Logan Almost Opened With *THAT* X-Men Scene

Logan Almost Opened With *THAT* X-Men Scene


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@nicksketch7122 - 25.05.2017 14:47

It is insanely TRAGIC that Logan did everything he could to change the future for his friends, but in the end nothing changed and instead of Wolverine & Proffesor X dying by The Sentinels, they died because of X-24, Xandar Ryce, & Donald Pierce.

@carlosmondragon6639 - 25.05.2017 01:27

Logan is stupid. so he goes back in time to save the X-men from being killed, years later they die anyway? waste of money. I'm glad I never saw the damn thing. X men movies are shit. not good shit bad shut like mama June with diarrhea on a hot summer day

@spencerschannel4842 - 22.05.2017 05:57

I mean, I liked the original cast and am kind of pissed they just got some off-screen death.

@chandler4880 - 22.05.2017 05:23

All those who are asking how he took down the heavy hitters in the comics, while still not the best explanation the comics gave us it was they were his friends so they tried till the very end to not harm him or at least avoid serious harm, trying to just break through to him and reason for him to stop

@mikes5637 - 21.05.2017 22:38

I would have liked some kind of prologue so I wouldn't have spent the first 15 minutes thinking "wtf? " Ultimately one of the best 'X' movies and one of my favourite of 2017 so far, but was distracted at the start trying to remember if I'd missed a movie, lol!

@kavy1017 - 21.05.2017 18:05

It's weird that none of them tried to fly away and attack from a distance (especially storm)

@marcosrecio4062 - 21.05.2017 08:23

It feels like such a waste to give us a happy ending with te old cast in DOFP only to say a few years later "Yeah,they all died horribly"

@AlienSpy5150 - 21.05.2017 07:44

he couldn't have killed phoneix that easily

@mijocee9084 - 21.05.2017 07:19

Fun fact: that girl with a red backpack running with Laura is her stunt double.

@Montesama314 - 21.05.2017 05:27

I wouldn't want that moment in the movie for multiple reasons:
1) It would have been too much killing at once to the point that it makes the audience apathetic to future deaths, expected to be on that scale;
2) It isn't really believable even as a comic flashback; and
3) As the director said, would have redirected the focus of the movie.

@Toxic_Sovereign - 21.05.2017 04:41

the cartoon shows were better than the movie series

@canjliv3 - 21.05.2017 04:41

if im not mistaken they say on the film that the mutant virus was purposely set loose which exterminated the entire mutant species so.....

@willpaulson8417 - 21.05.2017 03:35

I would have loved to see it, even if they included it as a feature in the Blu-ray.

@dallasforsberg1 - 21.05.2017 02:37

I never knew Logan's last name was Swanson

@persianking44 - 21.05.2017 01:53

Sometimes, it's better to just leave things as being nothing more than heavily implied as to what happened, and how it happened.

Especially since it would have confused audiences if Mysterio did trick Logan into killing the team, since he's a Spiderman villain and all, which would thus mean he's MCU, and it would have been extremely out of character for Logan to just randomly kill the people he cares about.

@harryazarif - 21.05.2017 01:44

Cant wait to this mobie was come

@zanegardner6488 - 21.05.2017 01:00

Apocalypse was awesome

@casualcynic1758 - 21.05.2017 00:31

Is Deadpool still alive in Logan? If Logan could withstand it Wade could.

@princetushay - 20.05.2017 23:50

Whats more sad is the fact we witness Marvel kill off the X-Men franchise and it would be pointless to do another X-Men movie

@rhettgedies7467 - 20.05.2017 23:47

Dang, that would have been a crazy scene. Get all the original trilogy actors back and then have them brutally killed.

@starwarsroo2448 - 20.05.2017 23:24

I think Halle Berry, Famke Hansen and James Marsden got shafted in the X-Men franchise in general. Would've been nice see what happened to Mckellen's Magneto too.

@TevyaSmolka - 20.05.2017 22:45

I agree I think it makes sense for them to no show the x-men

@TranscendentLion - 20.05.2017 22:40

Wow, shit - so, Mysterio's much more than a slightly silly villain (granted, I'm not familiar with the comics, but he's never struck me as an overly dark character, despite his powers).

@OhThatKwik - 20.05.2017 21:26

SPOILER ALERT! "Oh let me click off of this video bef..." THE XMEN ARE DEAD AND PROFESSOR KILLED EM! WTF IGN???

@jess-jess6048 - 20.05.2017 21:11

The movie Logan had nothing to do with the comic and drew no inspiration. The only similarities they have is that Logan is old. This has been stated in a couple interviews

@kiyasuihito - 20.05.2017 20:30

he's a good director!

@captaintaco2345 - 20.05.2017 20:10

I got an ad for Logan

@ourevilone - 20.05.2017 20:06

Logan was a good movie but damn I felt so depressed afterward

@Fruitarian. - 20.05.2017 19:42

this all depend to fox

@RollingOrmond - 20.05.2017 19:33

Logan was a manic-depressive, completely miserable movie with a few good fight scenes. Super-hero movies don't all have to be dark, horrible stories designed to rub your face in the shit of the world for two hours. God forbid they make you forget your problems for awhile. Hopefully this will be revealed as some alternate reality spun by some Goth teen mutant. Should have stopped with DOFP; at least Hugh had a happy ending with that one.

@YohAquino2 - 20.05.2017 19:04

Blu ray extended cut?

@jeebs621 - 20.05.2017 18:58

My thing is, Jean grey was alive at the end of days of future past, so how could Charles even kill her. Wouldn't she have stopped him, I mean she did kill him at one point?

@bornwisedistruction - 20.05.2017 18:55

I love the storytelling used in old man logan but the fact that Wolverine's abilities are heavily discounted like his strong sense of smell he couldn't pick up his friends scents that he's spent so many years around through illusions???? especially of all people Mysterio.

@alfonsonavarro6328 - 20.05.2017 18:37

Logan the worst movie have I ever seen

@Anthony-zz9nk - 20.05.2017 18:17

disappointed me that they didn't open the movie with the scene it was what I was looking forward too. oh well the movie was still 10/10

@Bloodynugget30 - 20.05.2017 18:03


@todaystrends494 - 20.05.2017 17:52

So did Logan kill Magneto ?

@watchulookinat271 - 20.05.2017 17:26

god just had to turn it into a R18+ movie?

@fvkijay - 20.05.2017 17:22

This movie really needed more brutal violence.

There was just too much enticing plot.

@jblaze5194 - 20.05.2017 17:19

"There's no more guns in the valley"!-!

@AnthonyAnalog - 20.05.2017 17:18

Glad it wasn't in the movie. Ian Stewart played such a heart wrenching character as it stood, that it was more impactful to see that.

@gregbroadhurst9503 - 20.05.2017 17:00


@LegoMyEggo12321 - 20.05.2017 16:41

Logan made me sad but it didn't make me cry. The ending wasn't really good.

@MoFiTheMagnificent - 20.05.2017 16:24

this movie was so sad

@shiki219 - 20.05.2017 16:06

it was supposed to be Logan who killed them

@shiki219 - 20.05.2017 16:05

he killed the X-Men

@Cypheq - 20.05.2017 16:01

I thought that when he said it almost started with That scene in the title I thought he was talking about the intros to the X-Men movies lol

@DougyFreshGames - 20.05.2017 15:49

Hey Scott, what's up dude?

@BigBoss-sr7iv - 20.05.2017 15:45

That scene would've actually made the movie way better it would've made the struggle of Logan professor x seem greater and more emotional

@superamishguy - 20.05.2017 15:37

good move
