Hey the Melodie is me
Ответитьget well soon spen
ОтветитьThank god, rico was so darn annoying, Keep him down, he’s very toxic when meta
ОтветитьIn the right hands, Kenji can be really good but tbh, I just think there’s just too many ways to out dps him.
ОтветитьWhat about chester:(
ОтветитьKenji umderrated
ОтветитьTook too long for people to realise that Penny ain't S tier tbh.
ОтветитьLarry Lawrie 26 Huge Nerf!? So Broker Now is hard.
ОтветитьThe meta now is so braindead it's just who can teamwipe the easiest with purple button and who can create pressure the best by spamming the green button. At least old broken hypercharges required some good timing and skill to use.
ОтветитьGet better soon spen dont rush things 🦐
ОтветитьThanks for the vid Spen
Ответитьlmao almost all the games u played most of them blamed each other
ОтветитьAs a wise man once told me, “No brawler is bad, it’s how you use them and who you’re going against.”
Ответитьsprout also fell off
ОтветитьSpen : these brawlers fell off
Also spen : winning every single game in ranked and manages to carry
You are totally clueless
ОтветитьI've been praying for Rico's downfall ever wince the gadget became op
ОтветитьHey spen where can i ask u a question about my draft in ranked today
ОтветитьBrawl stars fell off
ОтветитьMoe is ass cheeks
Ответитьi always get insane stats when playing rico in ranked this guy is onto nothing
ОтветитьNever let him cook again
Ответитьspen is just ass at kenji
ОтветитьKenji does actually take skill, as an assassin you want to attack near walls to attack faster like mortis, also you should time your gadget effectively so that you get the most healing possible, ALSO you should use your super when your below 50% health for the damage gear to be utilized, and you need to hit the enemy twice in order to kill him, and with all these skills you should still pop off with the right match up.
ОтветитьPenny is solid B tier she's not bad
Ответить: Thanks God Rico - Fell Off
ОтветитьRico did not feel of because of gadget or hypercharge rate nerf. Its because of unbalanced meta right now. Hank and Mr P and Ollie all counters him and is too braindead if anyone picks it they win.
ОтветитьThis meta is not balanced right now so you cant tell just now if Rico fell of or not since Mr P, Hank and Ollie will definately get a nerf.
ОтветитьSprout main
Ответитьlil bro just doesn’t know how to play kenji 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьKenji, the least broken "most broken brawler ever" brawler ever.
ОтветитьWhen will collab with uno be live in the game i am waiting for those hypercharge
Ответитьpenny is goated in the right hands
ОтветитьLL really got bad gadgets.
Ответитьrico still low a teir
ОтветитьWhere’s surge I feel like he fell off
Ответитьbruh kenji is not a low b tier.
ОтветитьRico already is crazy I think he still has a place in the meta
ОтветитьRico simply fell off because my randoms are so bad at him.
ОтветитьRico is still toxic on maps likes center stage, sneaky fields, pinball dreams, belle's rock, hardrock mine, undermine. I dont think he fell off but gadget change did a number on him. He's still great counter to many brawlers. I do agree that there're better options but he's not trash still.
Ответитьdont u think the hardest fall off was of meg
ОтветитьSpen has the flu cause he didn't have his cereal in the morning
Ответитьthis guy has hank as the best brawler in the game, i can name 20 brawlers off my dome that are better and counter him
ОтветитьAsking Brawl Stars content creators to add me for a video #17/50 (only if you want to). My ID: ARICEZW