ThiNK tHis noT quiTe bAd compared to the first 2 😬🤞😂😱😊 bUT stiLL iT’z noT good😞
THis is tHe 3RD VERSION oN a direcT reCordinG wHiLe peRforminG, 3rd Version OuT oF 3 (no edit) oN my actual remix oN THe original acoustic sOnG composition of my brother Eric T. Romo enTiTLeD " Sa Catadman " uSing onLy simple loop samplers from mY Pioneer DDJ-RX, a guiTar and oF kuRs mY nO pRactiCe vOcaL cHorDs 😩 mY apology oN maH siNgiN aS tHe miC don't have echo or FX effect, eXpLaiN paH mORe 😱😫😫😫
this sOnG iS sanG using our local dialect called " bisaya " of which tHe lyrics denotes abouT oUr sMaLL buT beauTiFuL viLLage called " Catadman " iN tHe noRthern town of Catmon, Cebu, Philippines. DepecTinG tHis pLace aS our comfort zone since childhood and wHere wE fOrmed friendship and wHere wE LeaRned and deVeLop ouR taLents aNd skiLLs in Order to suRviVe iN this PAASA WORLD 😳😫😊
“ Sa Catadman “ by Eric Romo (Dj LoNgSkiÊ REMIX tiK 3)