RISE EARLY HOMEMAKERS Biblical Proof that we *MUST* Wake up Early

RISE EARLY HOMEMAKERS Biblical Proof that we *MUST* Wake up Early

This Mama's Faith

1 год назад

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@gchaney09 - 08.10.2023 21:46

Hi Tabitha 👋🏽 would you consider making another hour long video - made of the videos from this Proverbs 31 Bible Study?

May the Most High continue to bless you & your family 🙏🏽

@debidurham984 - 09.10.2023 04:50

Hello Tabitha!! Your video was a blessing to me!!! You are so inspiring!!! I thank you for allowing God to use you to encourage us ladies to do more for our God and families!!! You are a blessing to so many!!! Take care God bless!!!

@brilurz - 09.10.2023 09:04

I missed this today. Found myself excited to wake up for a video

@adventureswiththemacs8066 - 09.10.2023 16:48

Making your bed right away… what about your husband?

@kanjingakalonji - 09.10.2023 19:17

Marvelous i am so blessed i fund your channel i have been looking for this channel for a long time❤❤❤

@lucygale336 - 10.10.2023 10:09

This is lovely thanks lovely child of God 💗

@novasmotion - 10.10.2023 15:02

I needed this! Yesterday, I didn't stay up after my husband left for work, and instead fell back asleep. My boys woke me up, the animals got fed late, no work was finished before breakfast...and I woke up feeling rushed and unprepared. This morning, things were completely different. I went to bed earlier last night, and since my husband has left for work, the animals have been fed, chickens let out, tea has been made, bathroom tidied up, laundry gathered, and I'm sitting down now to have my Bible reading. Thank you for this video. I need content like this to encourage me to live a Biblical life, and to rise above. <3

@selenalalonde2261 - 12.10.2023 03:28

Love this message 🫶🏼 I’m working on being better in this area. One spot I particularly struggle in is the being up before my kids. They wake up between 5-6 AM, it really varies. I really don’t think it is practical for me to wake up before them right now and it is such a hard start to the day. I think to counteract it I need to do more set up in the evening. So happy to have found you!

@BethMJones - 12.10.2023 15:10

I’ve never been an early morning person, though at times I have insomnia and am awake. (I often pray then.) But this video is so inspiring. Ty so much for this beautiful P31 series. Love your dress! ❤

@amybrunson687 - 13.10.2023 17:03


@sharonlatour6230 - 14.10.2023 15:33

Boy, did i need this!!! Thank you God for everything you have blessed me with! So i need to get moving!

@lauriekerze3461 - 15.10.2023 21:41

I put my eggs in water with a splash of white vinegar, then brush with a scrubbie dish sponge. Use small bucket from dollar tree.

@lovinglife58 - 17.10.2023 00:06

Excellent videos! I am so thankful I found your channel and thrilled to see we use the same cleaning/household supplies :)

@jesshoffman8393 - 17.10.2023 22:43

So good! I needed this big time. Thank you for sharing!

@embon3089 - 19.10.2023 01:48

I’m a hardworking housewife who doesn’t have a problem with getting my work done, but the verse about rising early could be about planning and using time wisely more than just getting up early. I am a night owl and do my planning for the next day before I go to bed. The Proverbs 31 woman makes good use of her time and is productive, as am I. If it works better for someone to get up early to do that, then, great, go for it! But it doesn’t makes a woman more or less godly if she’s getting up really early in the morning. We serve Him with our hearts and with our work. He wants us to not be lazy, but getting up really early doesn’t mean everyone else is lazy. There are a lot of moms saying that we have to get up at 5 AM to jumpstart our day and be productive, but God is more concerned with our hearts than the time of day we wake up.

@faithfulacresfarmhouse - 24.10.2023 06:58

Everything you said, and all the examples you gave were fantastic! A beautiful message well delivered, and I like that you included your tips for what you do as well.

@hopesmom77 - 28.10.2023 20:48

Can you do a video on canning thank you!

@Rachel-eh3oc - 13.11.2023 06:14


@victoriasteward1186 - 24.11.2023 16:31

How many beautiful dresses!!! Where do you find them? In Italy shops don’t sell anything God-glorifying anymore, only manly clothes and inappropriate, immodest pieces. Thank you.

@sarasosilly - 27.11.2023 14:49

Thank you! ❤

@Julie-si3hi - 11.12.2023 01:11

Perfect timing! I am trying to get up earlier. I always get everything done before bed kitchen ckean floor mopped etc as i dont know what the night will be like...my husband stage 4 cancer and nights can be hard. But its so important to have a good routine.

@laurens7492 - 14.12.2023 21:50

Well, that was convicting! Thank you- I’m in a season of waiting and am tempted every day to be complacent. This has encouraged me so much! Thank you!

@jennap7110 - 20.12.2023 01:12

Thank you for this playlist. So uplifting and good study on Proverbs 31 woman.

@sl4983 - 24.12.2023 11:38

Hagar - pronounced Hay-gar

@ShaunaLeesSnackidies - 28.12.2023 18:20

I like the maidens part lol 😂 but agree there’s no shame in getting help if we need to. I like your perspective on things, great video thank you and God bless you. ❤

@CarmynLifewithJesus - 29.12.2023 16:16

I love this Thankyou ❤

@shaylasmith3935 - 29.12.2023 23:06

This is my favorite one, thanks so much ❣️
Feeling blessed ☺️ and closer to Christ!

@rebeccacurtin6006 - 07.01.2024 12:14

Oh I needed to hear this. Thank you!!

@feliciakeith-williams7453 - 08.01.2024 02:09

Hey Tabitha, I wanted to say that I am so thankful to have stumbled across your videos. It has refreshed my spirit significantly, and the timing is perfect for the beginning of the new year. Thank you for your biblical references for rising early, this was such an encouragement! I love how God's word has everything we need. May the Lord bless you and your family.

@shaylasmith3935 - 01.03.2024 19:14

You are an inspiration. Thank you!

@KharenMaryCadungog - 04.03.2024 12:59

Hello Ma'am!
Are you a Baptist ?

@vellel - 07.03.2024 22:24

This series >>>>

@elezersiamweemba6028 - 09.03.2024 12:18

Thank you for this massage ❤❤

@rockymountainhomesteadangela - 14.03.2024 22:30

Listening while cleaning today. Needed this reminder!

@lindajohnson2816 - 03.04.2024 22:20

What a blessing you have been to me today God bless you and your family

@LizFavour-z4g - 10.04.2024 00:39

Am glad to watch this,let me put in action.God bless you

@HappyToBeKLB - 14.04.2024 08:58

Yes, my mom always told us kids, “The next day begins the night before!”.
Great video. I needed this encouragement!

@ruthumez - 17.04.2024 01:15

This channel is so beautiful. Thank you Tabitha

@kristadanielle09 - 20.04.2024 02:19

I've been on a journey to recover homemaking the last few years. It really hit me when I realized that my struggle with rising before versus with my household is in part due to my own chronic fatigue, but also in part to remembering my childhood. I have wonderful Christian parents, who suffer from severe chronic illnesses. For almost my entire childhood, my mother was unable to rise prior to early afternoon, and I was quite lonely the first half of the day since my father was at work and I was an only child, homeschooling during middle school. I think that realizing that this "pattern" from my childhood (placing no blame on my mother, for her illnesses are fully to blame) will help me be more diligent with rising early, instead of being sporadic like I have been the last few years with young children. Thank you for your video and your witness, I praise the Lord for you!

@happymommy1 - 10.05.2024 07:32

I just love the comment section, it's so inspiring ❤

@CcMum - 19.05.2024 21:31

New subbie and loving it🎉

@estherj.walker8658 - 04.06.2024 05:37

I needed all of this... I also felt seen watching you do diaper laundry 😂 We homeschool two kiddos but I need to do more and we also have a newborn.

@andreaboyd111 - 07.06.2024 17:51

Perfect timing for sure! I listened to 2 of your videos and got 1 load of laundry per video folded and put away!🎉

@Goblin-Mode-Life - 05.07.2024 21:30

I am a moderately disabled mama of a young toddler. We have o family nearby and no friends. To find ANY time for myself, I have to be up at 5am I love it. Truly, I do. I can get up unrushed and get a mile walk in while listening to a bible study podcast.

@tammylawley4626 - 19.07.2024 20:59

Please make more... Even if it's repeating. You inspire me to get going. I listen while I work. Thank you 😊

@ze3503 - 20.07.2024 20:59

Bless you and your family, thank you for inspiring the hearts of others and sharing the Lords word

@taylergill8375 - 25.07.2024 17:57

So grateful for you! Can you do a video to teach us how we can prepare and plan our meals and things ahead of time?

@shailybattalier4892 - 29.07.2024 08:55

Merci pour ces beaux conseils

@joyjoybeh - 05.11.2024 05:44

I watched few videos and just feel so great and encouraging. ❤ You simply sharing your life and your FAITH & how we can obeying GOD. It's just so great and simple.

@michonfriedman6302 - 13.11.2024 23:01

You’re so amazing Tabitha! I’ve watched this video twice. I’m really working on my self-discipline as a new mom. Thank you so much for the much needed encouragement
