How a hair transplant can change your life - BBC

How a hair transplant can change your life - BBC


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@jakewheat5763 - 11.07.2022 20:07

Yessir, I was the hat guy. I wore a hat every day, nobody knew me without a hat. That went on for 5 years. Just had my hair transplant in February. And I also traveled to turkey. My hat officially comes off in the open next week, as my hair has grown in enough, although I'm still waiting on the density. But my life is changed because of it. I started to lose my hair at 16. It really can be a mental health issue.

@SquatSimp - 27.07.2022 07:33

Where can I find this full episode?

@ashtonfrett2536 - 30.08.2022 07:27

That's a strong guy and his results look good. Congratulations

@LaDensitaeHairTransplantClinic - 03.09.2022 21:18

NIce Video

@NathanGraffiti - 12.09.2022 21:06

Where did he go?

@Eastonwest71 - 06.10.2022 05:57

Why do they feel the need to put a gay couple in there wtf

@muniirmohamed9401 - 03.11.2022 11:43

Some people feel anxious and upset about going balding and they lose their confidence but life has complex issues that u are faced so spending your energy and even your asset to spend like this meaningless activity if you have a balding this is not affect the way u are for me this is like ajoke

@welsh-cymru1588 - 09.11.2022 20:16

From people that dont suffer from male pattern baldness saying just shave it , it's not that easy you dont know how it feels until it happens to you , when people make jokes about you it's all fun and games to them I know they dont mean any harm but the fact that they made the joke really puts you down and shows they notice it , I used to have thick dark brown hair kinda had it styled it like henry cavills hair and I was really confident I would approach any girl and had no problem getting a girls number i would have no problem looking them in the eyes, I also used to get around 100 likes on every picture with my thick locks on facebook , when I started balding 3 years ago my confidence took a huge hit after 2 years my scalp was noticeable so I wore hats for a while before shaving it off completely been bald for a year now and grown a beard, I've noticed all those girls I used to get attention from no longer look my way and ghost me for a day or 2 before telling they are not interested where as before they would write back straight away and give me compliments on my hair I only get around 15 likes now instead of 100 with a shaved head, I've even been told by female friends that I used to be so attractive and they had a crush on me years ago but was scared to let me know when I had hair but not now because their not into bald guys this broke me considering one of the girls that said it I also had a crush on her now I know I don't have a chance with here because she told me she's not into bald guys when I asked her out for a date she no longer finds me attractive , another thing is people think balding guys are older than they are , I remember being at a friends party with loads of people in a bar that I didn't really now and we was going around the table introducing ourselves and giving our ages I remember when it got around to me and I said I was 24 I could see the shock around the table and some girl said that she thought I was atleast 40 its horrible 1 in 5 men that suffer hair loss consider committing suicide from it , been thinking about getting a hair transplant in turkey to get my confidence back

@slimanisbitah4234 - 10.11.2022 14:26

I have had few friends from the States and Canada they went to a clinic with affordable price a year ago and now i'm Surprised with the results they got!

@Cobra83. - 18.11.2022 01:10

I've had mine done at 39 this year and its worth every damn penny. Do it guy's

@rognegrete79 - 25.01.2023 02:53

How long is the recovery.. how long do you have to stay in turkey .. are you awake while it’s happening

@Golfing422 - 04.03.2023 20:56

With hair loss, you go from being young to old. There is no aging gracefully period. You miss out on that. I just got my transplant at 48 and I wish I’d have done it at 40.

@Agnieszka-z3z - 02.07.2023 11:34

çok güzel bayıldım

@JoeVike - 09.07.2023 15:29

Women don’t understand the consequences of bring up a man’s baldness or thinning hair, especially in a public setting. It’s ignorant and ostracising. It’s the equivalent of a man pointing out a women’s weight or saying she has something wrong with her face.

@dkrappenschitz9513 - 06.08.2023 13:31

None of the accents match the faces. Whats going on

@nima4124 - 21.09.2023 01:11

Tf am i supposed to do when my hair is going away at the age of 17!

@GummyDeer - 21.09.2023 13:02

Hi ben 31 you should start oiling your head .

@Ben-hm1ut - 16.10.2023 07:42

I’m 25 and hadn’t really noticed any hair loss or thinning up until the last year. It’s really affecting my confidence the more I look at it. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore, but I also have a fear of anything that’s surgery or operation based.

I’m not scared of needles but injections them self as in what they inject into my body.
Does anybody know if they numb you or any drug to help the pain? Is it painful and is it worth it?

Also how much does it cost?

I can find answers online but have to fill out applications to get them, so if somebody could answer a few I’d my questions I’d appreciate it.

@pinnerspinner8389 - 29.11.2023 19:40

I am not sure how healthy it is to be in a state of mind where a naturally occurring thing causes so much insecurity and self doubt. I am metal head and long hair is important for show and i am bald too. I had to learn that people will make fun of you, women will be pressured not to find you attractive etc...i just had to deal with it. It makes you stronger and you care less, it hurts sometimes because you really cant do anything about it but you have to deal with it. I think we need to change the culture on baldness if anything. Also you should go to your doctor first. Check your blood pressure, overall red/white blood cell count, prostate, vitamin D, testosterone etc. Alpha Reductase reacts with testosterone and hydrogen is present when testosterone turns into dihydrotestosterone. Hydrogen causes hair to go grey and DHT damage as it appears to be only only impactful at the higher points of your body where less tissue is present. Most people with DHT should be eating a different diet. They are to acidic enough so reducing acidity may help as well. If you dig deep enough you will find out why its falling out and why your bodies hormones are out of control.

@Bogdan-Florian - 12.12.2023 20:09

Like any other cosmetic surgey, you’re not solving the underlying issues. When the time comes, soon…BALD

@monarchlifestyle6299 - 17.12.2023 20:31

What clinics in turkey are the most recommended

@mad-myths - 13.01.2024 12:00

Hairloss is like losing the part of your body 💀

@mrrocknroll5284 - 19.01.2024 14:32

Does anyone know any transplant clinics in The UK. Because I can't find them anywhere online. Been losing hair since 17 and been trying for years to find the right clinic. Does anyone out there know please let me know ?

@babayaga1988 - 04.02.2024 00:44

just accept it and shave that shit off

@FranckMonnet-s2u - 13.02.2024 01:57

Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Turkey

Dr. Mehmet Demircioglu - Diamond Hair Clinic - Istanbul

Dr. Kayihan Sahinoglu - Istanbul

Dr. Kaan Pekiner - Ankara

Dr. Ekram Civas - Ankara

Dr. Keser - Ankara

Dr. Dogany - Antalya

The best hair transplant clinics in Turkey list is specifically curated to include only those that offer "One-Hair-Transplant-Per-Day" and "Surgeon-Led Clinics" in Turkey. This list highlights top-tier hair restoration clinics with a particular emphasis on boutique clinics. Hair restoration surgeons are deeply involved in the surgical process in these clinics, playing a leading role.

The list doesn't include lower-quality hair mill transplant clinics!

@CMc_39 - 17.02.2024 15:45

People don’t get it til it happens but when you’re in your 20s especially, losing your hair really fucks with you mentally and consumes you. I started balding in the back when I was 22 and It was all I thought about everywhere I went even tho other people would say it wasn’t that bad but ended up getting a transplant and it was life changing. Feel so much more confidence and if something can do that for you then it’s well worth it. The recovery for it was surprisingly really easy too. Within like 10 days you couldn’t even tell I had something done

@soramame7528 - 23.02.2024 18:21

He actually looked very handsome before.

@mario1903 - 07.03.2024 21:54

Man i relatert to that guy 100%

@xyzhunt1990 - 20.03.2024 06:04

Dating wise it completely changed. Right, because a bit of hair got put on your head, you are just choosing which models to sleep with.

@leonfarrelly738 - 23.03.2024 10:27

I have had this start a 12 and I can't afford to fix mine I'm 25 now 😢

@JeffBourke - 18.04.2024 11:47

This is ridiculuos that these guys feel like this! Instagram is absolute rubish fake stupid!!!!

@RedlineAesthetic - 26.04.2024 03:05

invest in your hair wear it every day

@KojLok-dy6gp - 09.05.2024 21:06

Is this a gay show?

@steverfc7 - 21.05.2024 04:18

People still look bald after a hair transplant because there hair still to far back were u can see plenty of forehead best hair to have is when u can’t see forehead at all

@j0nnyism - 23.05.2024 19:05

I’d never have guessed. He’s got a lot of hair now

@foodvloggeezer4970 - 28.05.2024 04:06

I've just had it done after constant nagging from the wife for best part of 8 years and I can honestly say it's a horrible experience. My head is itchy I can't touch it and you have to lay on your back for 2 weeks it's awful. It's been 3 days I feel ripping them out.

@dpl2617 - 21.06.2024 17:15

Actually think he looked better before. Maybe dental work would be a better investment.

@mouli0235 - 20.07.2024 19:55

I started losing hair from the front since i was 17 or 18 and now at 27 its particularly devastating living with barely any hair to hide the scalp in the front and middle of my head. It has taken a huge toll on my confidence and my parents would not hear none of it. Its hard living life with partial baldness especially when you are a female since according to the society i live in, a bald female is worse than a ugly one

@gokublack5831 - 31.07.2024 06:20

Finastride can change things even more because your come back thicker like they used something a hair transplant can't true replicate. But it's best to catch before your most important front hairs fall one the hairs fall then you do need a hair transplant there. Without finastride yeah hair transplant would probably the thing ish ish

@gokublack5831 - 31.07.2024 06:25

But this guy seemed like he had a more severe bald not androgenic alopecia and finastride is for androgenic alopecia

@MrZZooh - 24.08.2024 09:54

Right on. BBC marketing hair transplants now.

@thepunjabiboy4228 - 24.08.2024 13:35

Is it very painful process?

@nicholasmartin4204 - 25.09.2024 18:34


@RobbyRockaholic - 27.09.2024 00:16

How much is 2000 in turkey or England

@travelsphereuk-7090 - 14.11.2024 23:44

Does rosemary hair oil or other expensive hair oil work to grow hair???

@richgl31 - 20.11.2024 10:15

Can’t help thinking that this generation has been damaged by social media influence and too focussed on outward ‘beauty’; the “mental health” effect is actually masking what is normal trials and tribulations of life which build character.

@Johnnyappl3seed63 - 30.11.2024 04:58

Unfortunately for me I can’t do this I’m gonna have to go bald at 25

@martyncox2249 - 21.01.2025 18:06

It's only when you lose you're hair you realise just how annoying hair actually is. For me you just cannot beat a bald head, completely waterproof, windproof, money saving and looks incredible 👌
