and milk it. champions karambit was supposed to be a one time thing, and they literally re-used the animation just made it not loop. like bruh

@ashtoncasedy3237 - 22.10.2022 14:20

Bro, this 'Tarik' guy doesn't have Prime//2.0 Phantom?
and buys this shitty ass bundle?
WTF is wrong with him?

@MATT63793 - 14.08.2024 23:14

Ion karambit under the best 3 knife skins in the Game
