Mini Primetime: After Dark

Mini Primetime: After Dark

Critical Role

4 года назад

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@aidanb.9423 - 07.08.2020 12:36

on days like this,, this was needed. thank you

@alexmeh5240 - 07.08.2020 13:18

This has big Mr. Rodgers energy.
Sincerly, major Mr. Rodgers×Bob Ross×D&D
Those who know "crayons' know.

@nicolasblin6124 - 07.08.2020 13:56

As relaxing this vid is, I will probably see Yasha's eyes in my nightmares...

@andrewt15 - 07.08.2020 16:23


@0xsmilesx0-12 - 07.08.2020 16:28

𝓦𝓱𝓸’𝓼 𝓼𝓶𝓮𝔁𝔂 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓮?

@ejectkid26027 - 07.08.2020 16:29

Damn, no wet pallette. Savage!!

@PaintBallMoves - 07.08.2020 17:02

watching this as a miniature painter, this makes me physically ill

@ammygamer - 07.08.2020 18:36

Maybe sorta unnecessary, but are the in-game minis going to get an update eventually? It would be really cool to see all of them in their late-campaign looks. They've come a long way.

@barryhill2836 - 07.08.2020 18:39

Unthinned paints it's making me cry :(

@owlsdragons906 - 07.08.2020 18:41

Thank you for this. Please post the music tracks, they are awesome! Thanks.

@MrGuitarguy16 - 07.08.2020 20:28

The image for the video made me think Robot Chicken made an episode for Critical Role lol

@gamegirlcz1697 - 08.08.2020 00:36

I'm not doing very well with catching up.

Well enough for this to still hurt tho 👌

@wolvo5441 - 08.08.2020 01:15

This is just so chill after a long day

@ghomerhust - 08.08.2020 02:13

an hour and a half of smooth jazz and painting minis? yes please!

@jozcofoz8560 - 08.08.2020 02:44

Is Matt painting these? Does he always do this?

@RJBynon - 08.08.2020 04:10

Good painting but those minis are god awful

@jasmine-ruff-puff9951 - 08.08.2020 07:02

So smol

@yeapeeplz - 08.08.2020 10:52

man it's been like a year??? two??? and i still tear up looking at mollymauk :(
it really hit me like a truck after watching the later episodes and then going back to the beginning

@Grebog - 08.08.2020 12:32

I think I just found my new nightly chill video as I try to sleep. So awesome and mesmerizing at the same time. It was very relaxing to watch.

@stabvest5262 - 08.08.2020 16:01

I honestly started smelling paint while watching this.

@khaosxangel - 08.08.2020 16:40

this makes me want to paint 😁 it looks fun and the finished minis look so good!

I like that the artist made them unique with lots of little touches, like the flowers/ petals on Jester, the blue fur on Yasha, and of course Molly's Coat of Wonders™. Fjord might be my favorite though because he looks hardened, like he's been through some difficult stuff and is just like "bring it! you can't break me!" even though he's a little mini and is easily broken.

I also really like the music 😅 so more than anything, thanks for the background music for when I do paint!

@RibbonThe - 08.08.2020 18:42

Wait. How did I miss this?

@notronsivart - 08.08.2020 23:06

Guys...turn this off and go watch Dr. Faust, Goobertown Hobbies, Miniac, Vincent Vinturella or any number of mini painting channels for amazing (but achievable) quality mini painting. If you are new to this hobby and are blown away by ain't seen nothing yet. I love you Critical Role...but please...find a new painter. I'm sure there are tons of fans that are amazing painters that would gladly contribute.

@TheGoondas87 - 09.08.2020 07:22

Beginners tip. Dont try to paint the eyes. Just do some dark shading in the eyes and then when you do your ink wash let that sink into the eye holes. Having dark shadowed eye holes looks far better than a bright colour seeping out from where the eyes are. Even experts have trouble getting eyes right.
If you do want to paint the eyes, dont try and do them white with a pupil because its almost impossible. Just put a dot of colour where the eye will be, then make sure your ink wash covers where the eye meets the skin.

@saphriaofhogwarts - 09.08.2020 08:01

This is so calming; I’m trying to settle in for bed, and this music is really comforting and chill.

@TheNewton - 09.08.2020 10:54

Wow what a large gathering of mini painting expertise here.
Aren't internet comments amazing?

@beaumoloney3684 - 09.08.2020 15:18

finally found a group of people to play d&d with on the condition i would be GM "i have never been a DM". i spent so long making a world story and a backstory for a villain. so i bought a custom paladin mini from hero forge waited 4 mounts for it to get delivered, spent a day painting it only to finish it and have it fall a inch off of a painting light to the table braking its glaive head off. Never been so heart broken before. was honestly surprised how weak the second tier plastic was. needless to say i spent another 5 hours finding a way to reattach it without superglue as i cant buy any with lock down issues the time and effort we put into our minis sometimes makes me question my sanity XD

@Indecisive864 - 09.08.2020 17:20

This put me in a trance

@Golden_Spider666 - 10.08.2020 06:02

Don’t know what it is about this music but it’s very staticy on my headphones

@takana5927 - 10.08.2020 12:25

Will Friedle is a painter?

@SuyePhoto - 11.08.2020 20:26


@PirexianStalker - 11.08.2020 21:25

You gotta thin down that paint D:

@G4zzose - 12.08.2020 14:41

so, what's it like being married to Laura Bailey?

@syazamuzini3299 - 14.08.2020 10:29

Thanks a lot for the tunes! Been putting it on while wrapping gifts for an event!

@arc5292 - 15.08.2020 18:51

Great work!

@robinstegbornblixt850 - 18.08.2020 17:31

I was hoping that Mini Primetime would truly be Will Friedle passing on what he learned in Painter's Guild and on his own to the cast of CR but it wasn't really that. More of a comedy/parody with some painting backdrop. Not saying this show is bad, but it's hardly compelling from a miniature painting perspective.

Anyone else who really want a show that is a more serious attempt to introduce the members of the team to the painting hobby?

@annafantasia - 20.08.2020 22:32

Sincerely, thank you for giving the people what they asked for -- or at least, giving me what I asked for :D MORE PAINTING FOOTAGE! Hoorah!! <3

@MatCumb91 - 22.08.2020 18:13

What paints are used in this? Thanks

@CyberVic - 27.08.2020 00:36

The priming job on these mini makes me want to cry.

@eabe_7397 - 05.09.2020 09:35

I'm just pissed off. WTF first time I bought these things it said limited... Now they reprint them. Fuck... I call BS lairs.

@Kairania - 10.09.2020 19:59

watching the parts with the molly figure to see how much pain i'm going to be in when I start on my set .. Taliesin.. you glorious bastard.

@tstymctst - 12.12.2020 14:49

So did I miss something, or are we really out here not crediting the music at all?

@princemills6022 - 26.05.2021 07:14

I miss Mini Primetime with Will FreeDeli 🥺

@andrewl9191 - 04.08.2021 20:26

I'm slightly wondering about doing this without a wet palette, since that's what I always hear about. I've definitely had paints dry out during the painting session, but I suppose if you're just working with them for short bits, it's probably not necessary.

@no698 - 02.09.2021 04:08

Where would you get custom minis like this?

@howmaneverton9630 - 03.11.2021 16:19

this is soemthing u might not know... you can add water to the paint.

@DarthRioBarbossa - 17.02.2022 01:15

All that's missing is the soothing voice of Mister Rogers gently explaining each step in simple, easy-to-understand language

@fernandod4046 - 06.11.2022 06:36

I miss Will...

@vjeranjanes5783 - 12.04.2023 21:48

Damn, Ian Phillips, little brother of China Phillips, really outdid himself in this one.
