How to evaluate your doctor for heart health: Key metrics you need to know!

How to evaluate your doctor for heart health: Key metrics you need to know!

I Fix Hearts by Dr. Ovadia

1 год назад

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@jaludwick - 17.05.2024 14:26

I did the advanced lipid panel and my SDLDL is super high. Yellow is good. My triglycerides are low on glucose. Is it within normal limits? I’m getting a CAC in about a month so obviously a little concerned about my numbers. My blood pressure primarily stays below 130/85 although there will be times where it goes up, don’t know if it’s from anxiety or not. At what point do I consider taking medication? I’m currently on a carnivore diet last year pretty strict for six months last 20 pounds improved carnivore over the winter for the next six months but now I’m back on it.

@jeanpierre4969 - 22.05.2024 01:10

One thing I know for sure somebody is getting fired today.

@Optimizedforlife - 22.05.2024 04:27

Was recommended to take Plavic and to get off NSAIDS (Asprin) because to recently got to PRP injections for shoulders so no NSAIDs for 6 weeks. Now that it past 6 weeks is it safer to go back to baby asprin than Plavic?

@rhodahazelwood6761 - 22.05.2024 20:12

I have bern heavy meat based for over 2 years. Lost 55 lbs. I have a pace maker and now bern told I had an ashemic cardiac event. My refraction rate has dropped from 49 to 40 since 2019. They have scheduled me for a heart cath and possible stents on May 29 2024
Should I do this? Or should I give the diet more time?

@gayshook2793 - 22.05.2024 22:48

Very timely video! I have concluded that our healthcare system with a specialist doctor for each body part is just like that Hindu fable of the three blind men trying to describe an elephant. Nobody gets the whole picture! We just "excused" my husband's cardiologist because he TWICE ignored the vascular scan that clearly showed serious blockages. Our new cardiologist immediately called a vascular surgeon and the first of two problems has been dealt with. Finally, progress back to an active life! I've learned to be relentless.

@melissag3005 - 24.05.2024 03:17

Once you fine tune your diet is there really anything else to do? Set the cruise control and when the Good Lord calls you home you go.

@thesuev7621 - 24.05.2024 17:36

I’ve been on a carnivore diet for over six months now and I feel terrific and have reversed a few issues in my body. Of course my LDL went up a little bit to 136 and when we talked about statins, which I will never go on, I wanted to know if we could find out what kind of LDL and the density and they said they typically do not do those tests. Is there somewhere I can do this without my doctor’s prescription? Meanwhile, my triglycerides went down to 59 and A1c of 5.7. And the bloodwork also stated that the heart ratio of 3.3 is ideal and mine was down to 2.7. Why do doctors have to fight digging a little deeper? Of course it’s greed and corrupt.

@brandillysmom - 28.05.2024 07:31

Hell no my doctors never do what’s in this video! I’ve lost faith years ago…

@sapperstang - 28.05.2024 14:09

Thinking about firing my cardiologist.

@Sagesoulfree - 31.05.2024 23:15

Doctors for the most part have joined the profitmonger ranks. If they have to ‘touch’ you they go into a panic…all diagnoses made from mostly the only consideration.
My drs didn’t give one shit about my heart health. Or any other kind. I cant find one who does.
I’ve been told anyone over 60 esp women aren’t going to get appropriate medical care of any kind..anyway you toss it.

@Sagesoulfree - 31.05.2024 23:23

They don’t want early detection of anything. Not really. Depopulation is still a thing..I suspect. 😳

@khalidykhan113 - 05.06.2024 14:55

Hello Dr Ovadia, my name is Khalid, i would like to have an online appointment to consult my lipid, CAC score test result and heart issues. Please advise how can i get an online appointment and you clinic consultancy charges. Looking forward to hear soon.

@living_redefined - 08.06.2024 16:38

So far, I’ve had great success with my physicians being open to my info & requests. They have also been helpful in making sure labs & tests are covered by my insurance. It’s all in the documentation and how they choose to word it while remaining objective & clinically accurate.

@tamarabaker254 - 09.06.2024 00:50

I am a female who is 58 years old. I have been considered morbidly obease most of my life. I started carnivore a year ago. I'm down 81 pounds. I have a 120 more to go. About 9 years ago, I got pneumonia, and I was on an albeteral inhaler for 3 weeks it cause my heart to go into afib. They shocked my heart, and it was fine for about 3 years, then it went back into afib they shocked it twice, but it would never go back to normal. Four and a half years ago, I had a stroke while I had been on Eliquis for a year. A couple of weeks ago, I had a serious afib attack. Mind you, my heart has been fine on carnivore but still in afib. I'm just believing my heart will be healed with God and carnivores like Kerry Mann. Since then, my heart has been very crazy. My sleep apnea is worse, too. So basically, my heart has been in afib for 6 years. My cardiologist was against me doing carnivore but kept telling me I needed to lose weight, and I had tried everything for the last 7 years, and nothing has worked. So I just saw him he was impressed with my weight loss but would like for me to have an ablation. My question is if I say on carnivore and continue to lose more weight, will it heal my heart enough to get out of afib and not race anymore, or should I go ahead and have the ablation? It just seems so dangerous to me! Then again, can I wait a year because my heart is acting up? Thank you so much for your advice. I just don't know what to do and how carnivore will help me!!
Monday, I am having an echo done. When I had the afib attack, my doctor seemed to think it was just stress related.

@Roberto-cg2gr - 09.06.2024 03:27

Please create an International Heart Association to compete with AHA. Challenge the status quo guidelines ❤

@A.I.-uz4jg - 12.06.2024 00:52

That's a groovy shirt. Thank you for your work, Doc.

@bettesmith1117 - 12.06.2024 20:00

It's really unfortunate that if a CAC test is so important for assessing heart health than why isn't it covered by insurance? It costs 250.00 near me to get this done. Also, if a CGM is so important why can't I get one without such high monthly costs?? I would do both but it is too much money. Sad. And I pay hundreds of dollars a month in insurance premiums yet none of it is covered under it. Insane!!!

@EmilyGloeggler7984 - 19.06.2024 21:19

I’m still struggling trying to find a doctor in Maryland who will test my heart and vascular health.

@aluna_m888 - 20.06.2024 18:25

My doctors, they only follow the guidelines!!! And those are terrible guidelines !!! The System is overstretched, not enough time spent on one’s wellbeing, and medication is God!!!

@aluna_m888 - 20.06.2024 18:58

Great video and extremely informative!!!

@joanneclark8256 - 22.06.2024 08:27

Dr arlo heart surgeon so disappointed and disagrees with it all :(😢

@rogerscales2069 - 26.06.2024 14:01

Love Dr. Ovadia’s approach. I live in Dunedin Florida and would like a referral to a doctor who embraces Dr. Ovadia’s philosophy.

@michaelcooper5868 - 28.06.2024 04:27

Is there another way to know a calcium score instead of a CAC, if I already have several stents?

@christophermatt9153 - 29.06.2024 18:52

Is the carnivore diet safe for an elderly male who has had two heart attacks involving quintuple bypass surgery and then 3 stents? Heart attacks were a little over 5 years ago. I’ve been trying to do keto/carnivore diet and have been feeling pretty good. Neither my PCP nor my Cardiologist approve of my diet but like my lab work results

@buzsmith4591 - 04.07.2024 18:10

Great review as we see DR Cywes July 10th. As you know he supports all you shared. We, your team and Bruce and I are looking forward to you Folks caring for my Heart Health!😇🙏❤️

@helenhill9482 - 16.07.2024 00:35

Drs in the Uk all seem to be reactive rather than proactive, and even then, they don’t react when you have abnormal blood markers, telling us they’re all normal!!! They failed to pick up my pernicious anaemia for many years even after twice testing positive for intrinsic factor antibodies. During lockdown I had all the red flags for PA (low B12, low folate, high MCV and high MCH), but was told to lose weight and there was nothing wrong with me. I was severely ill and they still said they couldn’t do anything. I was diagnosed a year later by my endocrinologist! I’m so scared of their “lazy doctor by numbers, but then ignore the numbers and completely ignore the symptoms” type doctoring, that even though I’m worried about my heart, I’m reluctant to go and speak to them. I turned my metabolic health around two years ago - after the dr told me to lose weight. I did my research and went keto. I reversed T2D, NAFLD, hypertension and obesity and lost 98 lb. My dr said “congratulations, but stop what you’re doing right now. It’s dangerous. You need to go back to eating carbs again”!!! Stupidly, I took his advice and my HbA1c has been steadily creeping up again. I’m worried about heart failure as I get regular chest pains and palpitations and have developed a strange cough that comes out of nowhere and doesn’t seem to be triggered by something environmental. They don’t listen to my concerns whenever I do go to see them about something, and apparently all the local surgeries are as bad as one another. The hospital isn’t much better. I had to go to A&E (your ER) a while back with crippling chest pains. I waited four hours to be triaged, then another two hours before any tests were done, then it was 15 hours from arriving when they sent me somewhere else for more tests. Fortunately it wasn’t a heart attack, but had it been, I probably would have died in the waiting area. I’m so tired of the shoddy service, none of which is patient centred. They simply want to dole out big pharma medications to everybody rather than get to the root cause of the problem. They keep insisting I take a statin, but having been on one years ago and suffering really bad side effects, I refuse to take them. I don’t know what to do.

@roxannesheffield1272 - 16.07.2024 20:57

what if i have already have been diagnosed with cvd and had DVT years ago along with a liver transplant then heart bypass surgery , was put on statins and then diagnosed with diabetes which led to use of insulin. Since going on a ketogenic diet with my wife i have since stopped insulin and statins with the exception of zetia which doc insists on. Recent hospital stay found blockages and docs put in 2 heart stents. Feeling better but still uneasy about how to work with my cardiologist since he insisted to keep my bp low 40bpm with several medications that i know have many side effects plus he wants to use statins. also using coumaden for blood clot issues I am stuck with a complicated medical history and dont trust my cardiologist very much (also had pacemaker installed recently PLEASE ADVISE

@purringsounds - 24.07.2024 05:25

Are there music in the background??? There is annoying sound anyway

@neilreid9005 - 04.08.2024 16:01

No kidding. I had swollen ankles, couldn't lay down to sleep, and had zero cardio (was used to walking 4 - 6 miles a day). Doc said not to worry, it was allergies. Three weeks later had a triple CABG. Not the first time I've seen doctors really blow the diagnosis in my family.

@mwarsiful - 15.08.2024 19:11

is eating whole wheat bread is safe for hrart disease is brown rice and wild rice is better .I need your advise

@cesarlagodvlog9941 - 15.08.2024 23:06

Dr .stent is always the option if their are plaque in the arteries..?please advise as much as possible. We followed your instructions on life's style changes.thank you.

@cherifkara1127 - 17.08.2024 14:37

Because of my type 2 diabetes i am wondering if fruit are allowed in my low carb diet and if so how many portion a day. Secondly in my country meat is so expensive that i can t afford it as carnivore diet . Is there any way to replace it by any other diet. Thank you all

@smartyardhouston - 18.08.2024 20:50

Just don't think your gonna hire this doctor. This dude claims to be trying to help people. I tried getting a consultation with his clinic. And just to talk to one of his nurse practitioners and them read a blood test is $1000. No insurance accepted only cash money.

@HR-wd6cw - 27.08.2024 03:49

I think there is another side to this too -- the patient side as well. You have to listen to your doctor as well. You may feel like they are not telling you enough or doing enough, but I've seen some cases where the patient was "selectively" listening let's say. They wanted to hear the good, but ignored the bad" like when the topic of cholesterol for example would come up, and ways they can reduce that. Or they listen but don't act. So be sure that you're an active part of the discussion too. To a point, if the patient doesn't want to change, the the doctor can only do so much. So people should also keep that in mind as well. You can get all the good advice and have a good doctor, and yo ucan say "Yeah, I can do that" but if you don't, then really you're wasting people's time. You have to be proactive yourself, as well as your doctor, in actively maintaining and improving your health and I learned this a bit the hard way to be honest.

@fitch8363 - 08.10.2024 14:43

Word salad with remarkable lack of specifics.

@debjordan4399 - 19.10.2024 00:38

I taught my doctor that high HDL is not a marker for heart health. Got a CAC score and at 73 yo the score is "0".

@DRUMMINMOFO1 - 19.10.2024 03:38

Just signed up looking forward to starting my heart health journey!

@johnfloryan8535 - 25.10.2024 22:51

Please stop the annoying background music!

@donnieshepperson126 - 02.11.2024 07:04

Take niacin now

@kathleendory3536 - 07.11.2024 17:23

High triglycerides needs statins?Also high chlorestral ?

@michelleduncan9965 - 28.11.2024 02:04


@lindajohns7332 - 10.12.2024 07:11

Thank you so much for all this valuable information. I am a fit 76 year old female. It as discovered through a different teat that I had a small calcified plaque in the LAD. So I had a calcium score test and then the other test which shows up all plaques. so I have 2 plaques 25% and one place 25-45% plaque. I took my doctors advise and lost 10kgs. I changed my eating habit. No carbs and no sugar. I only eat 2 meals a day and I exercise and mix socially. My cardiologist put me on statins. Now 4 months later my LDL is 3 and all other lipids good. My HBA1C was high before and am just waiting for the results of another blood test 3 months on. Should I be on statins for the plaques or will my lifestyle change address this issue. I would really love to be off statins. blood pressure 120/70 and have been on metformin for 1 year 500mg. Please are the statins used for plaques or high cholesterol?

@bryontharp5790 - 24.12.2024 09:31

Crestor lipitor made me feel terrible so I quit now I feel alot better have twice the energy now .

@claytonhubbard612 - 26.12.2024 21:20

What if your doctor wait until you’re eligible for statins and pre-diabetic medicine before he addresses anything because as a patient sometimes we really just don’t know?

@claytonhubbard612 - 26.12.2024 22:27

Someone finding a new doctor that will give you personalize healthcare. How do you know who to choose because my current doctor does not do that. He won’t even take the time to explain medication or maybe even schedule your bloodwork before your doctors visit. He just wants the nurse to call and tell you what your blood work looks like instead of face-to-face discussions on it while the nurse send you in the prescription that he prescribed without explaining any of that prescription to you.

@SheilaMiesfeld - 06.01.2025 03:43

I had a stent placed over 2 years ago for 98% blockage and gave a 40 - 50 % blockage. I need help to know what is best for me. Thank you. I'm in Wisconsin.

@nedrag6 - 21.01.2025 19:16

95% of Cardiologists in the UK only deal in LDL and statins. None are trained in nutrition and few pay any attention to the evidence of the past 10 years around diet and heart health. I've been plant based for 8 years and my lipid profile has transformed. More than that, athletic performance has skyrocketed to the extent that, at the age of 60, I feel like i've been given a second chance at my youth. How and when will the wider medical profession catch up with reality?

@zevolfearizona2113 - 22.01.2025 01:55

Algorithm commen.
As with all videos I have watched so far, fantasic source of information for even my highly cynical mind.

@carmenross1077 - 27.02.2025 23:53

Thanks doc for your information and education, however I know you’re not in my State of Arizona, can you have a recommendation of cardiologist here in Arizona of your same mind of practice. Much appreciated ❤❤❤
