Royalty-free songs that are made using AI generators like WolframTones. And some of them I made using Aria Maestosa and Image2Midi. But the songs were in 20/30/40 seconds so that means it's okay.
Songs List:
00:00 A Child's Pain
00:29 Diamond Alert
00:59 Green Splats
01:30 John is Gone
02:00 Life of a Homeless Guy
02:31 Marsh Madness
03:01 Midnight Television
03:32 Monster Girl
04:02 Resistance is Fragile (2019)
04:27 Resistance is Fragile (Alteration, 2019)
04:54 Sapphire on Fire
05:24 The Worst Idea
06:02 Tora's Weight Problem
06:32 Toxic Girls
07:03 Unholy Hector
07:33 Ventured Vince
08:04 Vixen
08:35 Was it Jeremy's Fault?
09:05 Welcome to Boredom Town
09:36 Yellowish