Jazak Allah khair
Ответитьreshape your manners....... not your nose! 🤣
ОтветитьVery beneficial for me. Jazakallah khair.
ОтветитьWhere can I get the notes?
Ответитьجزاكم الله خيرا
ОтветитьMay Allah bless you and your family. May Allah accept all your good deeds. May Allah protect you and your family from all kinds of evils. May Allah grant you Janattul Firdowes. JazakaAllahu Khayran
ОтветитьJazakallahu khairan! May Allah protect you and increase you in knowledge.
ОтветитьWe love you Sheikh for the sake of Allah, May He Azzawajal Gather us all in Janatul Firdaws.Having a fresher comprehension of this master Dua!
ОтветитьThanks a lots for explaining the most important in the life for people, very helpful and much appreciated, may Allah bless you in this life and in the next Ameen, I love you for the sake of Allah, jazak Allah kairan shaikh 👍👍👍💖💖💖
ОтветитьJazakallahu khayran Akhi Barakallahu feekum Akhi sheikh Abu bakr zoud May ALLAH SWT grant us jannat il firdous
ОтветитьJazaka Allah khayran ya sheikh
ОтветитьJazakiallahu khairan
ОтветитьAllahu Akbar
ОтветитьI can't wait for you to keep teaching ya ustadth
ОтветитьAllah humma baarik dearest beloved shiekh may Allah subhaanahu ta aala bless you and all your family with the highest ranks of jannatul firdous Al aalaa Aameen 😥🤲💝 we really appreciate all the beautiful beneficial knowledge that you teach us in order to boost our emaan Alhamdulillah JazakAllahu khayrun wa Ahsanal jaza Allahu ilayk shiekh habibi 🤲💝🤲😥👍🤝✌️💎💯😭
ОтветитьjazakaAllahu khair sheikh wat a beautiful series
ОтветитьAlhamdulillah! Great Session sheikh! Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing the beneficial knowledge each day with us! We appreciate you! 🖤💚
ОтветитьExacty , let continue with Tarbiyah , Masha Allah may Allah bless you , have learnt alot from you .🙏
ОтветитьSimple way to do a 1000 good deeds⏬
Narrated: Sa’d bin Abu Waqqas (RA): “We were with the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (when he asked, “Is anyone of you unable to earn a thousand good deeds?” One of those present asked: “How can one earn thousand good deeds in a day?” He (صلى الله عليه وسلم (replied, “By saying: SubhaanAllaah a hundred times, then one thousand good deeds will be recorded for him or one thousand sins will be blotted out from his record.” [Muslim]
Ya sheikh Abu Baker Zoud Jezakellahu keyiren jeza fi duniya well akira
Ответитьwealeykum aselam werehmetullahu webrekatu
ОтветитьJazakAllah khairan 💗