Codelink v2 (Server Scan & Notepad) 2013

Codelink v2 (Server Scan & Notepad) 2013


11 лет назад

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@NWFmikeWilliams - 20.09.2013 04:28

I've got 24 hours to do this mission this is 12 minutes well spent

@imveryangryitsnotbutter - 20.09.2013 16:24

5:18 Wait, so whoever designed the server PROGRAMMED the tracer to wait 150 seconds before doing its job?? "Yeah, it would be really useful to just set the trace time to 0 and get the accessing IP address as soon as possible, but I want to give these hackers a fighting chance."

@douki63 - 21.09.2013 03:50

About scan and notepad i cant usy copy or past, not sure if because of flash or because i play on mac, but it has been annoying for some missions (steal financial datas)

@codelinkv2 - 21.09.2013 09:06

okay, make make a copy/paste function in the game :)

@bryceop - 25.09.2013 09:07

tracing is quite hard in large databases

@Bjoern_B - 28.09.2013 14:04

How does the "Edit Permits and Licenses Data" Missions work ? Could you make a tutorial about that ?

@tobse3001 - 28.09.2013 15:18

pls do so. Did you know in notepad++ you can select blocks via strg+alt+right mouse button. Super Powerful :D

@Shnufulduful - 29.09.2013 23:38

Hey, I have a red square on my GPS which is described as a red triangle in the Manual. I think that means a server is offline. How long does it take for servers to come back online? I need this one for a mission. Thx!

@DrHojo123 - 02.10.2013 20:38

Useful tip I never thought of that before will save me time etc when doing missions now thanks :) love your game

@Toimu13 - 04.10.2013 00:25

@ I'm Very Angry It's Not Butter No, the game is telling you your trace time by comparing your BRCs to the Servers' trace 'Power' (Momogurus' Software Emp. has 5000).

@yohanespriadi1880 - 02.04.2014 22:31

whoaa.. what a nice tips, thankyouu 

@Somin11Gaming - 10.08.2014 23:19

Whats the name of the Ingame MP3 player?!
I get that question when im trying to registrate.

@rijugas - 22.08.2014 12:30

codelinkv2 can you explain what the telephone is for? because its there, and i dont know what its for...
