Poke Interaction and Button - Oculus Interaction SDK - PART 5

Poke Interaction and Button - Oculus Interaction SDK - PART 5

Valem Tutorials

2 года назад

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@_Garm_ - 17.04.2022 20:02

i want to se cables interacting with the new system :D

@m1dn1ghtfury - 18.04.2022 04:59

Valem, I've been referring your videos for quite some time. Your original VR series with the XR interaction Toolkit and unity XR plugin management are what I use regularly in development. And how this hand tracking tutorial with Oculus integration package is another videos series I'll be referring to for building better experiences. Valem, I do have a small query though about the activation event for a grabbable object, how does a person make the trigger act as a toggle instead of a button? Right now the event is activated as long as the trigger is pressed but I want the event to be activated once when I press the trigger button and to be deactivated the next time I press the trigger button.

Could you please help me with this. Thanks

@chitony6552 - 18.04.2022 07:50

Thanks for your tutorials~ My VR teacher~
I would like to see rayinteractor to Canvas. The ray can't interact to UI button. Thanks~

@11thAlchemist - 18.04.2022 08:44

Awesome Videos! I would love to see how to replace the controllers with custom hand meshes and also replace the handtracking hands with a different mesh. I've been messing with it for days and my hands look like they went through a blender

@FireBlast2.0 - 18.04.2022 21:44

Can you continue the tutorials on multiplayer with photon pun 2 in vr i wanted a tutorial on usernames if thats possible id really love to see that because i dont use photon often

@thesilliestcookieeater - 19.04.2022 14:50

now remake the series for the xr toolkit so people can acually use it

@iurieysi9103 - 19.04.2022 15:00

Indians are evolving their accents.. ok..

@nixter361 - 19.04.2022 20:38

Valem, your videos are amazing. They are helping me a lot in VR development for my company. I have a question - how can I or where can I invoke custom action upon poking a game object ?

@Doug_Fany - 20.04.2022 04:09

You just pushed the right buttons on me

@Sirflyingmustache - 20.04.2022 15:05

Valem can you make a video on UE5 VR?

@Yuna272 - 20.04.2022 16:33

I would love to see how to make hand pose showing the hands in the scene but i am actually using a controller

@jaybenny5477 - 20.04.2022 18:30

waiting your next episode😊

@lance1519 - 21.04.2022 18:47

Can someone answer me that I already followed the new step " uncheck "Enable Update" and "Enable Fixed Update"", but I still can't see my hand?

@Really3D - 22.04.2022 12:56

Thanks for your tutorials. I have a question. Is possible thrown objects with the grabbables (Like a basketball)

@徐亦昶 - 24.04.2022 14:04

I want to get the coordinate of the poked point in local coordinate system. How to do that?

@qualar - 05.05.2022 11:40

Another great tutorials. Could your methods be used in conjunction with the Autohands Asset.

@luiginicastro1101 - 16.06.2022 18:32

For some reason I can get everything to work in this except for the cube to move down. Does anyone have an idea why? I’m on version 40 if that helps

@andreeam4291 - 18.07.2022 20:20

Great tutorial! Is there some way to detect which hand is interacting with the object? I would like to allow only the right hand to select certain objects for example

@THE_ONLY_GOD - 29.09.2022 14:52

Hmmmm...notable how hackily over-complicated that "poking" procedure is. Doesn't seem there has been enough of a planning phase on farsebook's software engineering team...seems more "oh f-ck, there was that also...let's glob it together anyway"

@THE_ONLY_GOD - 29.09.2022 14:54

if joint is within collider{do stuff}...what was complicated about that?

@THE_ONLY_GOD - 29.09.2022 14:59

Poke Interactable should make a visual of a cute girl smiling appear.

@THE_ONLY_GOD - 29.09.2022 15:01

"Hand Poke Limiter Visual" is how somebody hacking something together fast would name things in non-public source code. Why isn't there a "Prevent Hands From Intersecting Geometry" script?

@azghanm - 14.10.2022 17:45

hello people!
i dont have the "pointable plane" component in my unity. any ideas why the component wont appear as an option?

@jalals9365 - 17.10.2022 14:48

Thank you Valem for you amazing videos. Is there any way to have locomotion system using just hand tracking? without controllers

@FeistierMage - 27.11.2022 00:25

Pointable plane isn't showing up in the search for me and the button is physically moving it does respond to the visual debug though

@wanglinda2212 - 06.12.2022 07:18

Valem, Thanks for your tutorials! How to make a Interactive button with-Unity XR Toolkit ? I didn't find the order in there" Poke Interactable"

@DrBeater - 07.12.2022 13:01

Hello, nice video! I can't make the visual part work, when I touch the cube it change colors, but when I try to push it, it doesnt move. I used a Plane Surface as the Touchable Plane script doesn't exist anymore. Someone with the same probleme as me, or a solution ?

@finngomezgamer - 12.02.2023 05:53

Can you please make a tutorial on how to use the virtual grasp asset

@gustavomonteiro2008 - 23.03.2023 03:44

The Poke interactable changed on v50.0. We need your help 😊

@edanduarte - 30.09.2023 00:42

hello, I am not seeing "Box Proximity Field" in my list of components. Has this changed to be called something else? Thank you so much for these amazing tutorials! You rock!

@tommprod - 01.10.2023 20:29

Salut Valem (j'ai cru entendre un leger accent français, me trompe-je🤔😁)
Merci beaucoup pour ces tutos ça aide tellement de monde c'est genial
Evidemment Unity a encore tout changeé donc dans ma version 2022 c'est un peu différent..les
Est ce que tu saurais quel fonction je dois appeler dans le visual scripting pour declencher une action avec ce fameux bouton? Exemple : lorsque j'appuie sur le bouton ..un objet disparaît..car le "on button click" n'a pas l'air de fonctionner...merci!!

@samberti - 03.11.2023 22:39

Possible de faire tes vidéos en français ?

@jayasurya-v3j - 07.11.2023 09:18

bro give me a updated oculus sdk Tutorial for hand tracking

@Fhuukacang - 19.12.2023 00:25

I am still struggling to add functionality to the button when pressed. Can someone tell me how to add press functionality to the button press? A tutorial would be nice too!!

@ESPACEESCAPELattes - 11.01.2024 18:46

J'en profite pour te demander si je fais bien de continuer à utiliser l'interaction SDK qui est deprecated depuis que Meta a tout passé en XR, si j'ai bien compris?

@juliankrustev3360 - 04.03.2024 15:10

For everyone came to the question... how to trigger event... add Interactable Unity Event Wrapper component (script) to your button which is Poke Interactable... thank me later ;)

@marcusmarcus4765 - 31.07.2024 00:43

This needs to be updated to the latest oculus interacton sdk version. There is IPointableElement and ISurfacePatch now

@robescobar1848 - 10.08.2024 17:52

The Pointable Plane is now Plane Surface. BTW I am very thankful for this video, thumbs up.

@diegoolivares2669 - 05.12.2024 16:45

I think there is something now working nowadays..
The box proximity field script to add in the proximity game object is not available nowadays,
What should i do instead of adding that script ??
