300k/h gathering? bro you make 1 to 2M with tier 6 unlocked per hour
ОтветитьI have another idea :) can you give me 16m on EU to pay my first month with silver and get some starting stuff? :P this would be SSS tier ;)
ОтветитьRefining should be A or S tier you can easily make 90m a month without focus, with focus you make more and once you finally get a mammoth you'll make big bank
Ответитьforgot about static skips
Ответитьbro u can make 2mln easly with gathering for an hour
ОтветитьOn how earth some1 puts refining into that much Bad place its safe plus if U spent like 2m or 3m on hide U can barely get like 1m and more profit and again its SAFE
ОтветитьIf i see 8.3 with 3000hp and im with 6.1 i will be crazy i will run after him all map
Ответитьbro got straight into credit card 💀
Ответитьbest way to farm silver , farm ur life and use credit cards💀💀
ОтветитьLet's not gate keep
5 mina later
No hate I'm just making a joke
I'm a new player and It's a good thing that I focused on mists earlier. I 'discovered' that mists are really much reliable than solo dungeons. I made my way until I'm acceptable to brecilien. It's also true that market flipping is being gatekeep how to do it, so others may discover it for themselves. You may also want to try buying the materials, refining, and crafting it to new item. Then, sell these items to every city because some market are biased to a certain item, which also means they lack some things. This is so helpful to me as I'm also trying to solo.
ОтветитьIm anew player and am tryna do gathering and crafting cuz i dont wanna buy sets and just be able to get stuff on my own :'))
Ответитьaverage mist player
ОтветитьI'll give the Mists a shot, see how it goes 🤗🤗
ОтветитьMy friend just got banned 200yrs for buying silver
ОтветитьThx for the tips lmao
Ответитьwhen comparing safe zones and full loot zones contents people always ignore the death part, you are not immortal. idk maybe you always win against other players
ОтветитьFinally somebody relaized how skin uselful for money
ОтветитьStatic dungeon rat rank A, i make 10millions per day if i dont die, if u have lucky u can open legendary legendary chest and get 30-20m total, u can do these chests solo or in duo
Ответитьtrue..let's think this way, many player grind weeks to get premium even they can grind in real life for under 1 weeks and can swip it. loss of golden time.
Ответитьand about gathering,that is really good in yz too.i have t4 70+ and t5 70 + spec on hide.i got 1 to 1.5 m per hour at no premium. gathering is really good for mid game. early gathering is just a pain.
ОтветитьFishing in ava is rather nice to be fair. Because there are so little players.
Ответить“How to roast Solo dungeons for being too normal”
ОтветитьThe rose dungeon is often very empty of players, i havent encountered anyone over doing it 23x on mist, i played in yellow tier
ОтветитьStone g8ves two mil every hour
ОтветитьBest way for fresch character is Rough stone. :) Pie, t2 hammer and just bore yourself to death. U need absolutely nothing and u get 3 stones, each of them like 150 silver > u doing about 450 silver per one resource node, which are spamable in t3 zones. Just hint for absolutly new players. Is liken100k in 2 donkeys , then u head to mist, lookin for abbeys.
Nice vid bro 🎉🎉
Tier 7 dungeon is shit..but how bout 8?
ОтветитьWhy people are playing Albion now if interesting activity like solo dungeon was killed by devs. 2 years ago I could make a lot of money just by grinding dungeons and that was interesting, but right now it’s only frustrating
ОтветитьYou dont know this game...
ОтветитьAs a solo casual player... I can honestly say 75% of my silver comes from crafting. No black zone, not even efficently crafting. If your making generic items yeah i can see not making money. But crafting certain items that are very expensive while requiring artifacts of some sort are perfect for crafting. I buy raw materials and smelt my items. Sometimes with bonuses, but most the time im to impatient and lazy. Idk people make it seem like you have to be efficent to make mils. You definitely dont, but for more basic items yeah you wont make money. I dont even care if i have focus ill still make money.
ОтветитьHide gathering in a yellow zone can be close to 1 mil a hour dude
ОтветитьSolo crafting u can make billions a month
ОтветитьWas curios about the vid, and laughed about the first S tier addition. But if I come to check your opinion on a tier system and you dont know yourself and have to think and choose while recording this vid... cmon man. Please prep enough so your opinion looks like it has value and worse subbing to your channel
Ответитьdo not agree with this teir list cause outdated but still considered
ОтветитьWhat’s the best gathering mounts to escape gankers in black zones
ОтветитьFarming should be on here. With how island plots have been revamped and with a small production bonus when growing certain crops, you can easily get 550k profit from a single island with focus. While that's pretty pitiful in many respects, the fact it can be done in 10-15 minutes at 0 risk should not be sneezed at. In fact, full specs can sustain 18 plots long term, which is almost 650k
Ответитьtier 8 stone mining is also big money, tho nothing makes as much as crafting, fukin 50mil a day if u have mammoth
ОтветитьCurrently yellow zone open world dynamic mob camps are an incredible money making source. Bonus points for you if you have high spec and can solo group camps too. Just the solo camps are an easy B tier and group camps are definitely S tier for how risk free but incredibly rewarding it is…
Ответитьcrafting is 100% S tier
ОтветитьThe crazy thing is that someone is really gonna spend 5-10k over a game (and not even one of the best games, imo).
Ответитьczemu pierdolisz takie głupoty
Ответитьlmao fishing in b tier, ur crazy, u do at least 3m/hour consistently , can go up to 5m 6m with luck
ОтветитьWhat’s spec? I’m like in lvl 6 gear but I’ve just been gathering and done some pvp in the mists and killed some and died once but a lot to the bots or whatever they are called. I keep hearing spec in videos but idk what that means.
ОтветитьShould've ended with the credit card. P2W turns 80% of gamers off of a game.
Good guide though. Perhaps have 2 charts. One with borderless pictures for solo players and another with gold borders for groups.
How to redeem the 7d premium?
Ответитьive gathered every day for 2 years. its relaxing to me. solid A tier. i make 2-4 mil an hour consistently. if you have a guild with a terry or two it makes it s tier. And 90 percent of the billionares i know, got their 1st billion crafting. It is tough to learn but the most silver you can make in the game. Black market, refining, gathering and crafting should all be A tier, and crafting should be S
ОтветитьBeen playing this since 2020, The best Farm is People Farm
ОтветитьAhh yes Yellow zone > Black zone solo dungeons. This dude must be think T IV roads and tier 4 yellow zone solos
Ответитьfor now, the best low-mid risk high profit solo black zone content is tier 6/7 solo camp in server non-active time, after they update the safe portal features