DX Central Live - Live AM DX Session  - WION 1430 DX test

DX Central Live - Live AM DX Session - WION 1430 DX test

DX Central

55 лет назад

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Live AM DX session tonight, hunting the special DX Test broadcast of 1430 - WION in Ionia, Michigan.

In this video:
Receiver: Perseus SDR - https://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=H0-014242
Software: Perseus SDR software - http://microtelecom.it/perseus/software.html
Antenna: W6LVP loop aimed NW/SE - https://www.w6lvp.com/
Receiver: Elad FDM-S3 OCXO: https://shop.elad-usa.com/sdr-radio/fdm-s3-ocxo-preorder/
Antenna: 22x70' KAZ @ 350' degrees - http://www.dxing.info/equipment/kaz_bryant.dx
Antenna: 22'x64' KAZ @ 250' degrees - http://www.dxing.info/equipment/kaz_bryant.dx
Software: Jaguar Pro v7 - http://jaguar-lite.blogspot.com/p/intro.html
Software: SDR Console - https://www.sdr-radio.com/

Streaming gear:
Logitech BRIO Webcam: https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-BRIO-Conferencing-Recording-Streaming/dp/B01N5UOYC4/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=logitech+brio+webcam&qid=1619502078&sr=8-3
Sony MDR-7506 Headphones: https://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDR7506-Professional-Diaphragm-Headphone/dp/B000AJIF4E/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=sony+mdr7506&qid=1619502281&sr=8-2
Yeti Blue USB Microphone: https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Yeti-USB-Microphone-Blackout/dp/B00N1YPXW2/ref=psdc_3015406011_t1_B002VA464S
Blue Compass Broadcast Boom Arm: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078MLBGRM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Auphonix Pro Mic Shockmount: ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00
Auphonix Mic Pop Filter Screen: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HBN6T1I/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
OBS Studio Streaming Software: https://obsproject.com/
Nerd or Die Overlay: https://nerdordie.com/
Custom Mic Flag: https://impactpbs.com/

Copyright © 2021 DX Central / Loyd Van Horn. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this livestream may be copied, redistributed or rebroadcast without the express written consent of DX Central / Loyd Van Horn. For further inquiries, email: [email protected]
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