पार्श्व = side
They were pushed aside probably by Lord Parshuram.
All religion and language origins are with TAMIL
ОтветитьA few ancient historians said Persians and Medes were, in fact, Scythians. This can be backed up by the fact the later Alans, themselves descendants of Scythians, called themselves As, Os, and Aesir.. all of these being different ways of saying Asura. The Alans migrated West with Germanic tribes and are likely the reason why all Germanic tribes called their gods Ass, Os or Aesir. This can be seen in many place names (like the Osburg ship burial in which one of the ladies buried insides dna came back as Iranian) all over Scandinavia and England and even names like Oswald, Osborne, etc.
ОтветитьYou are correct that Zoroastrianism has an Indian origin, Abhijitji.
ОтветитьDevraj indra, agni,varun ....are same .........
Ответитьbuddhism also became violent towards Hinduism later on. your facts are wrong
ОтветитьSindh Hind
Ahura Asura
It's not entirely correct to call their religion "Hinduism" at that early point, unless you mean "any polytheistic priestly Indian religion." "Vedic Religion" eventually became part of Hinduism, but only through exposure to Dravidian elements and the philosophical revolutions of the 7th-4th Centuries BCE. And obviously there was no monolithic political entity called India at that time.
ОтветитьYou could say it's a rellbilion. Or it could be that from that perspective
God communicated to a prophet to guide the people back to the truth as the people had fallen into worshipping the demons and making them divine. And also bringing them closer to monothiesm
maybe thousands & thousands of years ago but now Persians don’t look anything like Indians. Especially south Indians many genetic & cultural differences.
ОтветитьAhura mazda bless all the persians
ОтветитьDuring times of paigambar Zarthustra a lot of dark practices were being carried out. Not the satvik practices but mainly kala jaadu. His message was to worship only one pious God (embodiment of Truth). It had nothing against Hinduism but in that time the abolishment of such cruel acts (strayed from the original sanatan way of life) was needed. We still strongly believe in karma and cycle of life. And being religious means nothing if you are not a good human being.
ОтветитьEven the median empire before acchamanied empire followed the zoroastranism relgion
ОтветитьThe deity is back
ОтветитьWe Hayastani people were also Zoroastrian until 330 AD. Hayastan had suddenly a stupid King Trdat who converted to Christianity and ordered all Hayastani people to convert to Christianity but 50% of us said NO WAY and escaped Hayastan and went to Yazd and Isfahan. I wonder if we are mixed in there in India with the community??? Unfortunately my family cinverted to Christianity and I was born a Christian but at 15 rejected it. Now I don't know what I am
ОтветитьI read somewhere from iran start the anti Aryan people, now I understand
ОтветитьThis is the dmbest video I have seen today. Just Hindutva history altering bs
ОтветитьParsees are to india what americans are to England. Same,yet different.
ОтветитьReminding, you! little knowledge is dangerous!
ОтветитьYou need to be educated! Read! All my articles and then, comments on my articles!
ОтветитьZardasht is a Kurdish prophet of the Medes-Kurdish Empire❤☀️💚
Ответитьthis was a necessary video! i did not know the connection between persians and indians but they seemed to show up together in the dream world.. makes sense now! they are family.. makes sense connecting anahita to saraswati
ОтветитьOnly if the Islamic Republic of Iran was not so oppressive, scores of Iranians would have openly reverted back to Zoroastrianism.
ОтветитьWhat about "Aryan" invasion/migration? Is there any evidence that it happened?
ОтветитьThe Zoroastrian religion is very similar to Bharat's AGNI GHOTHRIS,.
ОтветитьThat is right, Hindus and Persians are the same people, The Avestan and The Sanscrit Languages are the good prove!
We should have already started to restore the Avestan and Sanscrit Languages and to make it Standard Common Language amoung Indo-Arian Languages Speaking Countries!!! Good Thoughts!!! Good Words!!! Good Deeds!!! The Hindu Religions our our family religions! We - Indo-Arian Languages Speaking Nations/Countries are the same people, brothers and sisters as European Union Countries.
Therefore, we should start working on the UNION OF INDO-ARIAN LANGUAGES SPEAKING NATIONS/COUNTRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sabka origin hi indian hai kia
veda did not have written script but the zoroastrians have a book written in their language with same pronounciation which is older than the veda period and you are claiming zoroastrianism originated from hinduism seems weird😏
ОтветитьI think Ratan tata also Zoroastrian
Ответитьपूरी दुनियां में एक ही सत्य धर्म है, सनातन धर्म . सभी देशों में खुदाई में सिर्फ मंदिर ही मिलते हैं, कोई चर्च या मस्जिद नहीं मिलती क्यूंकि सबसे पुराना और सत्य धर्म एक ही है सनातन धर्म. सनातन धर्म की जय 🙏
ОтветитьHinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism are the oldest cultures in the world.
ОтветитьDo you mean Purus ? I tried to research a little and there was no parshva king in the 10 king battle, though there were Purus who were actually exiled towards present day Iran.
ОтветитьZoroster was prophet of Kali purush (devil)
ОтветитьAny study on why the Persian Empire did not expand to the east and expanded west.
ОтветитьI love iran ❤. Iran eswahaan . ❤love from Hyderabad,india.
Ответитьsir, what about the detya guru Shukrachariya? He was on the side of asuras during the war.
ОтветитьOne can sort of reference this in 'Volga se Ganga', a historical fiction by one of our greatest thinkers, Dr. Rahul Sankrityayana. Kudos, Abhijit for keeping our past alive.
Ответитьnepal's high moutains were the moutins in which manu, first human surved the gret flood. after it aryas-spritual people again started to spread first civializition being indus valley than mesopiteman etc. aryans migrated from varatbarsha to iran to europe.
ОтветитьIndians and Persians were probably following the same religion once upon a time. Chapter Esther in the old testament of the Bible ( many years before Christianity was created) mentions that the old Persian capitol city of Susa had a large Hindu population and during a coup some were put to death, with their names being - Haman son of Hamedhatha, Marasimha, Vazhudhatta, Adhilya, Arasu, Harbachan and so on ! Of course these names still exist in India indicating the extent of the spread of Hindu population in that region. Thanks to the old Testament !!
ОтветитьBuddhist and Sikhs should learn from Zorastrians 😂 never destroy your own culture and land.
ОтветитьDr. Chavda, we love to hear from you. It is quite eye opening and enlightening at the same time. However, you should also quote sources, so that all the great knowledge you are passing on becomes more authentic. As a scientist you most certainly know of this fact. 🙏
Ответитьजरुस्त्र का मतलब जयरथ राष्ट्र।
ОтветитьIs there any proper book about this topic sir?🙏
ОтветитьSanatan Dharma is THE scientifically evolved and a true religion for mankind.
Bharat is the cradle of human civilization and it's a fact that the different tribes were continuously at war with each other (it is in length written like Devasur sangram and various other wars) and the tribe that lost were kicked out of the mainland and they had to explore newer land/avenues to settle themselves.
This is how in prehistoric times the Indian tribes spread in most of the land and one finds Hindu culture and values in every continent.
The base religion for both was sanatana dharma
ОтветитьAnd all indian Hinduism was brought to india from the middle east via the anunnaki. The emerald tablets by thoth the atlantean are 36k years old. These devas are alien entities.