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@angelotyro2867 - 12.09.2022 00:37

Trump cannot come back fast enough tbh.

@johndisalvo6283 - 12.09.2022 01:59

Look in the mirror John!

@YenkammaNe - 12.09.2022 02:06

By Francois Gautier.
Diversity in Divinity and Unity in Spirituality. Be Your Own Messiah.
1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted
2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik
3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak.
4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman.
5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools.
6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it.
7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure !
8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead.
9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest.
10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion)
11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi.
12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy.
13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic !
14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship).
15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy
16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan.
17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study !
18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped.
19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism!
"Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family)
20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival.
Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year.
21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu.
22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved.
23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu!
24) You know that Hinduism is a way of life, with considerable freedom.
25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe!
26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint.
27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily)
You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu!
This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!!
There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell " Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah" Let the knowledge come to us from every directions...

@danielreed7408 - 12.09.2022 07:42

You use the word “enemies” as they are our own. They sometimes are the enemies of Christ. They are not all part of your mission field. Standing firm on biblical truth is how we convert and on those who refuse to believe the truth we move on and shake the dirt off of our feet. Move on to those who are receptive and don’t cast your pears before the swine. Teach truth. Be wise in the Lord. Mark those among you that teach heresy. They are joined to another. Don’t teach tolerance. They hated Christ and they will hate you. There are plenty of people to focus on. I wish churches would.

@36summers - 13.09.2022 08:19

It's always seemed completely oxymoron to be a Christian and to live in politics anyway.
Christianity and the world are Biblically worlds apart.
Serving Christ and the gods of politics cannot be aligned.

@buck-intrends8850 - 13.09.2022 11:51

Just look in the mirror Mac.

@icalotdonthide2646 - 13.09.2022 20:51

People are too scared of being rude instead of being safe. I do not care, if your disrespect my boundaries, I will be the rudest person you ever met.

@oftin_wong - 13.09.2022 23:49

So why do so many Christians tell me I'm going to hell a judgy way

@andrewstidham7950 - 14.09.2022 15:23

You know who else identified dangerous people besides paul... JESUS! he constantly rebuked people mainly the pharisees the dangerous types

@paulagonzalez1708 - 14.09.2022 15:53

John MacArthur won’t be able to answer that question because he is a dangerous man himself 😳 he is going to pick and choose verses that can protect him or his image😳🔥😳🔥😳🔥😳🔥 John MacArthur is not the real McCoy🔥😡🗡

@thekriskokid - 15.09.2022 07:42

Without maligning him, I identify the man speaking as a dangerous person. From his Calvinistic, fatalistic determinism , to his cover-ups and unbiblical eschatology, beware and test everything he sayd.

@bobreese4807 - 16.09.2022 16:11

YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? I HAVE ANSWERS!!--Death and murder increasing! ...LAWS are made to protect people and increase or maintain quality of life for humans.. There is a growing REBELLIOUS trend to TRASH laws, including moral ones, as mentioned in the bible. 99% of preachers don't even support ALL 10 commandments, and many don't support even any by their LAWLESS heresy. CRIME & CLERGY CONNECTION = TRICKLE DOWN IMMORALITY.. "When people’s thinking is controlled by the sinful self, they are against God, because they refuse to obey God’s law and really are not even able to obey God’s law." ROMANS 8:7 Society will increasingly SUFFER! The barbarians are coming, the barbarians are coming...!!! The preachers lead the charge!! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no PRIEST to me: seeing you have forgotten the LAW of your God, I will also forget your children.” Hos 4:6

@thewatchers5930 - 16.09.2022 18:55

Wish my mother saw this when I was growing up. I had NO FRIENDS & Bullied 💔

@gdobie1west988 - 17.09.2022 04:17

Anyone who thinks they have all the answers is very dangerous. Do your own research.

@BicheBug1996 - 18.09.2022 11:08


@franklee1550 - 18.09.2022 15:06

This is the most difficult thing for me. I need to pray for everyone’s soul including my own and remember that there but for the grace of God go I.

@donnaeturner - 18.09.2022 19:57

Maligning the innocent equals Leftist propaganda. Identifying the Satanic diabolism destroying morals in our midst is absolutely necessary.

@gavingleemonex3898 - 18.09.2022 22:21

Turns out I am a dangerous person. Those who are above my station in life left that door wide-open for me.

@surrealbby - 19.09.2022 01:50

John McArthur is dangerous himself saying you can take the mark of the beast and be forgiven. Teaching more heresy aside from that.

@joshuacherian6718 - 20.09.2022 01:35

Beware of gas lighting .. Its evil in origin and also in person

@aaronmcgill - 20.09.2022 14:48

How bout people who are destined for hell, regardless of their will... like MacArthur teaches. Anyone who's Calvanistic is dangerous.

@Lili-Benovent - 20.09.2022 17:39

The most dangerous people in the world are the Jesus freaks.

@chrish5791 - 20.09.2022 22:34

You’re right Mr. MacArthur, you don’t want to turn those people into enemies, but I’m sure that just by standing by biblical principles you’re already on their enemies list. Their unmitigated hatred for anything biblical and righteous is overwhelming and they can’t help themselves. It’s sad to see what’s happening to our Country as we’ve banned God from schools and embraced secularism in our society, but it causes me to look up for our redemption draws nigh.

@ToddSauve - 22.09.2022 16:28

"Return not reviling for reviling." Paul.

@kbuchanan2026 - 22.09.2022 17:07

Unfortunately, John MacArthur presents a false gospel of lordship salvation, which is no salvation at all.

@lisamay5649 - 23.09.2022 18:26

I wish that those on the extreme right who claim to be Christians, yet show such horrible hatred toward those on the left would listen to this message!!

@marylem9277 - 23.09.2022 19:17

Pray for those in DC for they know not Joseph. The enemy wants you to be angry at them, but the Lord wants you to pray for them. God already knows their hearts, let go and let God deal with those. Just pray without ceasing and see what the Lord does.

@kenjohnson4423 - 23.09.2022 20:37

This man is dangerous, and hates one master and loves another, Mathew 6 24, my people , that's you, will go into captivity for lack of knowledge, that's you, Isaiah 5 13, W4, W2 1040 form, you are already in captivity and you don't know it and this man is leading you into captivity and making sure you stay in captivity. He is a false teacher, liar and not a friend of the Lord or you

@rogermccollough8787 - 23.09.2022 20:49

its interesting how the mainline church through simple ares of doctrine as gender issues the spirit fill chuches had no such problems none

@TheVeovix - 24.09.2022 17:00

Your the dangerous people.

@ChiefCedricJohnson - 25.09.2022 00:16

Matthew 13:19
When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

Matthew 13:38
The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

@dannymoore1530 - 28.09.2022 03:23

I needed to hear this; time to get recalibrated and aligned to SCRIPTURE......

@leonardpreciado5219 - 29.09.2022 01:23

I love your sermons, but have you not attacked the president himself ? ? Simply because he is Democrat ? ? Democrat/ Republican, we are ALL SINNERS.

@timothymcdonald7407 - 30.09.2022 04:58

God bless you Rabbi MacArthur. Your message sends chills up my spine. I wish you were a politician. Many people here compare you to the honorable Adam Schiff, the most honest, ethical, principled individual in congress. You two are one in the same. God bless Rabbi MacArthur; our savior. Please remember to give monetarily to Dr. John. His ministry does not save people by your thoughts and prayers alone. Shalom.

@BLFulle - 09.10.2022 21:47

I wish he would've stuck to this position.

@andrewpepper8031 - 27.01.2023 15:03

This chap is a nut case he preaches rubbish & lies. I wish he would just go away & just shut his mouth.

@timothymcdonald7407 - 07.02.2023 08:46

Kinda like yourself.

@kayjay9383 - 05.04.2023 21:00


@yaheleazar1414 - 06.03.2024 07:21

And that would be you. Dangerous.

@USMC-cv5sd - 16.03.2024 07:12

Anyone black is dangerous to MacArthur 😆 🤣 😂

@jesus-on-demand - 22.05.2024 08:54

A true christian puts bible tradition and culture above man's tradition or culture. It takes a lifetime of mind-washing of the Word of God. Never rub shoulders - buddy up - fellowship with unbelievers but preach the the gospel to them in agape love.

@LLBlackhawk-mc3sq - 17.06.2024 06:57

Yeah don't turn your mission field into your enemy...... right, but they are already our spiritual enemies!
With many people just existing aa a Christian offends them.
So no matter what one does at times there is no way of not offending them.

@gaagsl - 21.06.2024 23:04

What is seductive about him that, his inability to self assessment is presented as a virtue. All narcissists believe that their worst traits of their character are actually, qualities that the rest of the world can benefit from. His presumed "personal relationship with God" is actually a relationship with himself. It is always about him.
Even when he teaches the Bible, it is always about projecting . It is not a surprise why he is so cruel and unkind and self righteous. I find his ignorance and his inability to empathise with others revolting. If the god who created the universe is the god of John MacArthur, I would hate to be part of that universe,and so would any decent human being on this planet.

@julie6297 - 12.07.2024 08:24

How does one survive living with a narcissistic spouse,who appeared to become a believer, but not living as one which has caused trauma in their family ? Thank

@JohnBrack-xi6yg - 30.07.2024 01:54

They have hooked noses and beady eyes. Their countenance doth witness against them.

@Mona-00600 - 03.08.2024 03:00

Mr. McArthur; Many whom claim themselves christians should know as they do read their bibles and practice that which is quite contrary to the instruction of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Everyone is quite free with topic of conversation elaborating joyously on subjects that should not be but between a husband and wife. Children when educated in the home by their mother whom is the keeper of the home, being provided and protected by their father and husband, you wouldnt be going into the detail that is not for their ears. And when one destroys the world by straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. I suggust that when you stand up for reprobates and christians you think of how many christians you have sacrificed, the ones that you have never engaged in a conversation with.

@TWTTTL-h8y - 06.09.2022 02:30

We love to hear your truth, especially in the UK where truth is very rarely addressed in the church. Most prefer the comfortable lie, rather than the uncomfortable truth. Be blessed USA.
