Is there an ExJW community ?? and processing my Dad entering hospice care.

Is there an ExJW community ?? and processing my Dad entering hospice care.

Prodigal Ali

2 года назад

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@MattG171 - 22.02.2022 03:38

Sorry to hear what you’re dealing with. It reminds me of losing my JW mom, the new system was supposed to be here by then. It’s dumb I know, but I thought my family was going to make it to the new system. Now I realize I was deluded. Take care. 🙏

@elainebraindrain3174 - 22.02.2022 18:45

Thank you for sharing sending my love and peace to you🥰🎈

@womanofthenang3210 - 22.02.2022 19:33

Hey Ali.
My thoughts on the "community" - We all have a shared history ( watchtower) but not necessarily shared interests ,views or future. No one is vitally important or needed and we can duck in and out as and when we choose. These factors kinda make us different from the typical sense of the word community.
But most of us I believe have an affection for others who were wounded by the cult and the understanding we have on how difficult it can be to build a new life on the outside motivates a special compassion for fellow ex jws, for me anyway.
I'm sad that your family is currently facing the difficult situation of end of life care and decisions surrounding that, but I'm glad that your family is awake and had the time to be "out" altogether. I'm glad your dad has a loving family around him at this time and you all can be open and real.
If I could bring a meal, I would, but all I can do is send my love and best wishes for you all.

@matilda4406 - 23.02.2022 01:31

Hi Ally !! Yes, there is an exjw community. I will be forever grateful for this community

@anardomiller7108 - 23.02.2022 05:33

I love you Ali, love your family and the support you guy's have for each other. Wish you the best.

@MrMario477 - 23.02.2022 09:26

you did what's right for yourself better to have left than stuck with ostracizing members

@purplefairy4489 - 23.02.2022 13:56

Ali hi my lovely, sorry to hear this . My love to you ❤

@inairby4freedom - 23.02.2022 19:09

I’m so sorry about your dad…..sending love and and love to momma.

Your always so special to me.

@Fazzamania - 23.02.2022 23:47

Sorry to hear your dad is so ill. I hope you and your mum are keeping well aside from everything that is going on. Probably helpful that you are all out now and can support each other through these tough times. I’m thinking of you all.

@connieriley8079 - 24.02.2022 22:06

Ali our hearts go out to you and your family in coping with your Dad's illness and hospice care. Cherish this time left and just be there for your Mom. I wish I knew you personally and lived nearby to give you and your Mom some comfort and care. Sending virtual hugs and love.

@cheryllakin6736 - 24.02.2022 23:22

Don't like dramas, left that org. Done with all that dramas.
Yes everything is relative.
Sorry about your dad.

@elizabethnewborn6575 - 25.02.2022 05:54

So sorry, Its Painful . But You are a strong girl. Your mom needs You now more than ever . We love You girl (:(:(:

@charlesmorris6476 - 26.02.2022 03:51

Yes Ali I am a JW, but I agree with you JWs are way to negatively judgmental.
Jesus‘s first command was to love.
Jesus was not discriminatory with love. The Samaritan woman at the well was an apostate descendent of the 10 tribe kingdom of Israel from the time of Rehoboam and Jeroboam but Jesus showed principled love and extended an olive branch to this woman. Then there was the question from a self-righteous Jewish man who asked Jesus, “who really is my neighbor”? the story of the good Samaritan who proved to be the true neighbor of the jewish man beaten up and robbed laying on the side of the road. The priest, and a Levite both avoided and shunned the man leaving him to die. It wasn’t those so-called good righteous servants of Jehovah, it was the apostate Samaritan man, who showed neighborly love, true Christ like love helping the beaten up man. Jesus told the man who asked him, “who really is my neighbor” to go and “be doing the same yourself.”
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses today doing the same themselves? I’m sure I don’t have to answer that, but it is clear to all that they are not.
And this above all is the most telling above all the commands they do not obey, listen to, and follow in his example, showing them to be antichrist, anti-godly love, anti-spirit of Christ.
There is another spirit being channeled prominently through JW. Org.

@kiwihans100 - 26.02.2022 14:52

The big question for all who leave JW's is; 'Were you a Christian BEFORE you became a JW? If so, dont join any 'JW moaners' group, its self defeatring, negative and subjective. MOVE ON! We all serve God & Jesus as INDIVIDUALS, Dont just join another church or religion! they all have faults! Paul advised us not to become 'sectarian' ( this includes any manmade church). 1 Cor 1: paul asks "Does the Christ exist devided?" ( 1 Cor 1:10-13) You dont need a 'religion' you need 'a FATIH'!

@kiwihans100 - 26.02.2022 14:54

Most 'therapy' group spend most of the time speaking of their problems not any sotutions! Its negative not positive!

@lylejacks7387 - 26.02.2022 21:23

Praying for you and your parents.

@Nica-Ra-Wata - 27.02.2022 06:23

We never die

The meat jacket gets its use and boom we jump...

Sol soul keeps going for EVER


we move to higher schools

School of fish

@Nica-Ra-Wata - 27.02.2022 06:24


@Nica-Ra-Wata - 27.02.2022 06:24

Psalms is lamps

@Nica-Ra-Wata - 27.02.2022 06:24

All is mental

@natashapeeters988 - 27.02.2022 06:58

What a beautiful video. I feel for you and your mom.
I lost my Mom not long after she woke-up... she was pimo and inactive... believe me, we don't want a bunch of fake friends. Just her best friend was simply normal with us...elders wife, they never shunned their 2 kids who both left. I love the joke 😍 🤣!!! I wish that your dad will not suffer... sending love ❤ to you and family!

@Lovealwayswins1 - 27.02.2022 18:51

Praying for you

@TheBeardedWitness - 27.02.2022 19:30

I’m so sorry Ali.. my parents will both be 78 this year and they’re in relatively good health still. But ever since I left the cult, and since my sister died, the reality of death has hit me hard. I have suffered from Anticipatory Grief ever since. Death is just so difficult to accept. But I know my time will also come eventually. I’m so sorry you’re through this now. Hugs to you ❤️

@chadstinemetz2870 - 28.02.2022 03:02

Ali I’m sorry to hear about your father my brothers are your dads age. I woke up in 2013 an try to watch your journey. My brothers will never get out thankfully your father woke up in 75 I wish I would have I should have.Keep your head up it’s just a journey for us I try an look forward to better times.

@loveyashua237 - 28.02.2022 08:53

So sorry to hear that your family is going through such hard time . Will be praying for u and your family .

@judynoble3224 - 01.03.2022 13:56

I agree with your dad. I don't like King Fauci either! 😁 Praying all goes well with your family. It was good to hear from you.

@louise3810 - 01.03.2022 17:13

Also your mum is still a christian that beleive in God and Jesus, She has not turn herself away from the THRUTH (the thruth meaning here the Bible the Love of God) and yet they shun her it is like they have no heart no christian love. Well I am thinking of you all and love you it is a hard time for you and giving you all my deep love and thoughts. Take care of your dad and mum they need you the most right now.

@creelesoloalabiblia6213 - 01.03.2022 22:09

Ali, God bless your dad. I would like to know if he has already received Jesus as his Lord and Savior? If not, you how important is it that he receives Jesus in his heart, and you also knows that God has mercy in forgiving his sins even in the last days of his life. Matthew 11.28. God bless you.

@theresaakins2317 - 02.03.2022 05:47

I love your videos, Ali. I hope you and your family peace and love and grace during this trying time. Take care.

@denishartley3828 - 04.03.2022 01:33

Hi Ali, so sorry to hear about your dad, hope he is comfortable. And I feel your pain, having exited a high control cult, that those members have no love or natural human affection, no they're so brainwashed that they lose themselves in WT propaganda. I'm glad the xjw community is supporting you xx

@pennybeeflower - 04.03.2022 06:53

Thank you for letting me share your pain and sadness. All my love to your Daddy, Mommy, your brother and a big hug to you. You're very graceful. Be blessed always and forevermore

@southernbawselady7092 - 07.03.2022 03:43

Ali, sending ((Hugs)) and Prayers to you and your Family! 🙏💚💜

I am here to assist you in any way I can. If you have a PayPal account, I'll gladly send some funds your way.🌻🌻

@janespitfire9884 - 07.03.2022 04:37

Ali so sorry to hear abut your Dad. I have been through that period in my fun. Just keep your new and old memories alive and let him know he is loved. We are here for you the Ex Jw community do not forget.

@nomadicrecovery1586 - 10.03.2022 17:37

One of the life long mind fucks of the watchtower. My parents did not prepare for anything, health care, retirement, education. They taught us the same. NOw, they are getting ill, old, and are broke, as amI. Ive spent years tryingto undo this nonsense, but,NOW mom needs help, becasue well, Armageddon didnt come.. And she has zero skills, bad health, etc.
When anyone says the JW org is not a cult or does not harm anyone, they are straight lying, or ignorant. It literally destroys generations of people..
Sorry for what you are going thru

@jonyasou - 21.03.2022 13:41

Dear Ali, lovely to see your presence again. I believe that what Jesus taught about those who have faith in Him 'wouldn't see death at all' is a great comforter. More and more that belief can grow in one, so that when a believing loved one departs [their vessel], they are no less present than ever before. No less. I believe that's 100% true. It's like the air is not emptied of their spirit at all, not in the slightest.

Ones dying with faith in Christ are genuinely still alive in spirit [to Jehovah]. The JW religion hold that they remain in God's memory until resurrection. But it's much more than that, they are . It's not all dormant. It's not just God having a photographic memory. When Jesus said he was the truth, he was not lying when he said those having faith in Him would not see death at all..

I do hope that helps. I have found that when any local brothers died, it feels like they're not missing at all. They're still alive. Their soul or spirit is not absent from our existence [with God]. Though between you and I I prefer them this way ;) The inclination of man is bad from his youth up and man dominates man to his injury, and those elements do disappear!

Incidentally, this very day I was only thinking about an ex-JW community (of those with faith). It seems that many ex-JW members have lost their faith, which is very sad. Some say when you lose your faith, you've lost everything. We can make up a new group Ali, if you like, EXJWF (Ex-Jw's with Faith)! though it'd need to accept all true Christians, but it could make a good community that I believe we need.

I've finally settled on an 'axial' scripture that in no uncertain terms warns against the JW religion, and succesfully invalidates it. Jesus said to be careful you're not deceived, many would come on the basis of His name, saying 'they are [the one] and the time is at hand. Do not go after them!'

Imagine, all those disciples who've been misled and brainwashed, and who continue to assert their hegemony and 'truth' at our expense! They call it the truth and are convinced they are in the truth, when they've taken a wrong turn extraordinaire and they don't partake of the emblems that Jesus instructed us to share! He said if we ate his flesh and drank his blood we would have him abide in us and us in Him. That's when we're . This is a vitally important and necessary element of Christianity imho, and most precious.

I really loved Raymond Franz's In Search of Christian Freedom. It fed me spiritually after leaving that wretched JW organization. I started to see through their fake Christianity mask. I am convinced that the fundamental structure of their order is opposed to true Christianity, with their Governing Body title and office being in direct violation of Jesus' teaching to not be like the lords of the nations lording over one another.

No, but one is our lord, Christ. And we are all brothers. So what to do concerning the division amongst the brotherhood? What can we do that the JW's assert they are the way, they are the true congregation of God, they have the truth, they are the true religion. The truth is that they are practicing divisions, and it is a work of the flesh for which they will lose everlasting life.

What needs doing, though, is grouping together to form a strong network of faith. We need one another. We need to support one another. The memorial coming up (April 2022) is well worth giving much serious consideration and research to regarding partaking of the emblems and our commitment to the faith and one another. How can we ensure the faith really is found when Christ comes? We gave our lives in dedication to God, and I'm sure He must be very glad when He sees us put up a strong fight for [the faith] that was once for all times delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Yours, Jonathan Allen.

@D-Happy-Heretic - 22.03.2022 01:57

Thinking and praying for you and your family, dear Ali. Love D

@nojw7940 - 22.03.2022 17:51

The Watchtower-Jehovah-Criminals will not stop finance fraud, litigation fraud, donation fraud, other fraud, corruption, hostage taking, extortion, blackmailing, death threatening, CSA, CSA cover-up et cetera without the law enforcement authorities intervening.
Coercive measures are inevitable to stop the Watchtower-Criminals. Nobody need to prove their lies, they are obvious. Necessary is to prove their financial fraud and other crimes! CSA, financial fraud, blackmailing, extortion, formation of a criminal organization must be proven AT COURT!!!

@sherylalismom285 - 03.04.2022 04:58

It's been 6 full weeks since your Dad agreed to hospice care. What made me re-watch this particular video TODAY?
I don't know but I'm so glad I did. You are truly wise, precious daughter. Your Dad has been sleeping the entire day except for the nurse's visit. He is ready. But maybe he has more strength left for a few more days. Only God knows.
The last many days have been peaceful. Our Father has been good.

@sherylalismom285 - 03.04.2022 04:58

It's been 6 full weeks since your Dad agreed to hospice care. What made me re-watch this particular video TODAY?
I don't know but I'm so glad I did. You are truly wise, precious daughter. Your Dad has been sleeping the entire day except for the nurse's visit. He is ready. But maybe he has more strength left for a few more days. Only God knows.
The last many days have been peaceful. Our Father has been good.

@WhoareU_____ - 06.04.2022 00:42

Luke 17:21 - neither shall they say , look here ! Or look there ! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

To anyone reading and looking for something deeper or Truth. All the answers that you need are inside of you. What we call life is something far more amazing and beautiful than we’ve been taught, you are far more powerful than you been taught. Every answer you seek is within you , don’t just believe me search for yourself. Ask yourself why is this thing called life even here and what’s the purpose for it ? Also ask who am I underneath all the labels and stories that have been told to me since birth? Isn’t it true that you knew nothing when you were born and anything that you know was Taught to you by someone else. Seek and you will find. thank you for reading this 🙏🤟

@exjwcareerhelp7493 - 17.04.2022 15:36

Ali Have been following you from the beginning of your journey. I make very few comments but was compelled to let you know that you have more supporters than you know. God Bless you and please continue to let us know how you are doing.

@nojw7940 - 30.04.2022 12:07

WHY is JW Warwick Headquarter STILL NOT RAIDED by special forces????

@nojw7940 - 18.08.2022 16:24

Do NOT „argue“ with the JW-Extremists!
Do NOT „discuss“ with JW!

In Particular in Case they are Relatives.

File (immediately) a criminal complaint against the Watchtower-Jehovah-Extremist.
Sue them and get Compensation.

In Case you have statutory maintenance claims against them (e.g. as adolescent against so called „Parents“). Keep in mind, a JW children or Adolescent has NO „Parents“ in the common sense and that those JW-Extremists who gave birth want to see you death in case you don‘t share their insanity and Extremism.

In lot of countries the children/adolescents have a legal maintenance claim against their (biological) „Parents“. Go immediately to the Court and/or Governmental Department for the Protection of Children's Rights.

Keep in mind, you JW-Extremist-Relatives want to see dead and consider you dead in case you don‘t share their insanity, extremism and fanaticism.

Prepare / take LEGAL ACTION!

Kindest regards😀👍😀

@TheRealFirecracker16 - 21.10.2022 14:07

Ali, you have had such a rough journey!! I am so sorry about your dad. He sounds like a very caring and wonderful man.

I am enjoying your videos so much. Thank you for them. Getting other people’s input is something I have not had much of throughout my whole life. I love hearing your thoughts.

Also, I am sorry about your two dogs that you lost recently. My husband and I are cat people and when we lost the kitty that we had for the first 7 years of our life together we didn’t get another one because we were grieving so hard…. Plus we didn’t have a lot of money and we spent so much on our kitty’s vet bill, we were still paying it off long after he was gone. I am so glad you decided to get a new puppy. Though one can’t replace an other, I know he will help fill the void.

Please never worry about offending people, we all have our own thoughts and what we feel is simply a part of us. I, for my part was so happy to hear you say your dad said, “We don’t like FAUCI. “. 😊. Smart man!! ❤

@aiercooledengine - 18.04.2023 03:14

I'm only now just seeing this post, so sorry to hear about your dad. Haven't seen a post from you for awhile I hope other things in your life are going well 🙏
