Imagine being the doorman that has someone filling in for them that day. Like, that should have been you
ОтветитьGreat documentary, would love one on the genocide of 1845 also known as the famine, where the British starved over a Million people and displaced a Million plus more.
ОтветитьSee, this is why i dont like Great Britian, very scummy way of gaining land, and then being surprised when they fight back, and doing more damage to the wider population that they could ever know in their apathetic brains.
Ответитьgod this channel s boring
ОтветитьNo North of eire excists, understand that in your bent history books
ОтветитьGreat video, very well explained 👍
ОтветитьWhat a good educational video
ОтветитьDudes last name was Butt, that’s insane.
ОтветитьIreland for the Irish.
ОтветитьThe conclusion brought up by that person mentioned at the end of video is the most mind numbingly centrist "lets all just get along!" take ever
ОтветитьWild that the Irish fought for nothing other then freedom and equality because they were being singled out just for the british to pass laws to make it easier to single them out, the British will never learn there lesson, went from an international powerhouse to getting whooped by non other then 2 thrown together untrained groups, 1 being the Americans in the 1700’s then again by the Irish in the 1900’s
ОтветитьThankfully where not here anymore if we wanna believe it or not we've more in common then anyone( from my own experience at home and traveling).... our islands and culture our under attack from outside right now!!!
ОтветитьSounds like modern day palestine
ОтветитьAs a southern Irish catholic i found your video and explanation to be completely spot on and accurately narrated.
ОтветитьThe brits really go arround the world setting countries on fire and ethnically cleansing people and moving others in and making sure to start wars that will last for centuries......they are like that bully kid from your school but if he was an Isis terrorist and as Einstein's and he loves to smell his own farts qnd pretended to civilize the planet although the most he ever invented was tasteless "food" and love island...and ways to kill and loot...and he is good at lying.
ОтветитьFree Ireland
ОтветитьIm fairly sure there is a whole pile of context I will never under understand, but seriously, what is it actually about between the protestant and catholics? Ive never understood what the beef was... if its actually in Jesus Christs name, Im fairly sure he'd lighting bolt both sides from each hand. my bus picked up from both catholic and protestant schools, and aside from the football feild and the color of our uniforms, we were all fairly decent mates. benefits of being a colonial I guess, can leave all that bullshit at home. our folks can be be bitter at each other, we can just be mates.
ОтветитьSouthern Ireland is way worse off. On paper they should be the wealthiest people in Europe; if not the world. Most multinational businesses are based there. But its a tax haven. And they do not pay tax, and do not invest in the country. So Ireland simultaneously has some of the world's wealthiest financial and business institutions. And rates of poverty only experienced in the poorest parts of Russia and Eastern Europe. Northern Ireland on paper is way poorer than southern Ireland. But in reality, rates of real poverty are way lower.
The "socialjusticedotie" points out near a million live in poverty out of a population of just over 5 million. This is from 2023 and recent figures paint an even more dire picture.
This is a direct quote from the website, and remember there is nearly always more poverty than that they aware of as many people hide it out of embarrassment and sociatal pressure. This means the true figure may be double this:
"671,183 people in Ireland are living in poverty, of which 188,602 are children.
143,633 older people are living in poverty, an increase of over 55,000 since 2021.
133,565 people living in poverty are in employment - the “working poor”.
Do a Google of the title "‘There could be two cars, but the fridge is empty’: Hidden poverty in middle-class Ireland'
For a true idea of the scale of hidden poverty in Ireland. A good read.
The irish voted for independence, the British empire divided the country there is no northern Ireland its a bastard state derived from British imperialism
ОтветитьWow! I was not aware that the IRA was still a thing back in 01! Wild!
ОтветитьMore like SurfShart nice scam sponsor, maybe do Established Titles or BetterHelp next
ОтветитьProtestantism is SHITE. most female dominated church in all of Christianity. ☦️
ОтветитьI do often find myself ashamed of the country i live in...
ОтветитьI would almost feel bad if the English didn’t support maintaining an imperialist presence in Ireland and still don’t care for the genocide they committed there.
ОтветитьBrits constantly stealing land
ОтветитьLove to see young men take an educated roll on politics.
ОтветитьThis period of time saw the arrival of ANPR traffic cameras in central London, to monitor the movement of suspected terrorists.
ОтветитьBoth my parents were almost blown up twice each in Northern Ireland, thankfully I wasn't born until 1984 when things were starting to quiet down in relation to "The Troubles".
ОтветитьIf Britain had never invaded Ireland nothing would've happened
ОтветитьNorthern Ireland exists because of the Ulster plantation because of Oliver Cromwell
Ответить"Rebelling irish lords" is utter bs
ОтветитьBluntly I don't get how people try to rationalise terrorism that's what this is that's what the IRA did, hamas, Al queda did bluntly nothing justifies targeting civilians, like the IRA literally took the same approach as Islamic extremists yet some people try to defend them. It's insane tbf what do you expect from the Irish they've always been pro terrorist so what do you expect. Like what makes the IRA any different from this two.
ОтветитьDifficult how? They wanted to dominate a people and ate the bill for it. Nothing else to it.
ОтветитьFun Fact: It was the Bishopsgate bombing which inspired the lyrics to the song "Zombie" which came to be The Cranberries most successful song in 1994.
Ответитьthey warned 10 bombs in ireland worth one in england sorry for the victims,but we had lots of innocent victims because of british invasion of a soveriegn country
ОтветитьMy dad was Living in a flat in waterloo he was in the bath and he felt a tremor and he heard the bomb detonate but he didn’t even think it was a explosion when it happened but then heard what it was on the radio and was in utter disbelief when he realised rip dad ❤
ОтветитьThe North of Ireland is made up of 9 counties, not the 6 in "Northern Ireland' as you are led to believe in this English man's film. This is a verifiable fact.
ОтветитьIt was the age old colonial divide and conquer, genocide, starvation, theft, culture removal and war that did not "begin on October 7th or with "the Troubles" but over 800 years ago with the initial invasion of Ireland.
ОтветитьDare you to watch an Irish documentary written and directed by an Irish person or any non colonial country, interviewing Irish people
Ответитьyour telling me the IRA had access to mortar?!
ОтветитьI was there during that. I got scrutinized everywhere because my last name is Kelly and I am an redhead. Course I was a clueless american. I remember trains would randomly stop and we would have to get off and find a taxi.
ОтветитьxDxExAxTxHx xTxOx City of London! xDxExAxTxHx xTxOx Rothschild!
ОтветитьIt's hard to convey now how much stress we experienced during this period. Living in London you had to always be ready to change your travel plans, be vigilant all the time and ready to have you bags checked wherever you went. It took a trip to the US on the eve of Bill Clinton's inauguration and the lack then of security checks and absence of security announcements to appreciate the pressure we were living under even though we were not conscious of it. We still had to experience the Canary Wharf bomb which we heard in Central London. The explosion had an aural quality I will not forget. One instinctively knew this was the sound made by a large bomb. Then shortly afterwards the cable channel based at Canary Wharf broadcast live video footage of the damage.
ОтветитьNorthern Ireland belongs to the Irish.
ОтветитьI watched "The Troubles" on my TV from London whilst growing up and then when I was 9, it entered my home. My father was killed in the line of duty at the Harrods Bomb. Insurance companies paid for buildings to be fixed, and their staff compensated, but the UK government are still ignoring pleas of help from families whos loved ones were defending the country for them at the time.
ОтветитьI love history documentaries like this but hate theres always comments justify killing innocent children for where they’re born. It’s sad cos most native Brits have shared English, Welsh, Irish & Scottish ancestry, love each other & one thing we all have in common is hatred for corrupt people in power.