What're your thoughts on the latest Minecraft Live?
There's a couple points I'd like to add on that I didn't get in the script.
1. I am not saying you cannot critique this update. That was never my argument. Criticism is very different than baseless whining and complaining. My argument is if you're going to just say "it's not enough," and call the devs lazy, then you seriously need to take a seat and shut up. You're not helping. This is the thing you wanted. More frequent updates. You can critique the update. I even offer suggestions to the update in this video such as moss color being biome dependent for better creative expression. If the argument is that "Mojang is lazy because look how little they are adding" then you are ignorant of what it takes to code, the things they have done on the back end (especially in java haha they've done so much for creators), or just generally are biased against them. Like I said, you can call mojang lazy, and the best argument for that is how they haven't optimized their game and left it to mod devs. That's not good. That sucks. Nuance is really hard for some people, though, but we try around here.
2. It is entirely possible for Mojang to be working on a big update while pushing out smaller ones to keep fans excited in the mean time. For example, there is no reason Mojang couldn't be working on an End update right now. They have every reason to keep that kind of information hidden until they have a lot of content to show off. Do I have any evidence of this? No. Is there any evidence to the contrary? Also no.
I got back from a long break. i have THREE new biomes to explore.
ОтветитьI agreed with you however keep in mind even if the content is free they still get pay by people buying new copies and why people want to buy new copies is because there is new content
ОтветитьI just think the creaking should do more damage. it feels like theyre such a little threat compared to some of the bacis mobs
that aside, you're spitting some major facts with this video. I don't get how people get so upset over minecraft, when it's literally a finished game, with all the content you need to enjoy the full experience. these updates are always great, and often are very thought out in a way that doesnt make old features redundant. it's frustrating seeing so many complaints, when I actively follow other games with a 100% more horrendous development cycle.
To be honest, new features feeling modded is fine, and I don’t mean in the sense that it’s not minecrafty, in fact this feels very minecrafty, and it feels more like something that should be added, a lot of features in minecraft feels empty biomes especially, alot of biomes in minecraft don’t feel that varying individually, all of them combined together are vibrant but alone very simple, too simple.
normal forests have 2 tree types a few flowers and grass, snowy tiara have 1 tree type, snowy floor and not much else. So a biome with grass, moss blocks, a 1 new tree type, hanging moss, flowers, and a few others things makes the biome jarringly detailed compared to other biomes. Which is good, I hope they use this new update schedule to make old biomes better (ambient sounds, new and existing blocks for old biomes, & particle affects)
Mojang shoulda put the mobs they cut out from the mobvote
ОтветитьI agree with the video in general, but calling Mojang not lazy is dumb. Anyone familiar with gamedev knows that 1.21 should take something like a month, not a year
"Different hardware and operating systems" is not an excuse. Literally everyone has to account for that
Actually, the game does run better. I’m not sure what they did, just noting my personal experience
ОтветитьThe pale forest doesn’t bug me but i would prefer the creaking to stalk the player, every time the creaking is in the player’s field of view it will hide behind a tree, you would still be able to get a glance on it, but decent update ngl
ОтветитьMy favorite thing about the direction that Minecrack is going is that they're making modding more powerful and that's very good
We have now many mods that have been stuck on 1.12 for ages on very new versions and with the better mod loaders, with the Data Oriented update this could bring a cambrian explosion of cool new modpacks with astounding new gameplay, dimensions, blocks, and cool stuff to explore. They're kinda doing the Terraria move on that front
I was screaming mo was lazy because of the mob vote, there’s no reason for a one person dev team can do all for mobs they presented while a full team can’t when they already have the mobs coded
Ответитьwhen people say “mojang is lazy” or “we get spoilt with free updates” i slowly lose brain cells; nucance is dead
ОтветитьOne thing I want to see added in a smaller update is more bear types. Honestly more mobs in general, but bear types first because the base code is already there. It is literally as simple as take the polar bear's code, retexture and specify that brown and black bears spawn in like an oak forest or old pine taiga, and boom. An easy and quick way to add more ambiance to the world. I'm no coder, but something small like that adds that touch of "oh cool, look!" that many of us want.
But, I think the main reason people are salty is that a lot of the community has been screeching and pleading for an end update ever since 1.16 was announced. The end desperately needs an update-- its super barren right now and there is so much potential. It's difficult to do, I get that. It takes time, I get that. But, I think the fanbase would be much happier if they just mentioned its in consideration or something. I don't blame people for being a bit resentful when we get a new biome but its one nobody asked for, it feels like a bit of a slap in the face. Like "I know you've been begging for brownies for week but instead I got you a mini vanilla sugar cookie instead." It's nice, and we should be grateful, but also it isn't what we really wanted. And I say this as someone who loves the pale gardens biome and can't wait for the new wood type!
Speaking of pale gardens-- there is a lot of potential there, but some people aren't seeing it and I get that. I think Mojang will add new stuff in the coming months but some of my suggestions would be:
- wilting flower types, basically just retexture existing flowers to be wilted and they spawn in the pale garden, an easy way to add ambiance and make the pale garden more of a garden
- a reason to go into the biome. It could be a new drop, or something else, but there should be a reason people want to go into the pale gardens and specifically at NIGHT so they need to face the mob in order to get it.
- adding hanging regular moss in addition to hanging pale moss just adds to the consistency of the world and is super simple because again, they'd just need to retexture!!
Minecraft currently, IMO, is simply lacking ambiance and a feeling of life within the world. Best examples of when we got this were in 1.16 with the nether update-- everything felt so much more alive. We got pretty close with the warden in 1.20 as well, but less so. Yet, notice how these two recent examples are from either an underground biome or a different realm from the overworld. The overworld needs more ambiance now, and I think Mojang is stepping in the right direction with the pale gardens biome for it. The mangrove might be one example people are screaming into their screens while reading this-- but honestly, besides frogs, the mangrove doesn't have that much ambiance. Reeds and flowering lily pads could've been simple additions that would've made the mangrove feel more alive, for example. It all comes down to the feeling of life within the world. That's whats missing.
My biggest hope for drops is that some drops will just be mob vote losers getting added
ОтветитьI can't wait to use the creaking as a defense for my base, even though I can't play multiplayer.
ОтветитьIdm the new biome, I actually like it. I'd just love to see them adding some kind of fog for the atmosphere and a bit more variety to the trees
ОтветитьI'm still waiting for them to fix the bug where I'm placing blocks and it looks like they are there and I fall of a 100 foot high bridge im building in the nether
ОтветитьNgl, I think everyone just wants a end update. Of they did that everyone would lose it.
ОтветитьThe Creaking? What a god awful name and missed opportunity…
“The creaker” is waaay better.
As long as they add a new cool mechanic for players to use I’m happy with the update :) (like sculk sensors or Allays)
ОтветитьI think the biggest complaint is that it's essentially just a retextured dark oak forest. The creaking is very well thought out, but the rest of the biome seems to be an afterthought and as a reult feels very empty.
Take the regular dark oak biome, there's flowers and giant mushrooms. Pale versions of these wouldn't go amiss, they could add Lumina Pumpkins (white pumpkin variety), Maybe some "ghost" lilies. They also need to play into the uneasiness of the Creaking's eyes. The moss, or flowers should also mimic the eyes and glow in the dark at night time, giving you uncertainty as to what you're seeing. Mojang said they wouldn't add Fireflies since they're poisonous to frogs, so why not create fictional ambient mobs instead... "Mireflies" anyone? (google the definition of what a mire is, it would be quite fitting for this biome)
The Creakings themselves are useful too, but not when they despawn during the day, it's a missed opportunity to let nametagged Creakings persist during the day time, just yet more pointless limitations imposed by Mojang for no apparent reason which stifles new features being actually useful. There is still time to change since it's all experimental, it's just that Mojang rarely add new functionality to things and love to take it away, particularly if the issue (such as nametagging creakings) has already been addressed in a recent snapshot.
I'm not hating on Mojang, I think some of the ideas they come up with are really good, It's just unique, obscure and interesting game mechanics are always left undeveloped. The warden and the whole vibrations is about the only example of recent mechanics that have been well thought and fleshed out. I have a million different ides of tweaks and changes that can be made to make exisitng blocks and items actually interesting to use again.
I especially hate those videos about the pale garden hate because we literally have only one experimental snapshot to go with, plus mojang literally said that not everything will be announced at Minecraft live
ОтветитьMinecraft is getting it's own evil biome. Waiting for the altars to be added
ОтветитьPeople fail to realise these are behind an experimental toggle,like the trial chambers,more content will be added in the future,Stingy faultfinding community we dwell in
ОтветитьHonestly the new biome seems kinda lame, the trees color and enemy seems cool but i wish the trees themselves looked more distinct. Maybe make them taller and wider or something but atm they look to similar to other trees build wise
ОтветитьWell said Sir, yes, well said 👍👍 I totally agree wholeheartedly.
ОтветитьIt is somewhat hypocritical that you point out criticisms as subjective, but at the same time you agree with an update that does add subjective content. Well, the only thing it comes with is decorative things, blocks and decorative properties that many players will never (perhaps) use in the game. It adds nothing to the quality of life. However, I still can't understand how the content of the mushroom biome may seem poor to you, but on the other hand, the pale garden seems polished to you. The only difference is the creaker, which also lacks a solid purpose, or several.
And I understand that there is a possibility that they improve with the passage of snapshots, but that is not what it says in the title. The current state of the new biome is not good, it is mediocre. And if they call Mojang lazy for not improving the biome, it's because they are. They themselves took the initiative to keep the game alive for the next 100 years, and look how they execute it. They are the ones who said that the content they released was "more complex and polished" compared to the modders. It's even depressing how the community gives better ideas than the company itself. And they already have the income of the best-selling game in history along with the income of the matketplace so that they are not satisfied with releasing free updates, the purpose of one is to keep the game alive and not be vulnerable to future competitions, But what an argument you present, if that is called an argument.
abt the performance they've done quite a lot to improve it during the 1.19 cycle,, making mods like starlight obsolete.
ОтветитьThe fact that people are making this type of video is absurd, the Minecraft community needs to grow up and stop complaining, we’re not kids anymore, we will get the updates before we’re dead, don’t worry about it, just have fun and be patient, and if some of us don’t make it to that end update, I’m sorry but oh well. You got Heaven which is wayy nicer.
ОтветитьThere is a MASSIVE difference between criticism and complaining/harassment. There are genuine artists and developers behind the game that DO care about the game, and saying they're lazy and nothing more is just drowning out genuine criticism.
This community has become entitled and annoying to be in, update QUALITY and POLISH will always be more important. If you DONT polish content, you get stuff like the enchantment system, the original cave system, the combat system (both old and new) and the end.
Microsoft has practically infinite money they can just hire more people, we need more practical and game changing features. I love Minecraft and that is why I care so much. I would be fine if they gave the new mob a new game changing drop just like they did with the breeze, and I will be thoroughly disappointed if that mob releases with no drop. If you make a mob make it useful! Period!
ОтветитьWhen I saw the update, I just thought "oh that's neat!" - I remembered some of the more "spooky" mods some people like to play and this reminded me of that. When they showed off the redstone functions, I was covinced.
If what everyone's thinking is true, the community made Mojang stop hosting the nice little mob vote event and made them change their update cycle to one that seems, in my opinion, worse than what we had before. Now they hate what they themselves have created.
I have some problems with Minecraft and the monopoly behind it, but Minecrafts problems are the core gameplay loop, which Mojang doesn't and shouldn't change - and the monopoly behind it made pretty decent changes and lets you mod the game and host your own servers despite it not being free software. I don't get why everyone is complaining. At all. What do they expect?
HECK - the creaking could have been a mob vote contestant. Maybe they could have chosen another mob they like more... except they can't, since they killed the damn event.
I couldn't agree more. When I first saw the creaking and the pale garden, I thought it looked super cool! A new mob that encourages the player to interact with a different mechanic of the game other than attack? That sounds amazing! And the white wood set looks sooo good I wanna start using it immediately. I was so shocked to see how many people were upset about the fact that we were getting this because like, didn't 1.21 come out not too long ago? And yet everyone's acting like it's been a year and all we get is this still cool biome and mob with a much appreciated wood set.
ОтветитьI think there's two reasons people are being so hard on Mojang for their Minecraft Live 2024 announcements:
1. They announced two drops which likely be finished by the end of the year. (Bundles of Bravery might come out in October and the Pale Garden drop might come in December) It gives the impression that Mojang doesn't have anything else planned thus the whole "Mojang is lazy" argument.
2. The Pale Garden has a lot of potential that isn't being realized atm. The creepy vibe of the biome makes it clear that it's trying to be like the Deep Dark with its gloomy ambience and scary unique mob. However, the thing that makes the pale garden fall short for people is that it lacks any of the risk or reward that makes the Deep Dark so great. The creaking is not very threatening as the creaking heart can be broken relatively quickly and the creaking hits as hard as a zombie. Not to mention, the only reason to visit the biome is the pale oak wood. Once you get some pale oak saplings, you never have to revisit the biome ever again.
As for my thoughts on the whole thing, I want to wait for Mojang to cook with the pale garden before I give concrete opinions on the whole thing. I really hope it gets the armadillo treatment where it's kinda underwhelming at first but then Mojang listens to people's feedback and makes it so much better. I like to believe that Mojang will do that but we'll have to see.
im COMPLAINING because MINECRAFT is adding TOO MANY UPDATES!! I miss when it WAS 1.12!!!!!
ОтветитьPlz magic orange tree sap from active creaking hearts...I just gotta have my lava-vision potions
ОтветитьSomething being free doesn't put it beyond criticism, and free content on a priced base game is par for the course with a cultural powerhouse like Minecraft. They don't need to do desperate money hungry shit like premium currencies and battle passes, they're already on top and have no reason not to be. The continued releasing of free content keeps the game fresh and doesn't rely on loyal player bases 100% to keep the participating numbers consistent. That being said, I like the Creaking and I think it adds some good spice to enemy variety, block variety, and worldbuilding. But I heard the exact same brainless take you just spewed out in this vid used to defend PHANTOMS and other dumb shit created by the mob vote. We're allowed to complain when bad things are introduced to the game, and just the same as I hated phantoms, I'm sure some people hate the Creaking just as much. Also your argument about modding and previous versions comes from an advantaged standpoint. People that don't have the time to mod or are playing console-exclusively won't be able to just bootstraps any issue they have with the game away. Both you and I have had nuanced enough takes in the past to know that.
ОтветитьI just wished the updates effected the game in a more noticeable way, tbh it feels like theres no reason to even care past the new wood type.
Ответитьi've been extremely critical of Mojang's work for the past few years, but even I gotta say that this new update is fantastic! I love the creaking (though he needs to be a lot more dangerous)
ОтветитьThough I actually really like the pale garden and the creaking, I do wish there was an incentive to actually explore the biome besides for the wood. I am definitely going to go to the pale garden for the wood because I am a builder myself, but what about for other people? Maybe there could be abandoned structures with chests that have medium tier stuff, not too good like the ancient city. Hell, they could take the mansions that usually spawn in the dark oak forests and replace their wood with the pale oak and make it look a little more broken down, and I think I would explore that to. The snapshot barely came out though so we’ll just have to wait.
ОтветитьI fell out of my Childhood love for minecraft 4 years ago and never played it since. I've been watching your videos covering minecraft because you always had a very non-social media take on how it has been developed. The thing that always confused me about everyone who are very loud about minecraft updates is that, why do they treat the game like its the only thing they play? From the different games I play (Path of exile being the biggest example) the players expect to play the game for 1-2 months after every update (being big updates however) and then go to play a different game. I think that nowadays if you wanted to play minecraft and everytime there were a "significant" (I dont think a sandbox game needs to have big updates) amount of new content added, just wait for 3-4 updates before playing. At least that's my input as a gamer outside of minecraft.
ОтветитьPersonally I like the update, I think the mob is an interesting idea, and its actually interesting how you interact with it, but I do think its kind of a let down that the mob doesnt drop anything, and im not saying it needs to drop anything amazing, but like it could drop some pale oak logs and/or saplings and that would fix it. Personally I would like to see mojang go back and add mobs from old mob votes because that would fix a lot of the bad energy, or expand on some of the mobs that dont have much that they do like add more plants to the sniffer's pool.
me:the new mob isnt meant to be the warden that can one shot you most of the time its scare factor is its invincibylity you cant get rid of it unless you go on a wild goose hcase while he cannot die from anything you throw at it
me: maybe they are hiding its rewards to suprise you maybe we could craft a phalactery that gives us a same thing as him where you cant die unless the phalactery is broken
Can't wait to play it! I'll never be against a new biome :)
ОтветитьPersonally, I'm a bit miffed that they added an entirely new biome when the creaking and its pale trees could've been implemented into the already existing creepy forests of minecraft: the roofed forests. White wood in vanilla is peak though. As much as I tolerate/like birch, a lot of people have a passionate hatred for it.
Also, its "immortal until a block is destroyed" gimmick is great idea and they should've used it for the Warden aswell (you'd have to find and mine a skulkheart, but of course mining makes noise, which would aggro our friendly neighbourood abomination).
I am honestly 100% on board with this. Ive never had many issues with updates being smaller in the past so im completely fine with updates being smaller and more frequent. A lot of people complaining forget that they have to develop each update on 2 different verisons with different coding languages so im glad you mentioned that.
ОтветитьI can't remember how it's called but there is defenitly some congnitive bias that people tend to remember bad things more than good ones. Like I haven't thought "oh Mojang will add the drop later, they did it before" when I saw creaking, I thought "oh Mojang just added another mob without a drop, they did it a lot nowadays".
ОтветитьFacts !!!