Algorithms and Data Structures Knowledge to Get a Python Job?

Algorithms and Data Structures Knowledge to Get a Python Job?

Real Python

7 лет назад

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@itonva3247 - 09.08.2017 21:35

Great video (Y) I really appreciate your work and advices :)
You just proofed that the sub I gave you wasn't pointless :D

@ProjekatTest - 09.08.2017 23:48


@jaylansiquot6130 - 10.08.2017 01:54

Great video, thanks for taking the time to make it !

@mortenroad09 - 10.08.2017 02:53

You rock brah, thanks for the tips. Cheers from Argentina!

@archer981225 - 10.08.2017 07:33

the one thing i hate is doing in white boards most programmer hate that do that

@architjain6749 - 10.08.2017 10:37

The guy in the video looks like Benedict Cumberbatch:D

@peterjvoah7463 - 11.08.2017 06:17


@rohanpatil8417 - 11.08.2017 20:54

Great Video...I am on my way.. learnt all major sorting algorithms...

@journeytoprogramming5289 - 27.08.2017 08:43

This is Eissa over at Journey to Programming. I definitely agree with your view on the topic. I've had similar discussions with colleagues, and usually have a similar view on the knowledge being important and a great benefit to any developer. Great video and explanations/examples!

@fer-torres - 31.08.2017 17:02

Dan Bader, thank you for the useful insights. You mentioned that you studied in Germany. Would you say that this proofs of data structures are being asked in german firms as well, or is there any other way they evaluate there?

@qwaszx822 - 01.09.2017 01:31

Yet another great video by Dan :) Questions like, "what if I don't know those important stuff (algorithms, data structures, math) perfectly", "Should I start learning them then come back to real coding" were always worrying me. After watching this video I kinda feel more confident and motivated. Thanks Dan, really appreciate!

@sugarcaneross - 06.09.2017 16:18

Fantastic introductory video to your channel for me. Very excited to see what else I can learn!

@cognitionignition - 17.09.2017 21:19

Dan, thank you for this. Super helpful as I was trying this weekend to decide how deeply to dive into data structures and algorithms during the autumn. Greatly relieved to find out that it isn't necessary to, e.g., read Donald Knuth cover to cover -- at least not at this point in my learning!

BTW, each of your videos that I've watched so far has had a very high signal-to-noise ratio, while also being engagingly delivered. Great work, and thanks again.

@xxnotmuchxx - 29.10.2017 08:34

About how much time would it take to get a python job that is not related to javascript/ css/ and html?

@chinmaydas4053 - 09.12.2017 06:31

You are doing great job and very unbiased reviews.Sir,what is the best programming language to learn data structures and what is the best programming language to learn algorithms??..please suggest me...

@hugh284 - 02.01.2018 07:48

Thanks for distilling this topic down to the essentials.

@imtk - 28.01.2018 22:33

Benedict Cumberbatch is also a master in Python lol
Thanks for the video Dan! :)

@mikeg9b - 09.03.2018 22:44

I think the key perspective is "diminishing returns."

@yashasvi2 - 14.05.2018 19:53

are you dr strange?

@AnthonyMcqueen1987 - 18.06.2018 02:10

Excellent advise Dan

@mb-le9en - 07.10.2018 07:35

do you have a job in this industry, or are you one of those people who are just marketing?

@gemmajames-smith5195 - 05.11.2018 20:36

Have watched a few videos, great content. Thanks. However the videos are too long given the amount of info divulged. Kinda feel like I watched you for ten minutes thinking of what to say next with 6 minutes of content. Sorry.

@Hiillevii - 07.11.2018 17:58

Super useful, thank you!

@with-jan-mohammad - 10.01.2019 06:35

Thank you

@ChristofferEricsater - 17.01.2019 03:10

Is very comforting in ones strive to continue coding to hear you talk so openly about yourself and stay simpleminded and straight forward in what one can achieve no matter ones math skills. I actually gonna study math again because now I really enjoy understanding it while programming thanks to your videos!

@07camelott - 26.02.2019 00:47

Wassap my gidede boulders

@mrityunjayahiremath3951 - 20.03.2019 17:13


@yashsolanki069 - 24.06.2019 23:17

please recommend some resources or website to learn DSA for basic understanding & job interview !

@DopeCameL - 19.11.2019 21:35

hey man do you use patreon? would be great to be able to get premium content like maybe tutorial and stuff, great vid very reassuring!

@dsinghr - 04.06.2020 05:59

I work as python developer and only used dictionary, sets,lists and tuples for 90% times. Collections module provides counter, deque, ordered dicts, namedtuple, default dicts cover remaining 10%. Extending these is pretty simple as well by overriding few dunder methods. But I use python only for devops and building data pipelines. You dont build anything from scratch but always use some framework e.g. apache beam for stream processing or Pandas or Spark etc. They already have all data structures defined. Why you want to reinvent the wheel ?

@davidignatius1 - 06.06.2020 17:13


@afghaniiit5627 - 10.06.2020 09:27

Is there any advantage of learning Data structure in C/C++ instead of Python ??

@anonymusk9397 - 26.06.2020 17:19

Can u please tell me what are the important data structures and algorithms in python to get a job at fang companies.please🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@8koi139 - 08.12.2021 20:10

Also about engineering thinking, as Elon said "It's about boil the problems down to its fundamentals"
Performance and when to use it, VS what's faster, why, under the hood performance?
Dynamic array
Linked list
Hash map
Aprox ~
